Open A Quiet One

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Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (16)
Telling his head of house about the loss of his hearing hadn't really changed much. he was sure it had filtered to his professors who had given him a little more time in the exams practical elements, and used methods other than speaking to give him the instructions. It had helped bring his grades up. But it didn't help him overall. He wasn't going home for the break, unwilling to really face his parents and tell them. He was bascially an adult now, but it didn't leave him without worries of losing them. Of them being so annoyed with him that they kicked him out. But he had come to the dance, he could make out a little of the music, but it was like it distant, in another room. He had no friends, but he always tried, and at least now, he could just tell people who bothered him, that he was deaf and that would make them move along. He found a table, with some snacks, and just watched things.
Tempest always liked to hit up the snack tables at the dances, mostly because she felt like the kitchens slacked on good food options the day of the dance. She had already taken her heels off, as they looked cute with the outfit, but there was no way she could walk in them all night. As she found herself near the snack table with the shoes in one hand, she noticed there was one snack left and another student was standing near it. "Can I take the last one?" she asked.
Gregory didn't hear the girl or notice her until he moved his head a little and spotted her right next to him, and he wasn't sure what she'd been asking, if anything. He looked at the fact she was holding her shoes and just nodded, thinking that was safe. "Sorry, I can't hear well," he said, speaking at a normal volume, though he likely should've aimed for louder, he found it difficult to tell. It was also somewhat under playing the level to which he couldn't hear, but at the very least he wasn't lying.
Tempest wasn't sure if the boy couldn't hear because of the music, which didn't seem terribly loud to her, or for some other reason. She cleared her throat and pointed at the sweet. "Do you want that?" she asked loudly. Maybe he didn't care. Tempest picked it up, holding the wrapper around it.
Gregory still couldn't hear what she said, but she held up the sweet and then said something, and he just shook his head, that seemed like the answer to give. He didn't want it, and he hadn't really noticed it either, so he could assume she did. Shaking his head seemed like the way to answer it. "You can have it," he added, hoping that was right and that he didn't end up with the sweet.
Charlotte walked past the two older students on her way to get a drink.
Tempest smiled and took a bite of the treat. She had seen the boy around, but she wasn't sure of his name. He didn't seem to be very talkative. "Are you here with someone?" she asked. She had been asking others to kind of keep tabs on who might be dating, as it may come in useful in the future.
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