A Quiet Escape, France

Maximus Strauss

Well-Known Member
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather

[Scene: Just outside of the town of Vannes in France is a beautifully quaint wizarding village Bazille named after a very famous French wizard who bravely fought in the wizarding wars on the side of good and later did much in the way of changing laws in
the French Ministry regarding the rights of magical creatures. Just on the edge of this village is an old cottage with electrical cables running above. These of course have no electricity what so ever coursing through them, they are just for show as muggle tourists constantly pass through. Living in this particular home are Constance Brade retired nurse from Beauxbatons academy and Merrina Brade retired orphanage matron. With the sisters live their adopted twin boys; Maximus and Alexius Strauss. It is summer time and the boys are home on vacation. Max has been granted permission to have Zoe-Hope Weasley over for a weekend. His guardians are thrilled, his brother is not.]

Maximus walked back into the guest room and scratched his head, it looked fine. It did yet he was sure something was missing. The room had been charmed to appear more... girlie for the benefit of his guest, otherwise the room itself was actually his own. He for the duration of Zoe-Hope's stay would be camping out in his brothers room, much to Alexius' annoyance. The bed had been freshly dressed, the room aired to save her from the distinct male sweat smell and foot odour that seemed to linger no matter what. This time at least himself and Constance had managed to make it fresh smelling. He closed the door for the umpteenth time, he was nervous and it was understandable. Twice already he had showered and changed, never sure if he looked over the top or under dressed for the occasion. It was the first time after all that a girl had been invited to the house, it was the first time he had even wanted to invite a girl here. Finally settling on jeans and a white top Max hoped he was at least somewhat presentable.

He had already driven Constance and Merrina completely mad with his tidying up everything three times no matter whether it needed it or not. They thought it adorable that he had such a huge crush on someone but of course would not say this aloud for fear they would be told otherwise and then not be left into his confidence anymore. A noise at the door made him turn his head abruptly.
"I'll get it!" he practically ran headlong to the front door, took a deep breath and opened it.
Butterflies were in Zoe's stomach as she had just apparated to the town where Maximus was from. It was a wizard village, so she knew she had not to worry about being seen by a muggle. She took out the slip of paper from her bag that had the address in it, and counted out the numbers on the houses until she found a cute, stone house. She walked to the front door, and was just about to knock on the door, but instead, she looked down at the sundress she was wearing, wanting to make sure that it was perfect for when she met Max's guardians. Taking a deep breath in, she knocked on the door, and had both her hands in front of her, with her large bag in them. She was a light packer, just putting in a few outfits and two extra pairs of shoes.

Almost instantly, the door opened, and Zoe was a little surprised that it had been. She smiled, and gave Maximus a big hug. "Hi Maximus. I couldn't wait to come over, but I was a bit nervous." She said, her voice a little shaky. She had never been so nervous in her life, and was almost never at a loss for words. For some reason, she was at that moment.
The nerves had been building all morning long, if he was honest with himself he would have to admit that they had been building since she had agreed to stay. The door opened and she stood there smiling at him before she embraced him in a warm hug. Startled at first he could barely react and then his hands were about her as well. Holding her close and enjoying the first proper feel of her in his arms. There was something so right about her being there, releasing her with great amounts of hesitation Max pushed some hair from her face as he smiled down at her. She really was beautiful and yet no matter how much he had tried to picture her he could never do her justice.

As she admitted to being nervous he laughed and ushered her in closing the door behind her and taking her bag from her.
"Well join the club then, I've been a bag of nerves myself" there was no point in hiding the fact, he knew full well that either Constance or Merrina would blurt it out accidentally anyhow and if they didn't his brother was sure to remark on it.

"Come on through the family are dying to meet you, I'll show you to your room after that" he reached over and took her hand in his, smiling at her as he did so.
"I'm glad you're here now" he whispered to her as they entered a cluttered looking room It was of course the sitting room but chintz sofa's and armchairs and drapes of every imaginable color and design crowded the room. It looked and felt homely with all the coffee tables, library shelves and rugs. There wasn't an inch of space that had not been used somehow. As homely as it was it took a moment to get used to, it almost perplexed the eyes to look at it first time. Lost amidst the clutter were two elderly women who stood immediately on seeing the girl, bright smiles on their faces. Elbowing each other speculatively as they saw the young ones holding hands.

"Zoe-Hope these are my mothers, Constance and Merrina".
Taking a big sigh in, she was released from Maximus' embrace. She smirked when he too admitted to being nervous. She let him take her bag, and her fingers then became entangled with his as he led her into the sitting room, where his mothers were waiting with friendly smiles on their faces. "I'm glad I'm here too." She whispered back to him just as Constance and Merrina stood up to greet her. "Hi, nice to meet you, Constance and Merrina. Thank you very much for allowing me to stay here for the weekend. It was very kind of you." Zoe said starting to blush so much, that her cheeks were turning as red as her hair. She stood for a split second, not sure if she should shake their hands, or what, but then she let go of Maximus' hand, and went and shook hands with his guardians, a small, cheeky smile on her face.

Her nerves had calmed, and she turned to Maximus, a little confused. "Didn't you say you had a twin brother, too?" She asked, cocking her head to the side, and allowing her bright red hair fall to her right shoulder. She moved a little towards him, and positioned herself so she wouldn't have her back to his mothers, but was still facing him. She took hold of his hand again, and gave him a small smile.
Max had to stand aside as Zoe-Hope went to shake the women's hands but he knew they wouldn't just leave it there. She was no sooner back at his side and holding his hand then the two clapped their hands almost squealing like two little teenage girls and bustled over to hug her. He couldn't help chuckling and stepping aside, keeping a firm hold of her hand.

"If both of you can bare to part with her for a minute, I'll show her to her room" he winked at them both as they realized they were being extremely over the top, but it wasn't every day one of their boys brought a girl home to visit. They thought she was only lovely and so polite as well. Max turned to Zoe-Hope with a smile.
"Come on I'll show you where you'll be staying" giving her hand a gentle squeeze he walked upstairs. Leaving Constance and Merrina to dote about the girl with gushing velocity.

"My brother is around don't worry. You'll meet Alex soon enough but if he gives you a hard time straight off the bat, just ignore him. The rest of us do" he brought her to an average sized room decorated sparsely but neatly. It wasn't too girlish, Max had made sure he toned down the amount of frills and lace his mothers had been insisting on. It was in pastel shades of cream and green. Placing her bag on the bed he finally let go of her hand, looking about the space that was actually his own.
"I hope you like it, it's not much but well, it's all yours for the duration. Constance chose the colors, Merrina insisted on the lace so sorry if none of it's to your taste".
Zoe was a bit surprised when Constance and Merrina hugged her, but she embraced them just the same. What a welcoming family, Zoe thought to herself as Maximus led her to the room where she would be staying. She looked around at the pale green and cream with the lace and frills. It was cute, but the room wasn't necessarily her taste. "Thanks. I'm really looking forward to our summer together, France is a really wonderful and beautiful place." She said as he put her bag down on her new bed, then she walking towards Maximus, and she grabbed hold of both his hands.

"The colours are fine, I don't even know what my taste is. It was really sweet of your mothers to care." She said, looking up at him, her green eyes glimmering, but then her eyes became bloodshot red, she was tearing up. It sort of made her miss her own mother, though she was past the point of crying. She passed that point when she was about 13 years old, but for some reason it made her cry that she never got the chance to say good-bye, and that she was never told the real reason how her mum died.
Alexius was shut up in his room bouncing a small ball on the ceiling and catching it as it fell back to him. He lay on his bed brooding that he had to share his small space with his brother. Max actually had a girl come to stay which ticked him off no end. He seriously couldn't believe that Constance and Merrina had agreed to it. Typically he had put up plenty of reasons why the girl should not be allowed stay, raging hormones was the most obvious one that had gotten their mothers thinking. It had been hilarious that they had spent the best part of two days charming or hexing the bedrooms so that it would be impossible for Max to sneak into Zoe at night or vice versa. Max had been incensed of course but Alex could care less. He heard the door downstairs and Maximus rushing to answer it. He laughed the guy was a freaking walking cliche. Tempted as he was to go down and see what she looked like he didn't bother until he could hear them eventually next door talking.

Sliding off his bed he opened the door to his own room and walked over to the open door of Max's bedroom. Leaning against the door he got an eye full of a leggy red head. From the back view she wasn't half bad, her voice sounded nice as well.
"Glad you don't know your taste yet, means there's hope for me then" he chuckled casting a slight sneer at his brother before walking into the room and extending his hand to her, "I'm Alex the other twin. The better half and you must be Zoe-Hope" looking at her now full on she was awesome and he could rightly have kicked himself. Why did Max get all the good things?
Zoe wiped her eyes with her left hand, and turned to Alex, Max's twin just as he entered the room. She shook his hand, and gave a Slytherin smirk as she raised her right hand, and with her manicured index finger, she gently swiped the side of his neck. She stuck her tongue out, and the tip of her tongue touched her finger, and she scrunched up her face, and shook her head furiously. "No, I'm not too fond of that taste." She said, keeping a straight face. She started to giggle, and said, "Nice to meet you Alex." And grabbed onto Maximus' hand with her left hand, once again so that their fingers were entangled.
Max went and sat on the window seat watching her take in the space that was usually his own bedroom, he wouldn't tell her this of course. He certainly didn't want her thinking she had made him have to leave his room for her. He was glad to do it, even if it meant rooming in with his lug of a brother.

About to speak once more he was prevented when Alex walked in attempting to be his usual charming self but never quite pulling it off. Max would have liked nothing more than to walk over to Zoe-Hope and put his arm about her waist to give his brother the final hint that she was not up for grabs but instead he smiled to himself as the most stunning of girls he had the pleasure of meeting walked up to his brother and put him in his place. Maximus couldn't help but laugh and swallowed hard as he quickly glanced out the window. Wondering if she would find him to her tastes satisfaction. How could he not help but imagine that finger trailing down his own neck? Stifling a sigh he blinked hard to compose himself before looking back at them.
"You'll have to excuse my brother Zoe-Hope, he doesn't exactly have any proper manners around girls" walking over and hooking his brothers elbow, he steered him back to the door.

"We'll let you unpack and freshen up. Join us downstairs when you're ready" he winked at her practically pushing his brother out the door ahead of him. Closing it behind him he glowered at Alexius.
"I thought you were going to behave yourself. Can't you just ease up for one minute?" shaking his head he walked downstairs to where his mothers were busily occupied with lunch. After offering to help and being told the usual no, he began to lay the table instead. Sometimes Alex really did aggravate him but he hoped that the rest of Zoe-Hope's stay went off without a hitch.
Zoe grinned as she waited for Maximus and Alex to leave the room. She then, took a deep breath in, and unpacked her lightly packed bag. She had brought the necessities: A couple of pairs of underwear, two dresses, some tops and sweaters, jeans and shorts. Also, a few pairs of shoes so she would be ready for anything. Once she hung up the last dress on the hanger in the closet, she put her long, red hair up in a bun before heading downstairs.

She was already feeling more comfortable around Max's family, even though she felt a little awkward with his twin hitting on her. With a smile on her lightly freckled face, she cradled her arms behind her back, and said, "So what are we going to do today?" In a sweet voice. She was in a great mood, and felt refreshed and energised at that moment for some reason. She walked to Maximus, and brought her hands to hold his. "Are you going to show me around the area?" She asked playfully, and giving him a flirty, inconspicuous wink, making sure his mothers didn't see.
Max stood by the window of the small sitting room waiting for her to return, the others bustled in and out of the room constantly and when finally she did come back down he could not help but smile at her. It was probably more than a smile though, he felt lit up from deep inside. Maximus was no stranger to girls and dating but never before had he felt even close to this. She held his hands and he watched as Constance and Merrina left the room on some pretence.

"Well, it's a small village so there isn't a lot we can do here. There are some beautiful walks through the near by forest. There's a lake we tend to cliff dive into and well, I have my apparating license now so we can basically go anywhere. As can you" he chuckled then his hands coming up to cradle her face. The smile never really wavered, he felt part of him was smiling away on the inside anyhow but he had waited so long to have her here with him that he couldn't resist the urge any longer. His head lowered and his lips touched hers softly. As seconds passed his long fingers curled into her hair, the pressure of his mouth on hers increasing as his tongue parted her lips and danced it's way inside. She tasted heavenly and he loathed to break apart from her but had to as his mothers voices calling them to lunch boomed out. Resting his forehead against her own he exhaled, eyes still closed, fingers still in her red hair.

"I've wanted to kiss you since that very first night" he sighed finally releasing her but only enough to hold a hand as he led her to the lunch table.
Zoe looked up at Max, and said, "Cliff diving sounds like fun, I'm always up for an adventure." She got goosbumps over haer arms as his warm hands came up to her face, and she let him take hold of her as he leaned in, and their lips met for the first time. She brought her hands up to his back, and they slowly made their way to his thick, brown hair. She felt safe, entangled in this embrace-kiss, and couldn't help but wince when she heard his mothers calling out to them for lunch. She traced her fingers back down his back, as their lips separated. She bit her lower lip, but remained silent as they held hands walking into the kitchen.

"Something smells good!" She exclaimed, walking into the kitchen with Maximus by her side. She wished it would always be like this, but the weekend would go by much faster than she would want it to.
He had half expected her to slap him but was glad when her lips pressed with equal relish against his own. Their first kiss was everything he had imagined it to be and then some. Smiling at her as they made their way to the table, he held her chair out knowing that her comment about the food had pleased his mothers no end.

There was now no sign of Alexius and he stared for a moment at his mothers. They hesitantly told him that he had left, went for a walk no less and would eat later. Max had sat down opposite Zoe-Hope trying to push all thoughts of his brother from his mind, so the time with her was not spoilt. The meal was delicious, it was very simple rustic French food of fresh breads and cheeses, cold meats and figs. Constances prize winning chutney and Marrina's equally impressive apple pie. By the time they were done and they had cleared away to give the two women a break, Max found himself alone in the compact kitchen with Zoe-Hope.

Placing a dried plate aside he smiled again at her.
"They love you" he pushed a piece of hair that had fallen down over her eyes back behind her left ear, his hand coming to rest on the back of her head as he continued to look at her. His body moved closer as his other hand circled her waist drawing her against him, "I'll show you the forest first before I take you cliff diving. No doubt that's where Alexius has gone."
As he spoke his face tilted towards her and when there was nothing left to be said, his lips found hers again.
Zoe was trying to remember her manners as she ate the delicious French food, and listened as they were told that Max's brother had left for a walk. As they were finishing up, she put her fork and knife in her plate. "Thank you, the food was delicious." She said, grinning as she wiped her mouth with her napkin. The apple pie and She got up, and brought her plates to the sink, just as Maximus' mothers were leaving. She walked back to push her chair in, then turned to Maximus. "I'm glad, they're great people." She said, walking towards him. She blushed a bit, as he brushed through her hair lightly with his fingers, and hung her fingers in his front pockets. "I hope you're an adventurous person. Back in New Zealand, there are plenty of cliffs, though I haven't dove off any. It will be an experience." She said, in a bit of a breathless voice. Being around him, she felt so much more serene.

She rose onto her tip-toes, allowing their lips to meet again. Her small, soft lips touching his felt like time had stopped. She felt butterflies in her stomach, and shivers down her spine. She brought her hands from his pockets, to go around his waist, and she rested her head on his chest, in a sort of embrace.

(Same topic for the forest/cliff?)
Max could feel her arms about him as the kiss finished and she lay her head against his chest. It seemed like another perfect moment had passed between them and he was loathe to end it just yet. It was a shame he had never learnt how to freeze time because he was sorely tempted to pause this very moment and keep them locked within one another for another while but she had admitted to being the adventurous type and though he did like a bit of a thrill every now and then, he had to admit it was more Alexius who was the adventurer and not he.

Standing back from her he tilted her chin once more gave her lips a gentle peck and smiled taking one of her hands in his.
"come on best be getting off or they might catch us for another job" he chuckled, heading to the front door and opening it, calling out to the mothers that they were heading to the forest for a bit. He always told them where he went, always feeling it necessary to do so as they worried by the bucket load enough about Alex without him adding to the mix as well.

The walk through the village was brief as they stole off down a side street and headed up the dirt path. A left turn would have taken them directly after his brother but they were going straight on to the forest. It loomed a head of them, large and almost foreboding but though it looked pretty grim from the outside, it was completely different once you ventured deep within. As if some spell had been cast long ago to keep muggles out or something.

[sorry for massive delay]
Zoe gladly recieved one last peck from Maximus before they left for the forest. With her hand in his, she enjoyed the brief walk through the old-looking village. It had lots of history in it, every village did, though this felt different. She thought probably because she was in another country. Zoe kept forgetting that. They went straight up a dirt path, and soon found themselves outside of a sad, uninviting forest. "So, this is the forest? Looks kinda creepy." She said, looking up to Maximus. "Not that I'm scared, or anything. I just wouldn't want anything to come out and attack you" Zoe playfully added.

She had been in the forbidden forest many, many times. At first glance that forest seemed scary and dangerous. If you didn't have the right skill level, and went deep enough, it was. Her favourite time was to go at night, because it seemed more evil. She was a thrill seeker, but got scared fairly easily. That was the one thing she was good at hiding. Her fear. She covered it up with excitemtent and adrenaline.

After pausing for a moment, she took a deep breath, let go of her crush's hand and ran in. "Catch me if you can!" She screamed as she sprinted, and let the forest swallow her up. She ran in about one hundred metres, and hid behind a tree. Looking out, she could just see the light glowing on the path she was just on. Her chest rose up and down rapidly as she tried to catch her breath.
They walked along hand in hand, every now and then he would turn to look at her. She was gorgeous and if he had his way he would simply just stand there looking at her for eternity but in fear of frightening her off, he didn't stare at all but rather cast sideways glances at her every now and then.
"This is the forest" he smiled ,"It's actually not creepy at all"
He was about to tell her that the further in they got the more beautiful it became but she passed a playful comment that made him laugh loudly, scattering some birds that were in a near by tree. Within moments she was racing off and he watched her at first, how her slender legs moved with speed and grace. Her slender waist and ... Max coughed to himself, regaining some equilibrium around her was going to be extremely difficult.

Taking out his wand he cast the disillusionment charm on himself and took off just to the left of where she had raced. It was easy enough for him to sneak up on her, but for the briefest of moments he could not take his eyes from the chest that rose and fell with her excited breathing. He was in front of her now, soundlessly walking towards her when he lifted the spell as she looked out onto the path.
"Boo" he whispered sliding his hands around her waist and pulling her to him. His mouth found hers in a second not giving her any time to speak as he drank her in. Tasted the depths of her mouth with his tongue. His hands gripped her sides tighter pulling her infinitely closer to him until their bodies seemed meshed.
Zoe had just caught her breath, and she was still leaning against the tree. She dared not to move, but she had no idea where Maximus had gone. She stood up straight, getting a little worried that he hadn't come to chase her. She checked back to where she ran away from, and she couldn't see any sign of him. In her confusion, she hadn't heard the quiet footsteps of Maximus, as he crunched through the fallen leaves to get to right in front of her. Only when he had appeared right in front of her did she get a chance to gasp slightly before her warm lips were pressed onto his.

She got goosebumps as she felt his hands wrap around her waist, and her back was pressed back against the large tree. If only this moment could last forever. Zoe couldn't help thinking, but then she realized that she might be falling in love. Is it not creepy that I'm feeling like this, when it's like I just met him? I need to talk to someone else. She thought to herself, and she was uncomfortable for a split second, until she regained her thoughts and found herself back to being absorbed into her kiss.

After another moment, she let her tongue be free of his, and said, a bit overwhelmed, "You really scared me for a second there." She said, putting her hands in his back pockets. "Have you ever given any thought what you want to do once you're done with school?" Zoe asked Max curiously. She wanted to see what he would say, for now she was still trying to figure it out.
He smiled down at her pushing some hair back that did not need to be moved at all, but he was merely looking for any reason, any excuse to touch her. She was his kind of perfect and loved every minute he spent with her. The word hung in his mind and he ruminated some more on it. Was it possible to feel so strongly for someone in such a short space of time? He knew the letters back and forth to one another had helped greatly but this was really only their second meeting. Could you truly find love at first sight? He had convinced himself already he had and this thought made his smile even warmer than before.

"I didn't mean to scare you. Did you think I had run off and left you alone?" his brow quirked as he looked at her, "I would never do that to you, ever."
He was trying to tell her so much more in those words still not sure blurting out that he loved her was the best thing to do just yet. Her question threw him for a loop and he pondered it a moment. Up until he had met her he had thought his entire life had been mapped out perfectly, now he wasn't so sure at all.
"I .. you'll laugh, I know you will. Everyone does when I say it. They all expect me to say a ministerial position or some other high ranking job. I want to be a farmer, a vineyard farmer actually. Grow acres and acres of grapes and spend the rest of my days creating the most beautiful of wines."

It wasn't a pipe dream, his mothers had listened carefully to him one night and for many again after and had been supportive of him completely. He had saved every sickle he had earned and they had put plenty aside for both boys. They had also gone to Gringotts to ensure a loan on his behave, that day had been unnerving to say the least but unbeknown to Alexius they had put up their own home as collateral. The farm was ten miles away, the chateau was in serious need of work of course but a little magic there would go a long way and there was over 90 acres of fertile land. The previous owner of this old vineyard had died and with no kin of his own to take over, the government had simply auctioned off the property. Perhaps it was not the sort of thing that Zoe-Hope would enjoy doing, because there was a lot of hard work involved and it was he hoped the beginning of a legacy for his future generations. He watched her to see her reaction to his dream.
Zoe shook her head, and looked down, "No, you didn't. I know you wouldn't leave me." She responded, but then thought about what he said, aboud never leaving her. Did that mean he felt the same way she did? Should she take the chance? No. She was going to wait, it would be too creepy and probably ruin anything they had if she admitted it this early on.

He mentioned how he wanted to be a farmer, and have a vineyard to make wine. Everyone she had met always wanted a life that was fast-paced, and a lot of the jobs were behind-the-desk jobs. That's not what Zoe wanted, though she had never taken farming into consideration either. She paused, then looked up into Maximus' eyes before responding. "I've never met anyone who wanted to be a farmer. It would be nice to be able to take things slowly, seems like something you can pass on for generations." She said, in a dreamy sort of voice, as though she were getting lost in his dazing brown eyes.
He wrapped his arms about her waist and smiled.
"Only those who have never worked on a farm would think it slow paced" he kissed her nose, "you're wonderful you know that. Zoe-Hope... " he paused not sure at first but then as his fingers met with the slightest brush of skin above her waist band, all thought of denying himself any longer went out the window. The electricity that seemed to flow through him from that simple touch sent him spiraling out into the cosmos. He leaned forward and kissed her lips, breaking apart slowly but hovering just inches from them as his eyes looked into hers.

"Be my girlfriend? I know it sounds silly and trite but I'm crazy about you. I can't stop thinking about you" a hand moved from her waist to cradle her cheek, his long fingers grazing her neck as well as his mouth found hers again. Soft and gentle, infinitely tender with her he was. Another moment later and he was lifting his head for air once more looking at her, waiting for the answer that his life seemed to be waiting on.
Zoe heard what he had said, about working on a farm. It was probably true, though she didn't know. She had never been to a farm, and as she briefly thought more about it, she realized it would be a lot harder to work on it, more manual labor than anything else. She felt Maximus's hands travel up from her waist, to her cheek and she shivered as his cool, rough hands skimmed over her exposed flesh at her waist.

She kissed him again, and was a little surprised at his next thought. She couldn't help but think at least he was being straight forward. She was excited. They were now officially a couple; Zoe didn't even find it odd that they knew each other for a matter of weeks. After a moment of silence, imagining everything, she realized she hadn't answered, and could tell he was getting nervous based off his expression.

Zoe went on her tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek, and put on her most convincing serious face. She looked down, so she wouldn't crack, and used a sad, upset voice, responding, "I'm sorry, Maximus. I'm really, er, honoured that you want me to be your girlfriend." Zoe then looked up at him and smiled, "I guess you're stuck with me now, as your girlfriend." She went back up to his face, her eyes meeting his. She could hear their hearts beating, and she went in and gave him another kiss, her soft, small lips nearly becoming one with his. She had her hands at the back of his neck now, gently moving her fingers in circles, around the short dark hairs there.
He felt his stomach knot up in expectation of her answer. When her face looked so crest fallen he truly expected the worst and began to slowly let her waist go, no matter how much it pained him to do it. But then she was smiling at him and saying he was stuck with her. His eyes widened as did his mouth and surprise went to joy in seconds, then he was picking her up and swinging her around as he held tight to her waist. Lowering her down carefully before him his mouth naturally found hers again, the kiss more intense than before as if he was thoroughly claiming her now.

"You've just made me the happiest I've been... ever" he smiled at her, "ok... now I can breathe again, what would you like to do?"
Zoe laughed as Maximus swung her around. Her red hair was flying in the breeze. "Really? You haven't been happier than this?" She asked, curiously. She wasn't sure exactly what she wanted to do next, as long as they were together. "I don't really care. What if we went for a swim or something? It's really nice out." She said, a little dazed. Releasing Maximus from her grip, she playfully ran back towards the way she thought they came in. "See if you can catch me. No magic!" She called out behind her, as she ran off again.
"Zoe I've been happy many times but the times I'm with you, I'm happiest" he smoothed a piece of hair back from her face once more smiling into her freckled face as he did so. He considered her next request.
"Well there is the lake back the other way but there is also a small water fall just a mile up that way, it drops into a very small lake but it's still good enough for swimming" he told her but by then she was releasing herself from his hands and starting to run back hence they came. A smile spread across his face and he patted his pocket with his wand inside.
"No magic" he told her and soon he was racing after her, his long legs moving swiftly over terrain he was well versed in. He would allow her a head start for another while.

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