Closed A question of brunch.

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Married (Cas, Gay)
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
Linden had been nervous all day. He had dinner plans, or rather breakfast plans, given the time difference. He had scheduled these particular plans for a day when he knew cas would be busy with Allison and he had Willow primed with a backup plan. Not that he had told either of them what he was doing; the only response was Willow making a remark about having an affair which had earned her a glare and a snide remark. He was not having an affair. In fact, given who he was meeting it was almost the opposite.
He took a while to decide what to wear. He wanted to look presentable and smart but not like the reason for the breakfast was as important as it was. it’s going to be fine. You know what the answer will be. This is just a formality he kept telling himself as he changed his shirt for the third time back to a button-up. He checked his watch and realised it was time to go if he wanted to be sure to fet to the cafe first.
He appeared and found himself in Luxamburg in an alley he had apperated to a few times before but always with cas. He followed the directions he had been given through the morning traffic to the cafe. He was glad that he reached the cafe first. He ordered a cappuccino, picked up a couple of menus and got a table for them both by the window and thought about his plan. He had contacted Martene and asked when would be a good time to take her out to breakfast, and where she would like to go. Here and now was the result. He was trying really hard to do this right. Not that he knew what was right. He wasn’t even sure if she realised it was just him not the two of them. Thinking back, he had never spent time just the two of them before. It was always with Cas or Tara.
Martine's home had not been this alive in years, with her children visiting more and more and the sweet baby of Basil's it was just a wonderful place to be. She had been surprised to be invited out to breakfast by the boyfriend of Cas and was looking forward to it. She had made an effort, doing her hair a little nicely and then doing her make up nice. Martine knew him well enough that she didn't feel the need to try to impress, but wanted to anyway. Martine walked into the spot that she had selected and spotted him immediately. "Linden, it's lovely to see you," she greeted as she went to hug the man.
Linden got up when he saw a familiar lady making her way towards him. martine. I am so glad you could make it he said giving her a hug. Before gesturing for her to sit please take a seat. Let me know what you want and I will go and order? he said. He had already decided what he was ordering. And there was no way he would be letting her pay. Especially today. He was slightly nervous. And wasn’t quite sure what what to say. He knew he needed to start with small talk he couldn’t just open with what he had really wanted to ask. What he had incited her to brunch to ask. But how to make small talk when there was one question in his mind. How have you been? Cas said that you are working on a project together he started. Hoping it sounded safe and natural.
Martine smiled at the man, and took a seat. "Oh a coffee and some pancakes," she said, not wanting him to spend too much money, but it was breakfast and this place did divine pancakes. Martine then gave a little smile, noting then that Linden appeared a little nervous. "I've been well, the house is in a bit of mess because of Georgie, but it's cute," she said before nodding eagerly. "We have, it's wonderful, he'd an amazing artist and such a creative mind, it's wonderful to be able to be artistic with him." she was sure that she was saying things that he already knew. "How are you? How are your studies?"
Linden noted the ladies order and went to order. her coffee and pancakes and his flat white and avocado toast before returning to the table. he listened as MArtene described her life, georgiemaking a mess of the house. "I bet it is very cute" he said thinking back to when ivy was young. and how adorable she was as a baby, how she still was. As Martine spoke about casper he felt himself growing with pride, his fingers absentmindedly reaching up and touching his shirt just under his collarbone where his buttercup tattoo lay. he was incredibly proud of cas. and hearing out loud how good he was made Lin happy, even if it was his mum saying it. "He really is. and he is so kind and gentlehearted. He and his art have grown so much over the years it really has been amazing to watch" he gushed, so proud of his boyfriend that he didnt even consider that Martine may be disappointed that she hadn't had the same opportunity to watch cas grow as he had. before thinking for a second. "have I ever told you about when we first became friends?" he asked. not ignoring her question intentionally but so caught up on his thoughts to really process them.
Martine could only imagine how good it would've been to see Casper's art grow and evolve over the years as he found his style, as he found his confidence and passion in it. "I can only imagine," she replied with a smile. She regretted all the action which led her to not see the changes and evolution of his art, but she knew to not let it overwhelm her. "I don't believe you have, please do share," she was eager, always eager to hear about her son's school life and interested to know how this relationship. this bond between Cas and Linden had started.
Linden bit hos lip slightly not sure if he had said the wrong thing or not. had he reminded Martine how much she had missed of caspers life, how much more of it he had seen. "her has come out of his shell so much since, well since about when you first met him" he said though he wasnt sure either of them would be convinced that casper coming out of his shell was primarily due to him finding his mum.
it was then that the waitress came over with the coffees. he smiled and thanked her before making a start on the story. "it was back in first year first semester. we had known each other up till then. we were in the same dorm but we weren't really friends, cas was very shy and liked to make himself invisible. unless he had thought he had done soemthgn wrong in which case he would panic" he said. he took a sip of his coffee as he set his mind back on the story instead of thinking that it had only been very recently that cas he learned not to panic so much. "I had found an injured bird in the grounds. and carried it back to the dorms I thought the dorm was empty at first but a bang alerted me to the fact that casper was there. half under the bed. he emerged rubbing his bumped head and we spoke for a bit he then got very nervous, you know how he gets, jumpy and apologising for everything. and he asked if he could draw the bird. apparently he wasn't allowed to draw at home because that was not what his adoptive parents wanted his future to be like." he stopped and took another mouthful of drink. he had strong feelings about caspers adopted parents and none of them were good.
Martine gave a little smile, Linden was a sweet boy, reassuring her when he absolutely didn't need to be. He was reassuring of something where they couldn't be sure of it. She didn't say anything, just leaned forward as he told the story. She hated that he had been like that, and was glad that Casper was not anymore. But she was glad they become friends. "That is sweet, all the parts about the bird and how you met, I'm glad he able to find a friend in you when he definitely needed it the most. And how far you've both now come," she added, thinking of how good that relationship was now, and how in love they now were.
Linden shook his head as Martine said that she was glad that he had had a friend like him when he had needed it. "Not always. We had our ups and downs. and some pretty big arguments over the years." he said. ironically most of the arguments had been about boys. he would like to think that he had always been there for cas. but there had been times that he hadn't. had been times when he had run away from everyone. and weeks when he hadn't felt like he could be at home in the dorm. but that was in the past. and he would do anything he could to make sure he would be there for Casper when he needed it. he suddenly wanted to tell Martine about the times he hadn't been there and the key events in their life. when cas had his heart broken by every boy in the dorm and outside of it. and about the day he had found cas crying in the dorm and lain and hugged until cas had calmed down. while the bird may have been the day they became friends, that was the day cas had become his best friend. the day he had found cas hiding under the piano after they had had their biggest argument to date, and that was the day, if he really looked at it he started to fall for cas, but it was the day in the cold under the willow tree he realised that he had. He, or rather Martine, was saved from his sudden urge of storytelling as the food arrived. He thanked the waitress before cutting into his toast. "I am hoping that we have a lot more left to come." he said.
Martine understood, though they were strong now, it had taken them the time to get to it. Which absolutely made sense to her. "I was once a teenager, I get it," Martine replied and a little silence fell upon them, broken up by the food arriving. She took her plate and began eating. She took a few bites before looking up at Linden. "So, not that I don't think you'd want to just spend time with me, but is there a reason you invited me out?" she asked, sure that there had to be more to this than just he wanted to get to know her.
Linden smiled slightly and dipped his head in thanks at martens comment. It didnt make up for not being there for cas when he had needed him though maybe if he hadn't things would be different now. He took a mouthful of his toast just as as Martene spoke again. he almost choked. was he being that obvious? instead, he chewed and swallowed, feeling the still too-large lump of bread sliding its way down his oesophagus and almost started spluttering again. wishing too late that he had taken longer and given himself more time to think of what to say. when he was sure he could talk without coughing, he looked at her, already feeling his face warming up. "I do want to get to know you better" he started. "but you are right. I invited you to brunch and then spent the whole time talking about your son because there is more than that reason." he paused, taking a deep breath and gulping. "I wanted to ask you something. well wanted to ask Casper. but needed to ask you first" he said. not sure where the words were coming from but wishing he could control wherever it was. make it come slower and more succinct. not the verbal onslaught that he knew was coming. "I know we are young. but I love your son. he means the world to me, and I can't see a future for myself that doesn't have him in it" he started. the world fading around them, and all of a sudden it was just them at the table. "Martine Kinnek." he said, looking her in the eye to try and read her reaction I was wondering if I could have your blessing to propose to Casper" he said. glad that his voice stayed steady as he spoke.
Martine nodded, she was sure he meant what he said in wanting to get to know her, but she was right about there being another reason for this. She did think the boys were young, but she smiled. This was sweet, so genuinely sweet of Linden to do. Unnecessary for sure, but sweet. "Of course you have my blessing," she assured Linden. "Nothing makes me happier than to see my boy, and you make him happy, so of course," Martine said with an excited tone, because her boy was maybe getting married.
Linden felt the tension he had been feeling melt away as Marlene’s expression softened. Letting out a sigh of relief when she said he had her blessing. He hadn’t realise how nervous he had been about asking until he was relieved it’s the answer. He got up to stand next to her and put his arms around her a gesture that he was sure he had picked up from Casper. He couldn’t remember ever being that much of a hugger before him. ”thank you martine. I promise I will always do my best to never let your son down he said before letting go and returning to his seat.

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