Closed A push in the right direction

Professor Adorah Zumwalt

Astronomy 1-4 💫 | Freelance Writer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Vine Wand, 12 3/4", Dragon Heartstring Core
26 (03/2037)
Adorah was excited to get away from the castle for the day. She was meeting up in the park with Samantha later, but for now, she was enjoying the atmosphere. She took a seat on a nearby bench and looked around at the children playing. One began crying, and as she turned her head in their direction, she noticed a mother pick the toddler up and comfort them. Adorah felt a little twinge of pain in her heart and unconciously placed her hand around the stone of necklace. While her relationship with her parents had been strained since the incident as a child, she had always had comfort from her mother when it was needed. And in the past four years, she had not even received a hug from her. She didn't understand why her parents would adopt her if they didn't love her unconditionally. She realized she had been holding her necklace and took it off over her head, looking at it in the palm of her hand. She had always thought that her biological mother didn't care about her, and that was why she was left at the church so long ago. But if her mother was a witch, she would have to be more understanding than her adopted parents were. She looked up as a few tears started to fill her eyes, feeling an emptiness in the pit of her stomach.
Samantha was always excited to get out of the castle for a little. Of course, she liked Hogwarts, and spending her time in the castle, and learning more about the magical world. But she sometimes needed that bit of fresh air. Samantha was going to meet up with Adorah, who she hadn't hang out with for a slight while. She had entered the park, and kept her eyes open, as she looked around the park to keep an eye out for Adorah. It took Samantha a slight while to find her, but she had finally found her sitting on a bench and made her way towards Adorah. When she finally got to the bench, she had noticed that Adorah looked upset about something. "Hey Adorah" Samantha says with a small smile. "Are you alright?" Samantha says, with concern as she sat on the bench next to Adorah.
Adorah looked up as her friend approached and managed a smile. "Oh, hey, Samantha," she said, wiping a tear from her cheek. "I'm okay, just dealing with a few things is all." She clasped her hand tight around the necklace and turned towards the Hufflepuff. "But how have you been? We haven't had a chance to talk much this year." Samantha was one of Adorah's first friends at Hogwarts, and sometimes it was difficult to be friends with people in different houses. Even though they still had classes together, she had been spending so much of her time studying that socializing had taken a backseat. Plus, with constantly thinking about Aisa and then the family issues, it left little time for anything else.
Samantha was a little more concerned when she noticed that Adorah had wiped a tear that was on her cheek. But Samantha decided not to push it or question it any further. "If you're sure," Samantha said with a small smile with slight uncertainty. "I've been okay. Been busy with some Hogwarts Monthly stuff and studying most of the time" Samantha says with a smile and a slight shrug, as she got herself comfortable on the bench. She had her own slight problems with her "love life" I guess you could say, but wasn't sure if she wanted to mention it at the moment. "How about you? How have you been? Anything interesting?" Samantha says with a smile.
Adorah nodded when Samantha seemed to not prod into her sadness. As she wiped a few more late tears away, she mustered up another smile. "I forgot you've been working with them. How's that going? Any good articles you're working on this semester?" she asked. She had initially wanted to intern at the newspaper when she first started at school but had quickly found other interests. When Samantha asked her how life had been, she hesistated. It wasn't that she didn't trust her friend, but she was afriad that if she began to talk about everything, the floodgates would open up and never stop. She was not normally this emotional, as she kept things bottled up. But it seemed to be too much. "Oh, you know, studying and wandering about," she joked, throwing her hands flippantly into the air. Accidentally letting go of the necklace, it flew out of Adorah's hand and landed on the pavement in front of her, shattering. She looked at the pieces for a moment and froze, unsure of what to do as uncontrollable tears filled her eyes and her breathing became more difficult. She knew that it could easily be fixed with magic, but at this moment, all she could think about was how the last inkling of hope she had broke. She sunk onto the sidewalk and picked up the chain and what little was still attached to it. "My necklace," she whimpered, closing her eyes.

OOC: Very dramatic... oh well.
Samantha smiled and shrugged when Adorah had asked her about how she was doing with Hogwarts Monthly. "I mean it's going okay. I don't think there's been anything interesting for me so far" Samantha says with a shrug and a smile. She did enjoy working in Hogwarts Monthly and it had kept her busy for a while. She smiles and nods when Adorah had mentioned she was just studying and wandering. That was until everything felt like it went into slow motion. Adorah's necklace had flown out of her hand and had shattered onto the pavement, watching Adorah lowering onto the pavement. Samantha was in shock and didn't know what to do until she heard Adorah speak for a while. Samantha kneeled onto the sidewalk beside Adorah. She placed her hand on the Ravenclaw's back. "I'm sure we can get your necklace fixed," Samantha says quietly while she slowly rubbed her back. "I know how much that necklace means to you," Samantha says sadly, as she remembered a couple of years ago when they spoke about the necklace for a little.
Adorah felt Samantha's hand on her shoulder which made the tears come faster. She knew that her friend was just trying to comfort her, and she knew that the necklace could be easily fixed. However, her anxiety was making this seem like the worst thing in the world. She closed her eyes and tried to take a few deep breaths through her mouth to control her brain from causing a panic attack. She looked at piece in her hand and then at Samantha. "I just don't understand why I can't have a family like everyone else," she said through her tears. Looking at the pieces, she pulled out her wand and pointed it at her hand. "Reparo," she said with a deep breath as she watched all the pieces float through the air and reassemble in her palm. Putting her wand away, she quickly put the necklace back around her neck for safe keeping and tried to push herself back up onto the bench. "You know, sometimes when I hold onto this necklace, I can convince myself that my birth mother is with me. I know that's impossible, but it's comforting, you know?" she said to the Hufflepuff as she grabbed her hand. "Thank you. I'm sorry for getting so upset over a stupid necklace," she said, wiping away her tears as she began to calm down.
Samantha didn't know what to say, as Adorah had mentioned about family and all. She didn't really understand how Adorah was feeling, as she had never been in that position. She watched as Adorah has fixed her necklace with a spell and listened to what Adorah had to say about her necklace, and nods when she had mentioned that it comforted her when holding onto the necklace. "It's okay. it's not silly to be upset over a necklace that means a lot to you. I'm always here if you need anything at all." Samantha says with a genuine smile. Samantha was always going to support her friends and peers if she needed to. "Have you ever thought about finding your biological mum?" Samantha says curiously and slowly, hoping the question she had mentioned, wasn't an upsetting topic for her.
Adorah nodded as Samantha tried to comfort her, but she still felt an ache in her heart. when her friend presented the idea of searching for her biological mother, the Ravenclaw shrugged. "I wouldn't even know where to start." Not much had been left with the girl in terms of identification that day at the church, except the necklace and a note. It seemed like an impossible task, seeing as she was left in Germany and had no idea of her heritage or whether she was truly from Europe. "But if she gave me up, I'm sure she doesn't want to hear from me now. I mean, can you imagine getting rid of someone and then them just showing up in your life 15 years later?" She knew the idea sounded crazy, but there was a small part of her that still wanted to pursue it.

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