Closed a place to call home

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake โ„๏ธ Magizoologist ๐Ÿฆก
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆCas, ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆGay๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
it had been well over a year since Casper and Linden had started thinking about moving into a bigger place. at first it had been a bu of activity trying to work out what they wanted and budget but soon things had slowed as the market was in a lul and nothing at all like what they had wanted had come up, life just kept on going with maybe a flip though the houses section of the news paper every other week or if they were feeling very keen a few home opens.
life just had a way of getting in the way of looking. and it was disheartening, trawling through endless homes that they couldn't afford. the couple they did put offers on kept getting sold to other people, and each time that happened It was disheartening and by some unspoken agreement, they didnt mention houses for a month afterwards. Cas had had a couple of big exhibits and done amazing at them. Lin was walking up the stairs to the apartment his suitcase in one hand and a bird cage in the other covered with one of his jackets. Lin had been away for two weeks visiting a sanctury in china. it was interesting how different it was, he had enjoyed it and had been so excited to meet a quilin. as much as he had enjoyed his trip away he had missed his home. most importantly he was looking forward to seeing cas. he opened the apartment door and stepped inside. "casper" he called taking a step into the apartment and putting his bags and cage down with a small whistle of annoyance at being put down. he just hoped that cas was in and he wasnt going to have to find him first.
It had been a bit of a year for Casper- warm and content in his personal life, if not his professional as well. His work was steady, solid enough that he'd made quite a nice nest egg for himself, and he tried to take a little time off each month so as to not burn out. Long weekends were always nice, and an excuse to get Linden out and about as well.

Of course, that didn't mean things were perfect. They were still struggling to find a place to live, still fighting on occasion when their work crossed over too much and got disruptive. But he'd been reassured by multiple sources that every couple fought, no matter how small the disagreements.

Still, Casper was content with his life, with how happy he felt with Linden, how complete his life seemed. Though Linden had taken a work trip and it had left him pouting after only two days. He was a ball of energy by the time Linden was supposed to be back, rushing about the apartment cleaning while a nice 'welcome back' dinner waited on the table with some fresh flowers and a few little trinkets he'd picked up for Linden while he was away.

Cas had just charmed dinner to heat up again when he heard his name being called. He couldn't help the immediate ear splitting grin and the way he bolted across the house. "Linden!" He squealed, bounding across the house in record time, arms open for a hug.
There was a clatter of footsteps to signal the arrival of Casper, who came running around the corner like a missile aimed right for him. he caught him in his arms, using his momentum to spin him around only just about managing to keep on his feet. In that moment they could have been anywhere on earth and it would be home. "Casper, Love. I've missed you so much" he said holding his husband tight. he had enjoyed his trip but he was so glad to be home.
he kept hold of cas tightly for a long moment before loosening his grip slightly, just enough to look up and kiss him.
Cas buried his face in Lindens hair, hugging his husband tightly and laughing like a little kid on Christmas. He kissed Linden, hard, pressed so close to the other man he was sure that if they were any closer they'd merge into one being. It gave him a weird idea for a painting but he pushed it aside, not wanting to bother with his paints for at least the next forty-eight hours. He pulled back, breathless, and he couldn't help but giggle again. "I made some dinner, are you hungry?" He asked, shifting to try and push Lindens hair from his face.
Linden chuckled as casper laughed in his arms. it never failed to amaxe him how casper who had defiantly seen far more trauma and upset than him could be so wide eyed and innocent when he was happy. and what was even more amazing to linden was that often he was the one to bring out that childish wonder. he kissed cas back holding him tight in his arms and pissing with the same urgency cas was giving him. He glad that he had the wide-eyed version of his husband as he had half expected the time away would have left cas deep in painting mode.
He let go slightly ascas pulled away and smiled as cas laughed again. leaning in as cas touched him to brush some of his stray hair out of his face a move that he knew he usually pulled on cas especially when Cas wat trying to put up walls.
Before he could answer caspers question his stomach made a loud growl. and he laughed. "Yes i just might be. and i am certainly looking forward to a dinner you have made" he said. the food while he had been away had not been bad. but it was not what he was used to eating. and by the end he was getting bored of the rice and fried vegetables he was usually served as there were limited non meat options.
Casper chuckled, taking Lindens hand and leading him to the table. It was a fresh fish fry, one he'd been experimenting with since the day Linden had left. Personally Cas was a little over it, but he'd finally perfected it- the batter was light and crispy and perfect at last, and the fish was delightfully fresh and crisp. He'd even gotten some fresh herbs for the kitchen while Linden was away, using a bit of them on dinner. He got Linden seated before pouring them some wine, and scooted his chair so he was almost sitting in Lindens lap. He smiled impishly, offering out his hand for his husband. "Think you can eat one handed?" He teased, knowing already Linden would try.
Linden was not expecting cas to lead them to the dining table and have a dinner all set up ready to go. "this looks and smells amazing Cas" he said giving his husbands hand a squeeze. he sat where cas gestured and couldnt help but notice the bottle cas was pouring from. either he had refilled an old bottle or (more likely) he had broken out a nice wine. "wow you have put a lot of effort into this. you didnt have to, but i appreciate that you did" he said. returning his smile before taking a sip of what was indeed the nice wine. . he really was glad to be back home. he chuckled as cas asked if he could eat one handed. "Of course. remember when we first started dating. we would often sit like this to eat or study. hiding benieth the table because we werent out yet" he said. it seemed like a lifetime ago when they first started dating. the first couple of months hiding it from the rest of the school to avoid taras taunting and upsetting their dorm mate. looking back now they probably hadnt been very subtle, especially as every time they touched even the smallest amount it was like cas had got an electric shock, which he had found rather entertaining and may have exploited when no one was watching. he gave his husbands hand a squeeze leaning towards him and bumping his shoulder. "thank you so much for the welcome home. i really appreciate it" he said lightly knocking shoulders together again. vaguely considering letting go of caspers hand and instead putting his arm around him, oe even pull him closer.
Cas giggled, lacing his hand in Lindens and keeping it trapped in his. "Good, I made it just for you," He teased, swirling his wine a little in his other hand. He just stared openly at Linden with a silly smile on his face, watching Linden as he took it all in. "Of course I had to," He teased his husband. "You've been gone for so long," He pouted a little, before sipping on his wine. He laughed as the man brought up the early days. "Yes, when you were dating a cass-apiler," He winked playfully. "Now I've pulled you into the cacoon with me! Isn't it cozy?" He wrinkled his nose playfully. He leant in, meaning to steal a kiss. "Of course, gotta make you want to keep coming back," He teased, just in a wonderfully good mood now that Linden was home.
Linden smiled as cas said that he had made the dinner just for him. the grin on his face was so goofy he couldn't help it. "You didn't. we could have had beans on toast or take out and i would still be just as happy to see you. but i really appreciate how much effort you did put in" he said. Tara had said that his past relationships had not been good because when he loved he was all in. and that scared some people off. but with cas there was never too much. but he knewcas liked doing the same for him too. and he had to let him and he really did appreciate the effort. " here was me thinking my cassopiller had grown wings and become a kinnekerfly" he said teased. "but i guess life in the cosy coccoon is good it is snug with two of us in it, but we make it work, its a good job i don't mind having you squeezed close to me" he said, teasing his husband a little bit more and giving cas a light kiss as he leaned in. "butterfly, of course i will always come home to you. wherever or whatever the house is. you are my home. my pinecones, candycanes epic and awesome" he said. thinkin' of the book he had recently read about werewolves (with a lore that far from the truth) but the story was good and joe, the main characters mate,reminded him a lot of cas.
Cas laughed lightly. "Sure, but I like spoiling you," He teased with a playful wink. He was slowly taking a few nibbles at dinner, listening to Linden and just rubbing his thumb over Lindens knuckles. He blushed at Lindens compliments, rolling his eyes and giving a little goofy smile. "You and your pretty words," He teased, leaning in to try and steal another kiss. "But I like listening to your voice." He hummed. "Definitely makes my night just hearing it again." He tried to offer some pretty words of his own, not sure they were working as well as Lindens tended to.
Linden could feel himself blushing as cas said he liked spoiling him. "and i like being spoiled by you, and spoiling you too" he said. pretty sure that between them they were both very spoiled.
as casper leaned in to him he put his fork down and cupped caspers cheek in his now free hand. his thumb "you and your smooth talking, kind heart and and your pretty eyes" he said before kissing him again. He wondered if life would always be like this between them. Even when they were old,older than even their parents. He hoped so. He couldnโ€™t imagine a future when he and cas werenโ€™t the centre of each others world. so buttercup. What have you been up to while Iโ€™ve been away? he asked wondering it he had managed to finish the commission he had been working on and struggling with when he had left. It did at least seem like he had been eating and looking after himself and even cleaning. Though he wasnโ€™t sure how that meant for his painting. It could go either way.
Casper laughed, blushing. He liked that they could still be like this, just blushing schoolboys. He turned his head, rubbing the palm of his hand over his cheek. "Lindennn," He complained, but turned back to his husband for a kiss. He took a bite of food after, letting himself focus on Lindens' question. "I finished that last comission, got a small one in that I was able to put out pretty quickly. I've got another lined up for next week but I thought I'd take a little time off," He smiled shyly at Linden. "Thought maybe I could try to steal your attention for a few days. How do you feel about a camping trip, just us?"
linden smiled as he saw cas blush and squirm away complaining yes my love he said before cas gave him another peck of a kiss and turned back to his food, lin followed suit. listening to what cas had been up to in his absence. "Wow, you have been quite the busy bee", he said. "im glad you managed to get some work done and didn't miss me too much" he said. stressing the too.
he nodded at the suggestion that cas would steal him away for a camping trip. "I do have to take that little guy to the sanctuary in the morning. and i do need to do some washing this is my last clean shirt. but i am sure Aunt madlyn will let me have a couple of days of. and just us on a camping trip sounds perfectf" he said. it was always useful working for your aunt. though seeing has he had been away for a couple of weeks working he could see no reason not to. and he did try hard to not ask for more than he was entitled to.
Cas laughed lightly. "Well, I couldn't just wrap myself up in bed. It's no fun being a cassopillar if there's not anyone to poke at the cacoon." He teased, nibbling at his dinner. He chuckled at Lindens words. "Alright, alright. You go to work tomorrow and I'll handle your laundry and packing. Then the next morning we'll leave. How's that?" He asked, giving his husband an impish grin and offering out his hand. "Though maybe sleeping in might be required."
linden couldnt help but laugh at caspers comment. "I am sure if you give lapis long enough he will be pawing at you for food and attention" he replied. he chuckled slighly at caspers reaction to him going to work tomorrow. "I just have to drop this girl off and get her settled. i can be home before lunch. then we can go camping tomorrow" he said. taking his husbands hand and returning the cheeky grin, they had been married long enough to know exactly what that look meant.

the next morning linden got up early despite what cas had said about needing a lie in he had decided that he would rather do the jobs he needed to on very little sleep and then get away with cas. he loaded his clothes into the wash, cleaned up the dishes from the previus night and prepared a light breakfast for them both leaving caspers covered with a note.
note said:
Hello butttercup. I have gone to work early so i can be back by 11. breakfast is ready when you wake up, and coffee is set up to go. Love you

he didnt have much to do at work and was soon heading back just getting the new animal settled and saying hello to a few of hs favorites that he had missed. true to his word he was walking back up the stairs at ten to eleven and was more excited than he thought he would be at the idea of gong camping with cas. "Hello love". he called as he entered their appartment seeing their two bags besides the door along side some of the camping gear. "this is going to be great, where are we off to?" he asked. lookign around to see if he could spot where his husband was.
Casper looked to the napping cat as Linden brought it up. "That cat is so clever I'd barely be an afterthought," He chuckled, nibbling on his dinner as they chatted. "As long as she's not going in the studio," He teased gently, remembering the last time one of Linden's creatures had broken in and messed with his paintings.

Cas fell into bed and slept deeply, accidentally sleeping in later than he'd intended. He frowned to find himself home alone. Glancing at the clock, it was already nine. Yawning he wandered about, finding what had been done already. He hummed, smiling at the note, and got to work. A shower later, he'd gotten everything packed and by the door. He'd dropped Lapis off at his mothers and had just returned, making sure everything was set for a weekend away, when he heard Linden at the door. "On the couch," He called from where he was laying, waving his pencil to be seen while he looked over his list one more time to make sure he'd managed it all.
linden was suprised ashe walked around he could see that they had bags packed and lapis' things seemed to be missing indicating that he had gone on holiday to spend a few days with one family member or another. "wow buttercup you have been busy" he said making his way over to the sofa where cas was lying and waving, pancil in hand. "what are you draw...ahh" he said stopping when he realised it wasnt a drawing but a list. instead he leaned forward and gave his husband a kiss on the cheek. "so mr handsome. what are the plans for the trip?we can do anything you want to do" he said. he could tell that cas seemed to be up to something but he wasnt quite sure what it was.
Casper was drawn from his thoughts a bit more fully by Linden coming over. He smiled, tilting his head to better accept the kiss and humming softly. "Oh I don't have many plans for the actual trip, I'm just making sure everything we might need is packed," He offered, setting the list aside so he could turn more fully to Linden, scooting over to make more room for his husband. "Want to sit with me for a bit before we go?"
Linden smiled as Casper hummed and moved towards him as he kissed his cheek, nuzzling him slightly to savour the moment. He wasn't even sure if Cas ever noticed himself doing it but there was something about the movement lin loved, the intimacy, trust and comfort that made him so proud of his husband.
Linden raised an eyebrow when cas said that he didn't have many plans for the trip. he sat down next to his husband and put an arm around him. "Ahh Casper Kinnek. you may say you have no plans but i know you too well. That sparkle in your eyes is telling me you are excited and have something big up your sleeve," he said, nudging against him and teasing him lightly. 'and i am excited for the surprise" he continued
Casper was surprised when Linden called him out on having a secret. He chuckled. "Now why would I have secrets?" He offered, even if he knew fully well he did have a little bit of a surprise in the works. It was still something he was working out the mechanics of, but he was sure he'd figure it out. He cuddled into Linden. "It's just a itty bitty surprise," He smiled a bit impishly, peeking up at Linden as he slipped his hand over Lindens thigh. "Wanna try to guess?"

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