Open A Pensive Valentines

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Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leonardo had probably had the weirdest day of his life, after all, it wasn’t often that one found out that they were more liked than they’d thought they were. He knew that people probably did have those sorts of days, but Leonardo had resigned himself to always being the weird guy, who didn’t have any friends and who would likely spend his whole life alone, perhaps a bit of a hyperbole but where his mind sometimes sat. But no, he had two friends. Two people he could in theory talk to and spend time with. Two people who he cared about and who cared about him at least to some degree, he’d think. He just wasn’t sure how to stop himself from ruining it, they were likely to grow bored of him, but he could at least aim to not ruin it by his own hand. He’d come to the great hall, knowing it best to go to events and with the fact it wasn’t a ball was without a date. He was still wearing the slightly too big suit and was just at the snacks table, looking at what was on offer.
It was Valentine's day and even Katya was excited about it, well, as everyone else, she just loved the energy of it. How overwhelmed people were, how they all were getting ready for the dances and just the dances itself. Since she hadn't seen Gola in school for some time now, Katya didn't even try to find her there, she just straightly went over to the snacks, impatient to try them all. She poured some punch in a cup ad then tried to decide what she wanted. "Oh, hey, Leo, have you tried anything of the snacks already? Anything to offer?" She tried to talk in a friendly voice to her classmate. She had never talked to Leo before but he was a good suit for a friend, a chaser on the main team, so she decided to try her shot.
Leonardo was a little startled as someone moved to be next to him. He looked at her and frowned somewhat, especially as she used his nickname despite the fact outside of the classroom they'd never really spoken. "Hello Katarina," he said with a polite tone and then gave a nod, holding up the snack he had in had. "The offerings of the halloween feast are better," he commented with a serious tone despite the topic of conversation being snacks. He knew they were pretty close to being the same, but he liked Halloween as a celebration more this dance.
Once Leonardo started talking in a all polite and serious voice and even called her by her full name, she decided to take the same strategy. She would have never expected that her strategy to befriend someone would include being all formal instead of being friendly. "Oh, really? That's sorrowful, I thought that they're supposed to become better at things," she tried to sound just honest, not letting her sound as serious as her classmate did, pretty sure that it would be weird to just turn so all around in a second, and not as disappointed as she was in the snacks. "Are you here alone? I mean, you usually have a date to all these events?" She tried to keep the conversation going once she picked out some snack and leaned against the table a bit as she turned more towards Leonardo.
Leonardo gave a little shrug at her statement, "I think I just like the halloween ghosts, spooky designs and pumpkin more than love hearts, pinks and rose flavourings," he said, he was pretty sure that it was almost identical food with different designs maybe the odd different taste. He gave a little nod at the question, "I try to have a date to the Yuleball, because it's a ball, so formal. This is just a dance, so no date," leonardo reasoned, it was quite something to have to put himself out there for the yuleball so he was always happy to not have to do it often. "Are you here alone?"
Katya chuckled at his answer, giving a short nod. "Makes sense actually, all those lovie things here are too much but I love the vibe of people at this time, but well, your own preference," she finally tried the snack she took and even if she didn't usually go to Halloween feast, she was pretty sure that the snacks were all the same and to say the least, she liked them a lot. "Oh, of course. And do you actually enjoy your ball partners?" And this one was a point that Katya was always curious about, did he enjoy his partners that he literally got from hanging a poster? "Yeah, I don't even really have someone to go with so here we are," and she didn't say it like she was desperate for attention, she wasn't, she just didn't know where her sister was, so she was alone for all the other time.
Leonardo nodded in agreement, "To each their own," he agreed, since he did think that perhaps down the line he would like more of the lovie stuff, but for now, his brain like halloweens, spooks and that sort of thing more. At the question he nodded. "Yeah, Gwen was really nice, and Anais was nice too, they wouldn't have said yes if they couldn't lean into the situation," Leonardo said. Since he did have fun with them, it. wasn't probably the fun he saw other people having but he always tried, always did his best to have a good time. He nodded at it. "Well...I can offer you a dance?" he said politely, holding out a hand to her, he wasn't sure why he said it, but this was a dance, and he could at least offer one. If she said no then he wouldn't feel bad, he was happy to leave it up to her.
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