A nice tall glass of red wine on a cool day

Jacob Kuya

Honeydukes ghost in residence
Considering how cold it had been recently, Jacob was rather shocked when by the second week of October, the weather had warmed considerably and he no longer had to walk around in eskimo gear. Instead, just pants and a regular shirt were fine for a day like this and admittedly, Jacob was happy about it. He hated weather in all forms. He would have been quite happy to wake up one day and find that the earth no longer turned and that meant that there would be no seasons and no weather. Which by the way was really only possible if they got hit by something, so it perhaps wasn't the best idea, never-the-less, Jacob could still dream. Which he did rather often because dreaming was a favoured past time of his, regardless of what Akira might think, dreaming was good for the soul. Though he was really quite logical in his approach to life, Jacob did enjoy taking some time out just to relax and gather himself, of course this often led to him forgetting things and just dropping into his own little world for hours and hours, something that annoyed and concerned Akira in equal measure. Still, Jacob enjoyed the work that he did at NASA, even if it was hard. Working with space flight was his dream job and even though he could no go to space, something else he dreamed of, he still enjoyed helping others get there and was happy to live vicariously through them.

The death of Drake had taken a large toll on everyone, even Amelia had shed a tear at the funeral, though Jacob wasn't actually sure whether it was out of grief or a need to at least appear saddened by the death of her son. Either way, at least she had cried and that was all Jacob really cared about. As long as Amelia did not disrespect his sons name, she was quite welcome to go on with her life without any interference from him. Stepping out of the kitchen with a glass of red wine in his hand, Jacob made his way to the deck in order just to watch the clouds in the sky and whatever else he happened to see whilst he was out there. Kiara would be having her baby in another couple of months, so Jacob and Akira were going to be grandparents soon. Though it was not exactly the ideal time for him to be having a baby, Jacob was glad that they had at least graduated before they started growing as a family. Though they were yet to be married, but that mattered very little at this point. Sitting on the recliner, Jacob smiled as he though about Hazel's wedding. Though it had not gone quite to plan, which he supposed was to be expected after the amount of effort the Kaster boy had put into it, it had ended up being a wonderfully bizarre ceremony. Hazel had looked absolutely amazing and so had the gardens, but still, Jacob couldn't imagine what his niece might have seen in that boy, after all, he was slightly on the side of weirdness, and Jacob wouldn't have been at all surprised is ten years down the track, the boy decided he was gay, because frankly, Jacob wasn't convinced he wasn't, and he should know.
Akira could not understand why they moved into this house. He understood the move, as their old place was too big for them now. Having had two sons, they had needed a large space for them both to be able to move around without having to be stuck together, and when Drake had moved in with his mother, the house had already felt naked without him there, but now that the chances of his return were gone, and the reality that Justin too was not going to be returning home,the house had two distinct echoes that had begun to ring in Akira's ears with every door closed, every buzz of an electronic implement, and with every window that needed closing. They had moved to a magical area this time round, Akira wanting to once again surround himself with magic separate from the muggle once more as he had when he was a young man. He had, however, wished to locate a sense of community with his husband, and yet here he was living in more of a holiday house than a home. The view was beautiful, the fresh air was nice, and the need to not worry about muggle interference with magic, but they were virtually situated in the middle of no-where. Their only neighbours were trees and birds, and to top it all off, the cost of his house was surely going to be a regret. That was Akira's punishment for allowing Jacob to decide the house. He really should have insisted on picking the new house as he had done when they last moved, and the time prior to that, but he did not wish to appear overbearing and relented to allowing his husband to hold some control and pick. Putting the spoon down on the counter a little harsher than he had intended, Akira took a sip of his green tea and crinkled his nose slightly at the tangy taste. Never again would Jacob be allowed to pick their residence.

The problem with money would not have been so bad if Jacob went out and got a proper job. Being a muggle-born, Akira understood NASA and space travel and the appeal of all of that, but Jacob wanted a magical area, and now they had magical bills. Muggle money was not very effective against magical bills and Akira of all people knew this very, very well, having had to deal with the staggering currency difference between muggle and magical money. His magic had nearly bankrupted his parents, which was why he got himself a magical job, and had originally assumed that Jacob would get a magical job. he was certainly qualified. He felt like a nag, but someone had to pull Jacob out of his fantasy world before they found themselves drowning in debt and bills as long as their arms.

He found Jacob sitting in the recliner, probably off daydreaming the day away, just like yesterday. He sipped his tea, allowing the slight almondy aftertaste to clear his taste pallet and his nose to breathe in the grassy, citrus flavour, before jumping to what was so obviously bothering him. "Jacob," he began, lowering his tea. "I want you to quit NASA, and get a magical job." Before Jacob could jump into his rebuttal of how NASA was his 'life', Akira provided his own point of view. "Muggle money does not pay the magical bills. We both enjoy working, and I know you like your job, but you picked to move here, and now you need to support your decision by financially supporting us. I cannot cover for all our bills by myself."

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