A New Neighbor

Neiko Fedele

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Neiko was having fun. He was making a dessert because his brother had said that a new family had moved in next door. Nobody had lived there for a while, it wasn't in bad shape but it did need a little fixing up. Neiko loved to bake, cooking was a different story. He had made brownies from scratch. He had spiced them up with chocolate chunks and white chocolate chips, but it wasn't enough for him. He took a Hershey's bar he found in the fridge and melted it. He sliced the brownies and set them on a plate then drizzled the squares in the melted chocolate. 'Perfect.' He thought grabbing the plate and heading for the door.

Neiko walked up to the door confident that these people wouldn't judge him like the others did. Even though he didn't know anything about them he could fell it. He wouldn't be the queer kid to this family. He walked up the little stone walkway and up a step to ring the doorbell. He waited for a answer. For a second he thought nobody was home when he heard footsteps and the door opened."Hi I'm Neiko." He said before even seeing who was behind the door.
"Aya! Get the door Tawny!" A girl's voice yelled at Tawny. Tawny stuck her tongue out at her older sister Tammi, who lazed on the couch. Sometimes she could be such a pain. She knew that it would be a normal sized person. She reached up to the door handle, standing on tip-toes to reach it comfortably. She slipped off it the first time and stumbled back. 'Damn it.' She cursed her height, and jumped up, grabbing the handle with her small, bony hands. The door came open, and she was still clinging to the handle. she was glad it wasn't a knob, that would be twice as bad. She would need a stepping stool to open it!

She dropped down and came around, looking up at the boy. He seemed androgynous, and very eager to meet someone. Seh stood there silently, seeing how long it would take him to notice her.
Neiko looked into the house, he didn't see anybody. 'That's weird.' He thought to himself and looked down to see if maybe it was a child. Well he had been close. She was a goblin, or at least half. He smiled, maybe he was right she wouldn't be on to judge. "Hi, I live in the house next door; I made your family some brownies." He smiled at her and looked at her outfit, 'Cool.' Maybe they had some things in common too. He looked at his outfit and grinned. "Can I come in?" He wanted to get to know this girl. And his brownies were best warm, especially with the hot chocolate on top. He hoped they like them.
Tawny tapped her foot on the ground, and then noticed him see her. She gave him a small, cheeky smile. He was quicker then most people, and at least when he spoke, he spoke to her like she wasn't a kid. He must not be a muggle, they were normally the ones who accused her of being a dwarf or four years old. She grinned. "Oh, yes, come in." She tried to keep her Japanese accent away from the r's and l's so that he'd understand everything she said. She smiled and held her hands all the way up to take what looked like a plate of sweets. Knowing her, she'd have it gone before he could blink. She smiled again and said. "I'm Tawny, Tawny Lao. What's your name?"
Neiko smiled again when he invited her in. She started reaching for the plate and he grinned. He gave it to her. "Pleasure to meet you Tawny, I'm Neiko, Neiko Fedele." He added a little bit more of his Italian accent. It might make her more comfortable, since he could here her obvious Japanese accent. "My brother and I live in the house to the right." He was generally happy that he might actually have made a good friend. He just had to make it stronger. He hoped she wouldn't mind it, but everyone else did. And to top it all off he was a muggle born. It just made him happy to know that she, Tawny knows how it felt to be judged. Plus the rest of her family too he thought.
Neiko was a nice boy, Tawny could tell. He used a more formal tone for her, and even spoke with an accent too. She took the plat, it was light in her hands. When you lacked something, you always made up for in something else. Since she lacked height, she made up for it in strength. "Follow me, I'll show you the Kitchen." She said. "Tammi! We have company!" She said, speaking in Japanese. Her sister didn't even acknowledge her voice. She shrugged, and started to walk. "Well, Come on Neiko!" She smiled and turned to face him, waiting for him to follow her.
Neiko looked around to see if he could see the other girl. He didn't see her but didn't really mind. He heard Tawny say something in what he presumed was Japanese and then told him to follow her to the kitchen. He looked around, they had defiantly done some renovating in the house. It looked nice. "You guys have been doing a lot I see." He smiled at her. He hoped that her family like him as much as Tawny seemed to. He knew it wasn't much to ask for, just one family who didn't mind him around. He sat down in one of the chairs. He figured that she would talk to him a little. They seemed to be interested in the same things.
Tawny, honestly, wasn't normally this comfortable around the big people. something about Neiko though, he was nice. He treated her like an adult. She felt fine around him, from the way he looked, she was sure that he had gotten some unwanted attention in the past to. Which brought her thoughts around to homosexuality. Was he gay? She turned and glanced at him, going up the step stool in her kitchen to reach the counter. She looked back, maybe not. She placed them there, and then sat on the counter to feel a bit bigger. "Oh yeah, Mamo-San had to set up my work station." She said, patting the counter.

Tawny loved to cook, she had cooked since she was big enough not to fall into the pot and drown. Of course, now that she could swim, it was only the being burnt and becoming goblin stew that was the problem. She still loved it, the smells. And speaking of smells. "Oh my, what have you made?" seh asked, smiling. She peeked under the wrap. "yum!" She exclaimed, licking her small, pink lips.
Neiko watched her as she used the step stool. It must get really annoying at times. But he knew that it was just like a person with a disability and that they weren't to be pitied. She called the kitchen her work station and he smiled. "I love to bake." He looked at her. She knew that they were going to get to be good friends. He wondered just how old Tawny was. It was always hard to tell with goblins. But he knew by the looks of her and the way she acted, that she had to be close to his age.

Then she asked him what he had made and his face light up. "Well they are homemade brownies with chocolate chunks and white chocolate chips. Then I drizzled them with melted chocolate. There still warm too." He grinned in her direction. He really hoped that she and her family liked them. He knew it was a knew thing that he had done but he had confidence in his baking ability.
She smiled at him, and grabbed a small box that sat on the counter. they had china dishes, like ones a five year old would use. Each one had a different Alice in Wonderland characters on them. She pulled out a small fork also. He mom got them for her after she realized eating with real dishes might be a bit of a hassle. This special treatment, Tawny didn't mind. Mostly because Alice In Wonderland was one of her favorite movies of all time. "Really?" She asked with a smile, cutting a brownie in half and scooping it onto her plate. "Would you like one?" She asked, knowing that she would eat them all if he didn't help her.

She listened to him describe them, her mouth practically watering. She took the fork and stuck a piece in her mouth. She swallowed. "Oh wow!" She said with a grin. "these are amazing!" She loved chocolate anything, but these, these were out of this world to her. She liked this kid, he was nice and could bake well. She smiled some more. "Would you like a tour to see what we've done to this place?"
Neiko looked at all the smaller things that she used. He didn't mind, he saw that it was Alice and Wonderland it was cool. She asked if he wanted any and he shook his head. She started to eat one and watched in anticipation, her expression said it all. She loved them and he happy. She called them amazing and her smirked like wild. "I'm glad you like them." He listened to her as she asked if he wanted a tour of the house. "That would be cool." He said smiling. He stood up prepared to follow her. But first. "I'm sorry to ask, you probably get it all the time but how old are you? You don't have to tell me but it's killing me not knowing." He smiled.
She grinned at him. She liked his smirk, it wasn't creepy or scary like the evil people she had seen on TV. Or the people back in Tokyo; it was a smirk of pride. he must have been waiting to see her reaction. Tawny hopped down, the half of brownie she had grabbed, gone with one more bite. She didn't bother to move the step stool, she'd need it when she got the munchies for chocolate later. She looked up at him, she already knew what he was going to ask when he started to apologize. "It's no problem, Neiko." She said, dismissing the question. "I'm 14 years young." She stated. She wasn't going to use old until she was on her death bed.

She smiled and started to walk toward the entrance. "Well, this is our kitchen, and you saw our porch." She said with a smile. "We'll start down here, so that i can get out of my sisters way!" She said with a little giggle. "So you said you had a brother, didn't you?" She asked.
Neiko smiled relived, "Oh, I'm 16." He laughed mentally 14 years young. That was cute. So she defiantly had a sister. That was cool. She asked about his brother, "Yeah Tony, he's 19." He had lived with Tony for the past two years in New Zealand, there parent's didn't mind they wanted them to be happy and they wanted to move so they had let them when Tony turned 18. He liked living with Tony they got along well. Plus Tony was the only one in the family who didn't mind him being gay. His parents hadn't known what to do with him when he came out of the closet so they were kinda relieved when they left. "And what about you, you have a sister; anyone else?" He asked.
She smiled at him, he wasn't as old as she thought he'd be. But, she wouldn't tell him that he looked older. Tawny knew that people didn't like being told they didn't look there age, at least she didn't. However, people might like being told they look older, she had never been told that. "That's great! You guys get along then?" She asked. She didn't want to ask about his parents. Judging by the fact that he lived with such a young brother, he might not have parents. She smiled a little. "Tammi and Tameaka are twins. They're my older sisters. they're both 16. And then I have Aiko, she's the oldest. She's 22." Tawny thought more. "And then I have my mom and dad." She smiled a little more, leading him to the living room. "This is our living room."

On the couch reading sat a bored looking girl with dark back hair. it was wavy and hung down her shoulders. She glance up nodded and then looked down again. "That's Tammi. Let's go upstairs, I'll show you my room." She said with a grin, trying to ignore how cold Tammi was.
Neiko looked around the room, it was cozy. He liked it. "Yeah we're the best of friends." He listened to her rattle off her family, "Wow, big family. I have my parent's and sister in Italy. My brother and I came here to learn more about magic. We're both muggle born." He smiled at her sister, and hurried to catch up with Tawny who was already on the stairs. For being small she sure could walk fast. "So are the twins identical?" He asked. Neiko had never seen a pair of identical twins before and thought it would be cool if two lived next door. He looked around at the decorations on the stair case, everything was so much different from when the last owner had lived here.
She nodded to show that she was listening. She was glad that she didn't have to ask about his parents, and that they were both alive. It always got awkward when death was brought into the situation. He was fascinated by the twins, she could see. "Yeah they are." She said with a smile. "Tammi is a bit taller though." She paused and stood on tip-toes, still not reaching his ears. "And meaner." She laughed a bit. "Come on... this isn't it! Why don't we go to my room first." She said. She walked over to the stairs and waited for him. She was quick for being so tiny, though she had less weight to carry around, so maybe that's why she was quick.
Neiko smiled, so he knew identical twins now. He wondered if they were from a different marriage or if Tawny was just adopted. He wasn't going to pry though. Neiko laughed when she talked about Tammi. It was like sisters should be though, nice but fight a little bit. He heard her say lets go to my room first and thought he had heard wrong. He was going to show her his room. Now that didn't sound like most girls he had met. But he didn't mind and followed her anyway. She seemed different then most girls. But that was obvious by her clothes and her height too he figured.
They were at the beginning of the stairs when she heard her sister say, "Hope you brought protection, kid." Tawny's face grew red and she shouted profanities at her big sister. She knew what she was implying. "Hurry." She said still blushing. Such an embarrassment.

She smiled at him and led him up the stairs to the platform. each door had different names on the,. One said Aiko, in fancy hand writing, it was obvious that it was painted. then the room across from it said The Twins, obviously written by two different people. Half of the letters were red, the other half purple. there were two doors, one said bathroom, and one said 'Love Birds'. "those are my sisters, this is the bathroom, and that's my parents room. I'm only allowed in the bathroom and my room." She said, smiling. She opened the door to the bathroom to let him see it. "It's not much, but, I can deal with it." She then led him down to the end of the hallway. The writing looked shaky, as if the person who wrote Tawny was shaking. "Had to jump to write my own name." She said smiling, and then opening the door to reveal her room.
Neiko blushed deeply when Tammi said that. It wasn't just that he was gay but the thought of... well you get the point. He ran up the steps just behind Tawny when she said hurry. He looked at all the doors and smiled. The house was really nice. The bathroom was small and not as nice as the rest of the house but it wasn't bad. "You could have stood on a chair." He said and then looked into her room. It wasn't messy or like he had expected but it was beautiful. He liked it was different than his room. Heck you were lucky to see the floor of his room normally. "Wow this is gorgeous. You must have worked on all of this for a while before you moved in." He smiled. "My room is a dump compared to this."
She noticed his blush and then frowned. "Listen, my sister.. she didn't mean that I mean." She thought to choose her words carefully, but, with what thought came his words. "Oh thank you. It took us months, but, I think that it will be fun. I mean, I am supposed to go to Hogwarts New Zealand..." She smiled and turned to him. "I have to keep my room in tact for my mom, but, I do have a hidden stash." She smiled and brought out some muggle merchandise, music that was. "I listen to everything, do you know any of these bands?" She handed over the CD's. She decided to avoid the subject of her sister. It would make it easier.
Neiko nodded "That's how my sister is. I understand." Neiko looked at the stack of CD's and smiled. He looked through it was funny there was stuff from Taylor Swift to MSI. He saw the Alice in Wonderland soundtrack, not surprising. Then he saw something that did surprise him Gianna Nannini one of his favorite Italian singers. "You listen to this?" He held up the CD and saw a few other Italian CD's. It was weird that she had them. Not many people besides Italians liked Italian music. He wondered if she had visited Italy maybe. It might explain it. But still it was uncanny how much they had in common.
She smiled. She had never had so much in common with a person. Not even her own family. She watched him look through the CD's, hopping upon the bed. She actually had to jump up there, but, it didn't bother her very much. She only was bothered when she had to do it at night when she was tired. She looked at hm. "Yeah, I like it for the beat, i enjoy dancing to Salvami. It's just such a beautiful song." She sounded dreamy, her eyes glazed a bit with memories of dancing. She could never take real classes because of her height. She looked at him, "I don't understand a word they say though, I wish I could." She then picked up an old CD, one that her mother burned for her. "This one has classical music, I think track three is Italian." She said with a furrowed brow.

Neiko smiled. "That's really cool. You know I'm Italian. I lived there most my life, if you really want to know I can teach you." He looked at the burned CD. "I would probably know the song on that too if it's really Italian. I like most classical stuff." He took it from her and popped it into a CD played he had spotted under the bed. He put in the headphones and turned it to number three. He listened for a bit. "Yup this is Divenire by Ludovico Einaudi." He smiled at her and turned it off. "It's one of my favorites, I used to listen to this all the time." He smiled again. "We really have a lot in common."
Tawny's small face lit up, her pink smile contrasting with her porcelain white skin. She giggled a little bit, she felt really happy. She noticed him find the Cd player that she had tucked under her bed. It was there to remind her that though she was small, it was easier for her to reach things on the ground, then it was for big people. She watched his face, he recognized the song almost immediately. "Wow, you're well versed with music!" She exclaimed. She had never met anyone like him. Then again, she never really bothered to get to know people. The question for her was, what made her feel different about him? "I've noticed." She said. "You can sit if you'd like!" She said, offering a spot on the overly large bed.
Neiko smiled, "Yeah I've always loved music." He took her offer and sat on the bed putting the CD player back where he had found it. "So where did you guy's move from?" He asked. He knew it had to be some magical hot spot but he couldn't know where. He knew that there were a lot of hot spots in Japan because they had a school. But he had never been there. "Your English is really good by the way." He knew she wouldn't take offensively from him. He had to learn English too, he knew how hard it was. He had even gotten good at hiding his accent if he wanted to. But he liked her's, it fit her well.

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