A new kind of different

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James Killian

Growing old is an awfully big adventure
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
10'' Rosewood with Unicorn tear core
12/2014 (39)
Okay guys, I have made this character solely for the fact that Eric and Elizabeth are both adult character and so I decided to bring to life a student.

James is an american born boy who was left on the step of a Buddist temple after his parents were killed in a gang fight and they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. A homeless man brought the boy to the temple to be taken care of after witnessing the showdown. The monks took james and and raised him like one of their own until eric got the letter to hogwart new zealand and now they will send him to school and he will live at the half way house in brightstone.

James is very quite and well behave as a young boy, he is very curious with the outside world and its people having been shield from negative vibes. James is also a nature lover and animal lover and so he takes great offense when plant and animals come to harm causing him to go crazyand loss his temper almost in a destructive and dangerous way. Jame is also going to struggle with his sexuality since he will later learn that he is gay.

So I need friends friends friends!!!! :woot:
I m planing on creating a new character. she grew up in india. she is still developing in my head. and i probably wont rp her until i have finished my mocks (september 17th). however if you want i can pm you if you want when i make her.
basic outline
she always sees the beauty in everything. and because of this she loves drawing and painting. once she reached hogwarts she will probably be in hufflepuff because of her gentle nature, and love for the earth.
sounds perfect pop me a pm whe you have her all made up!

Anyone else interested?
here she is Tara sitara as i said i probably wont RP her till the 17th
Fin here could be his friend!
She is stubborn and reckless, but fiercely loyal to her friends.
Read her CD, it's in her sig! :D
I like Fin, do you want to start or shall I
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