A new friend

Georgiana looked up as two girls walked in the room and held their own conversation, she glanced over at Logan unsure if they had forgot that they were in the room. She ignored their conversation wishing she had a book to study from. She played a few chords on her guitar everyonce in awhile to see if they would notice but they continued with whatever they were talking about. "I think I'm going to go practice some where quieter, Logan, you could join me if you want," she said with her signature smile. She jumped from her desk and headed towards the door unsure if she should say anything to the two girls.
OOCOut of Character:
Alexia and I are in a bathroom around the corner of the room but if you want to join us you can
Adrian was on his break from his job at the library, so he decided to explore around before he had to get back to work. He was walking down the second floor corridor when he saw an abandoned classroom. There was a small group of kids. Adrian took out his lunch bag and sat down at the nearest available seat. "Hey kids. What are you doing in here? Bored, eh?", he said to them, trying to avoid being rude or anything.

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