Gwen felt bad knowing she'd have to turn him down. Being a ravenclaw she enjoyed doing things herself, but she still had to get the fact she wasn't a ravenclaw in her mind. Though she did know she didn't want to admit that she missed Hogwarts and the friends she had. "Actually I should be fine with it," she stated to him softly following him back to the dorms. It took them awhile but she didn't mind the girls were always loud before bedtime and she wouldn't actually start her work till after most of them went to bed anyways. "Could you? I hate getting lost in the school," she told him thinking of how many people she had to ask for directions. Of course the most helpful were the younger students who hadn't learned to be rude to everyone and everything they met yet.
They stopped infront of the enterances to the dorms, Gwen stood infront of the Girl's Enterance looking back at Jack. He hadn't let go of her hand yet which suprised her, well it hadn't suprised her in the fact that he didn't let go, as he told her earlier he was charmed by her. But she was suprised that she enjoyed holding his hand. Gwen was taken back by his lips touching hers, she looked down towards the ground her face turning pink. He dropped her hand in the process and that was what she looked at for a moment before looking back up. She wanted to know what she felt for him, it was an odd feeling she got. Borderline friendship and more. Reaching up she put her hand on the back of his neck as she stood on her tiptoes and kiss him more deeply then he had her. As she pulled away a small smile was on her face, "For friendship then." She stepped back moving towards the doorway. "I wouldn't call you a stranger. I'll see you in a few days or so, whenever we're both free? I'll remember the Fanta too," she said her smile on her face as her eyes looked over his face. She pulled opened the door and gave a wave back to Jack before disapearing behind it.