🌹 Rose Giving A More Uplifting Melody

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
yellow rose for @Nolan Burke

Another reason Dahlia was enjoying rose giving was that she got to interact with cute boys. Sure, she didn't mean anything by it, they were just nice to look at. At least hopefully her cupid accessories helped her be a bit more memorable. The next rose on her list was to someone she knew was a musician, so she figured the arts club was a good place to look. "Hey, Nolan?" As usual, she kept the rose behind her back, her other arm holding a small box with heart shaped chocolates. "If you guess which colour rose I've got for you, you can have one of these chocolates!"
Nolan wasn't sure what to think of valentine's. Sure he had been on dates and whatnot but he didn't really have anything solid as of yet, which he didn't seem to mind. Nolan sat on one of the stools that were placed in the arts room. He looked up when he heard his name being called. He looked confused when he mentioned a rose, clearly thinking he wasn't going to get any this year. "A rose? For me?" Nolan says with a chuckle. "Hmm... I dunno, I'm gonna go with... Yellow?" Nolan guessed. He seemed that seemed like a safe option since he doubt he was ever going to get a rose of any other colour.
Dahlia giggled. It would've been fun to have a rose that was pink or even red to give, but it was in fact, yellow. "Right you are, my good man," she joked, handing over the rose. "And, since you guessed correctly," she offered over the chocolate box for him to take a pick of hearts. "Though, to be honest, I would've given you one anyway, I just wanted to make it a bit more dramatic." She grinned.

My dude! Have an amazing day! Can’t wait to create more music with you.


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