A Little Lost

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)

Heyy Folks,

Emzies here. I've been away for the most part of this month. And because of that I'm not only behind on all the topics that I had, but I have no idea where they are any more. So if you had a topic with me before, and would like to continue it, then PM me on any of my accounts.

As well as that, I'd like some new topics. I have a lot of characters, so for each, I'm not going into too much detail. Just briefly. Then If you want more information just ask. I'm not putting down all the charaters.

Lets get on with it,

Stefan Archer
13, Slytherin, 2nd year. Polite, but quite. Closed off and distant. He can be friendly, but he doesn't talk very much and would much rather be himself that around others. He's got a major crush on Kate Moon. So, for him I just need friends.

Elijah Tine
15, Hufflepuff, 4th Year. He's very nice and polite. He's overly excited and loves music. He's forgetful, and hates his real family. He's got a crush on a certain 3rd year Gryffindor. So I just need friends.

Lily Fossil.
16, Slytherin, 5th year. She's a b!tch, and doesn't care about anyone but herself. She knows that she has very little friends, and she doesn't care. Lily has nothing really going for so I need everything.

Isaac Pike
18, Beauxbatons, 7th year. About to graduate. He's got a close group of friends, but has no idea what he's going to with his life. The boy needs direction, so help for that would be great. Friends as well.

Grae Kanu
15, Durmstrang, 5th year. Not very friendly to people. Distant, but still nice. Doesn't really believe in friends. He doesn't really care about most people. He has a twin brother that he's just found out about. so that is leaving him a little confused. Friends would be nice.

Zander Valentine
23, Ministry Employee in Britain. Eldest of 8. Acts a lot older than he really is. He's not got very going for him. But he's very caring and he just loves his siblings. He's loyal and kind. He's just a little lost and he feels a little depressed, with all the pressure on his shoulders.

Eliska Barnard
17, Sixth year Beauxbatons. She's a very nice and popular girl. She's got all the eyes on her. She's very delicate and has a soft touch. She's got a twin, but there relationship is not as close as she would like it to be. Eliska needs friends and a love interest.

Sidney Carver
11, Hogwarts hopeful. Eldest Carver. Has two brothers, and will have another brother and sister come 9 months. He's overly imaginative. And is lost in the worlds he creates for himself. He doesn't really care about having many friends, but he is very nice and he's friendly, and not in the slightest shy. He's loyal. And wants to be a gryffindor. Sidney needs friends. And a future love interest.

That is all for now. Thank you!


Elijah Tine
15, Hufflepuff, 4th Year. He's very nice and polite. He's overly excited and loves music. He's forgetful, and hates his real family. He's got a crush on a certain 3rd year Gryffindor. (Shut the front door hehehe) So I just need friends.

Kynleigh and Elijah

Zander Valentine
23, Ministry Employee in Britain. Eldest of 8. Acts a lot older than he really is. He's not got very going for him. But he's very caring and he just loves his siblings. He's loyal and kind. He's just a little lost and he feels a little depressed, with all the pressure on his shoulders.

Peyton and Zander

Are you no longer interested in doing Kalani and Malachy?
Hey Emzies! Glad you're back! :hug:
I'm very much still up for Solenn and Isaac if you are?
It's up to you if you would still want to continue this topic
or shall we make a new topic for the two? :kaitlyn:
I could also offer
Cosette Mayfair
Third year Hufflepuff and Incoming Fourth Year..
She's really nice and sweet, one of the Mayfair Triplets. Loves to sketch and play the flute.
Though I'm not sure who's gonna fit her well. ^_^

:woot: Emzies!

Here I have Bridie Cortez for Sidney :)
Bridie is super creative and loves to draw/paint and take photos. She generally won't open up to a person unless she takes interest in them. She accepts unique people, way more than 'conformed' people, or people who fit in a stereotype group. Bridie is very focused on her creative side, and would probably be super focused on any friendship she had.
I did reply to a topic in unsorted, and Bridie would definitely take an interest in someone like Sidney, I reckon she would have a lot of fun trying to keep up with him. Possible love interest for future? Up to you really.
Let me know :)

Thanks for all the responses!

Laura, As it turns out, I might not need a love interest for Eliska for a little while, but they could meet and then just sleep together. Maybe, start up a small friends with benefits deal. If not, would you be interested in them just being friends?

Katie, I have now replied to both!

Alexis, I shall PM you

Mintzy, Still interested in them, Shall Post very soon. As for Cosette, I have two people, there is Elijah listed above, and I do have Oscar Fossil, who is in the same year but is a Ravenclaw. Up to you who you would rather RP with.

Donna, I noticed that, And i agree with you about them being good friends. I think starting with a small growing friendship would be best, and once we see how they interact then I think we can decide if they would be good together. I shall reply in the topic soon.

Thanks again
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