A Little Bump

Avarice Reilly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 12 1/2" Flexible Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Avarice Reilly had never expected her life to turn out in such a fashion she had always been the sort of strong willed girl who had never wanted children, who had been against the idea, her mother who'd left her family when they'd been young without another word had put her off the idea of children that was until she'd gotten married and subsequently gotten pregnant, but then again her relationship with Bruno was nothing like anything she'd been in before, she loved him so much, and she couldn't wait for them to meet this bundle of joy currently growing within her. She had the smallest of bumps, considering she was only three months into this but she could see it, she could feel it, she couldn't help but rest her hand on the bump when she was thinking about something else. She couldn't wait to met the little person, half the time she couldn't even believe that within was a little person growing, a part of her and a part of him, she couldn't wait to share this gift with him, and Avarice honestly couldn't believe that her mother had ever left her and her sisters, she couldn't imagine leaving her child, she couldn't imagine not being within her child's life, she couldn't wait to hold it in her arms, and show it around her little tea shop, to watch Bruno act and to just play, she felt so much love for her little family she couldn't believe how happy she was with it all.

That morning, Avarice had planned to go to the store early and get herself set up for the coming week, but the plans had gone out the window when she'd woken up to a really horrible feeling of morning sickness. She'd laid in bed for a good hour after her alarm had gone off, trying to get rid of the nausea which she felt, but nothing seemed to work, and suddenly it became too much and Avarice rushed out of the bed she shared with Bruno and to the bathroom, bringing up what felt like everything she'd eaten in the last moment. She could only groan heavily, trying to stop the involuntary tears from falling as she was sick again, she really hoped she was being quiet enough to not wake up Bruno in being sick but she doubted it. Sure, she couldn't wait to see her kid but this felt horrible, she didn't like being sick, and this left her feeling tired and she really wanted to go to work today, she'd missed so many days because of how hard this morning sickness had been hitting her over the last two weeks or so, and being alone all day in the house just wasn't that fun, she didn't want that to happen today, she wanted to go out and interact with the world, be in her tea shop or at least be around Bruno, her baby one of the greatest things which had ever happened to her but it wasn't exactly talkative yet.
Bruno Reilly managed to make it into the acting business after leaving college, but his life didn't improve until recently, when he managed to fall in love for a second time, and marry a beautiful woman. She was apparently the same species as what his sister married into, but the girls had a fair bit more charming power, or so he was informed. He lost his previous fiancee and their unborn baby a while back, and Avarice somehow managed to pick up what was left from Bruno, and the two somehow clicked. His acting took off when he became emotionally stable, and managed to make it into actual muggle shows. He was not famous or anything, but he was doing what he loved. But today was a special day because he didn't have to go in until later. As Avarice moved from the bed, that managed to stir Bruno enough to make him open one eye, but not really wake up. However, when he heard his wife in distress, or rather being sick, that alerted the husband within him to open his eyes and get out of bed. Bruno was thankfully already half way dressed with a loose shirt and pants that he could sleep in. He didn't know how people could sleep with nothing on. He loved his clothes.

"Avarice?" Bruno called out, as he walked into the bathroom where she was throwing up. He had seen it before, but he was in denial because of the fear of what happened last time. But, on the contrary, he was not married before. At least he made it that far. He reached around and scratched his head. What should he do? Leave her alone? Instead, Bruno walked to her, placed a hand on her back and reached to hold her hair back. "How long have you been sick? Should we take you to the doctor?" His doctor, her doctor, he didn't care. She needed to get better, because this was his wife. His love. His everything. He was worried, and it was obvious on his expression that he was very much worried about her.
The woman clutched her stomach as she was sick again, barely hearing Bruno calling her name, and she was just focused on being sick in the toilet and not anywhere in this bathroom, she didn't even hear Bruno coming in to the room and placing a hand on her back, holding back her hair and Avarice smiled slightly at the movement, she loved Bruno and knowing he was here was a good thing, but she knew she would have to tell him, she'd known what was causing this for a few days and she was just waiting for the right opportunity to tell him. Avarice knew what had happened to Bruno's last wife, and Avarice didn't want to scare him, she wanted this to be magical, as magical as she believed it would be, after all, she had a little life growing inside of her, she had a life within her slowly growing, becoming a baby, a little part of each of them. She shook her head at the questions, before then sitting up as much as she could and reaching for a wash cloth to wash her face, before turning to face the husband she loved.

There was a small, nervous smile on her face as she noted his worry, "Bruno, my love," she started before then just reaching out to take his hand, praying that she wouldn't be sick all over him, although the worst seemed to have faded, "I am not sick," she started but then she nervously giggled slightly at the incorrectness of the statement, "I'm being sick, but I'm not unwell," she clarified before slowly moving his hand to rest on where she knew that all too soon she'd begin to have a noticeable bump. She looked down at his hand before glancing back up at him, "I found out two days ago, I'm about ten weeks along," she told Bruno, before glancing back up at him with an anxious smile, she didn't know how he would take this, but she really hoped he'd take it well, she wanted this baby and she want to have it with the husband she loved.
Bruno wondered what in the world could Avarice been subjected to. Surely, he did not bring home something from the studios. Maybe he did. He would be completely responsible for what was happening to her now. He looked after her as she washed her face, and looked at him with a small smile, but she looked worried. She spoke his name and held his hand, which he gently squeezed to show that he was supporting whatever she was going through. She said that she wasn’t sick, which Bruno looked to the toilet and thought otherwise. However, her giggle made him raise an eyebrow. Now she was not really making sense to him, and he was about to question it, before she said that she was being sick, but not unwell. Was this witch speak or something? He was not understanding a bit of it. Then, she made him touch her stomach and his face paled. Where the hand was, there was no questioning it. Flashed of his former fiancée and her baby, both dying dashed through his head before he reminded himself that Avarice was someone different. She was a beautiful witch, and had magic on their side. She would not, no, could not, fall into that same fate.

The muggle took his hand away before clutching his head with it. He muttered, “Ten weeks. Just a little more than two months.” It would not be long until she was showing. Sure, he did not really use protection during their nights together, and just let fate run its course, but this was different. Bruno murmured, “You are with child. Our child.” Bruno needed to sit down. His knees gave out and he just sunk to the floor. The shock was enough to make him stare into oblivion. They were having a child together. And she was suffering from morning sickness. “Will… Will you and the baby be okay?” Bruno finally said, looking up at his wife. He was worried, and rightfully so. He did not think he could bare losing another child and a woman that he loved with all his heart. He would not want to live if that was the case.
Avarice knew of Bruno's history, she knew about his other girlfriend and the unborn child and her heart ached that he had suffered such loss, but she felt like this magical moment for them was something they had to share something she couldn't keep a secret any more, and while the child hadn't been planned they didn't exactly use protection so it was likely that this would happen, and she just placed his hand on her stomach where there was the smallest of bumps and she knew he had figured it out, if his face paling was anything to go by, and Avarice didn't know what she could do to tell him, or try to help him belief that she wasn't the same as the last, that the chances of that happening in her family was exceedingly rare, happening almost never, perhaps it was the strong veela or just magic blood but it definitely helped her, or would hopefully help her to avoid the same fate that she hardly wanted to subject him to. His reaction was something she wasn't sure about, he seemed to be processing it, but his hand clutching his head and she just listened to his words.

"I have a little bump, our little child" she told him, as soon as he said the second thing, she was indeed with child, with their child and she was so happy with it, so happy to be married to the amazing and strong man in front of her, but unsure of what to make of his reaction, especially as he just slid to the floor, staring blankly at the wall in front of him and the words he said as he glanced up at her made her feel for him, she couldn't imagine losing this child, couldn't imagine the pain of it, she knelt down in front of him, and took his face in her hands, brush strands of hair behind his ears, "We'll be fine, both me and the baby," she reassured him, though of course there was no certainty in that fact, it just seemed like the right thing to say, the right thing for the moment, "The magic will help us both and I'll just need to rest more, be more careful," she continued trying to assure him that she'd be fine but also in a way how she would be, "The baby will be born beautiful and healthy," she assured him, she wanted this child, and she wanted him to be happy, excited but she knew it would be difficult for him to be so, until he could hold both wife and child in hand.
Some time later...

Bruno could not believe his luck. Ever since he had his little daughter, he took a year off of acting and decided to stay home to keep up with his daughter. Turns out, it was harder than he thought. Bruno was waiting for Avarice to come home, while he was staying with Ophelia. She walking around in one of those rolling toys that had a tray on it, since she was not old enough to walk on her own yet. Boy, could she go in that thing though. All one could hear was the sound of a rattle jingling, and heavy footsteps as Bruno chased after her, down the hallway, into the living room, and back again. It was exhausting. A child before the age of one was tiring, but it was fun too. A lot of things amused Ophelia. Eventually, Bruno caught up with her, and picked her up out of the little toy. Her little chubby legs kicked as she giggled, which only warmed his heart even more. This was what life should have been like all along. Bliss. Bruno dropped to his knees, and laid down in the living room floor on top of the carpet. He set Ophelia next to him so that his face was close to hers.

His wife was right all along. Everything was fine, and his baby, and love, were both healthy. His brown eyes looked at Ophelia, as she reached and felt his cheeks, and the light beard that he had. Luckily, it was not long enough for her to hang on to. That was why he trimmed it down. He murmured, “Mommy will be home any moment.” More babbling, and her rolling onto her stomach. Her progress as a baby was completely normal, if not a little more advanced. He would not doubt her intelligence, but right now, it was too young to even tell. All that he knew was that he was in love. His baby girl had him wrapped around her finger. Any time she needed him, he would come running. She grabbed his nose, and he chuckled, “That’s my nose, Ophelia.” That was something she could grab. It was definitely not a nuisance, but this was time between a father and a daughter. He wanted more babies, but he figured that it could definitely wait until Ophelia was older. She wore him out as is.
Having a daughter had simply been amazing, seeing her daughter in the world, and in the arms of the husband she loved had been one of the most amazing things in her life. The man was so suited for children, and he dotted on their daughter, and Avarice was perfectly happy that this was the case, and after all his worries, the baby and she had been fine, and the child was a heavily little girl that kept her husband on his toes at all points in the day. She was still working, having gone back to work a little more recently, and every day she missed her little family, but then again they needed money to eat and she liked her job, but there was just something about spending her day chasing her daughter around the house with Bruno that brought an easy smile to her lips. Little Ophelia, with the perfect father Bruno, and she was more than happy to have provided him with such a joy, the way his eyes lit up at Ophelia's smile, and the way she knew she couldn't find another man that would look at their daughter with such pure love in his eyes.

Avarice was at the door of the house, and she could hear the babbling of her daughter coming from within the house and it easily brought a smile to her lips, and she hurriedly opened the door and then allowed herself inside, putting her bag down, and putting her coat up, and then looking at the sight that greeted her. Ever since having the baby, Avarice had been working hard to slim back down, but now some months after she really felt back to her old self, and the part-veela just smiled at them both, "Hey," she greeted her husband warmly kissing him on the head as she then reached out to her daughter, sitting herself down next to where he lay on the carpet, she loved Ophelia and while more children was definitely something she wanted, Avarice was more than happy to wait a little, "Hey sweetie," she greeted Ophelia with a warm tone, "Did you cause daddy any trouble while mummy was at work?" she asked the baby with a little smile, knowing that Bruno was utterly wrapped around her finger, she knew that this was the best thing, it might not be great in the long run, but she knew that Bruno would always protect her, and she couldn't think of how else she'd want her family to be.
Laying down on the floor was not something that Bruno was accustomed to, even after these long months of having his child run him to the ground. She was beautiful though, just like her mother, and also going to be a witch as well. It was very interesting on how he managed to live in the magical world, much like his sister, but without the magical powers. He would love to be a wizard but he had long since got over that. At least that they were expanding the family out a little bit, with the Reilly name living on as magical now, and Rosie was doing the same for the Chamberlin family with their only son. The Chamberlin family was such a nice family, accepting and whatnot. Both sides came from muggles and veelas, ultimately. He still found it odd that he managed to fall for one just like his younger sister. But the world was small at times. Ophelia kept making a grab for his nose, which he kept moving his head away. His head turned up to look at his wife that just came home from work. He grinned into her kiss, and sighed when Ophelia was in her mother's arms. Finally, a break.

"She is running. And running a lot," Bruno said with a soft sigh. Ophelia had so much energy within her, he was amazed on where she could be coming from. Where did those genes come from? It must have been from the Vanity. He never remembered Rosie ever being that active, but then again, she might have been. His mind was a little hazy when it came down to the baby, and well, he was also thinking that Ophelia's diaper changing might have given him brain damage. "How was your day at work? I almost miss it. But Ophelia is less predicable."
Avarice had her daughter held in her arms, giving the young child lots of little kisses on her face and telling her how much she had missed her during the day, she always missed her, but Avarice more than trusted her husband to look after their daughter, and it was always such a joy to come home and hear the laughter, see the two interacting, she felt so lucky to have ended up with such a great husband and a wonderful daughter. Ava could already tell that Ophelia was going to be magical and already she could see the veela traits the girl had. It was impossible to miss really, but there were little bits of her that were even at this point undeniably Bruno, the way she smiled reminded her constantly of her husband, "Good, keeping daddy in shape," she teased lightly as she looked up from Ophelia to Bruno, smiling at him with all the warmth that she had. It was easy to say that having her little tea shop, Bruno and now a daughter had kept Ava's life firmly on the right track, she had never felt so complete in her life, so truly happy.

"My day was fine, kept busy through most of it," she replied, "Perhaps you should go back to work? Ophelia can come to work with me on some days, or we could always hire someone to look after her during the day," If Bruno wanted to go back to work she would never stop him, both she and child were fine and really there was nothing much at all for him to worry about, Avarice wasn't sure that a tea shop was the best place for a young child, but if needs must she would. It would only be a few years until she could be enrolled in a nursery which would definitely help her out, help them out. Ava plopped down next to bruno with Ophelia still in her arms, and the young girl was grasping at Ava's blonde hair. There wasn't much she could say to him, they would work it out, she trusted that, she loved him too much to not think it possible for them to work it out, "Perhaps we should organise a playdate, with your sister's child?" she was sure they were close in age, and she couldn't help but think that perhaps seeing his family and having another child to run about with Ophelia for a few hours would do them all good.

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