Closed A Little Bit of Everything

Kiara Wood

Medical Student | 'Apothecary' owner | Mom of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
September 2, 2037 (26)
It had been a while since Kiara came to France as life in New Zealand seemed to get ahead of everything else. Yet, she needed to visit university while it was possible and get some things sorted out. With that, she came home for like a week to get everything settled down, think about work, studying and Arthur after all. She had always wanted to make her own wedding dress, something that would belong only to her, yet, it was clear to see that she did not have time for that. However, the free week and the fact that she was trying to get new employees and Rhys wasnt a student anymore, she was indeed trying to use the time wisely and make the dress happen.

So she just enjoyed the sketches in front of her on a desk, there were a bunch of fabrics laid all down on the floor in front of her. Kiara liked the idea of the process and while she knew that she still didnt have enough time to sew it all by hand, there was a moment where she used a wand to create a structure to the dress, and while it was happening, she had tea and went through some work papers with her glasses on. There was some light music playing in the background, a dog chewing a toy in the corner and a cat right on Kiaras lap.
Arthur was making a good living as a sailor under his uncle. Even if the time away from home felt like a bit much sometimes. He was supposed to be away for a month long voyage, but he'd managed to sneak home a week early. He apparated back to his home with Kiara, and leaving his bag upstairs, he slipped off his shoes and snuck through the house. He spotted his fiancee easily, and with a little smirk, he tiptoed up behind her. He got as close as he could without getting caught, and leant in. "Boo," He whispered in her ear.
Everything was going as planned, Kiara liked what she saw, the dress was turning out beautiful, all the paperwork seemed to look good, so Apothecary was fine too. And even more, her school work seemed to be good too. And then she heard a voice, not just any voice but her most favourite voice in the world. “you’re home!” Kiara excitedly squealed, jumping up from the sofa chair and jumping onto her fiancée, hugging him, kissing his cheeks and lips from excitement. “You’re home, you’re home, you’re home! I love you!”
Arthur laughed, wrapping his arms around Kiara- though his laughter was muffled by the kisses. "Surprise," He finally managed, falling down onto the couch and trying to drag her with him. "We got back early, thought I might pop in." He winked at her, running a hand through his hair and yawning. "What do you say to lunch and catch up?" He asked, thinking that sounded like a good start. "You can tell me all about what's been going on."
Kiara easily fell with him, putting her head on his shoulder, hiding her nose in his neck, pressing light kisses onto his shoulder bone, hands wrapped around him. “I’m happy you did,” she whispered into his neck. “I wanna stay at home with you, I just got you back. Let me enjoy you before sharing you in public,” she pulled her face out of his neck, leaning a little back and smiling at him softly. “I can tell you all about it down there on couch, I made some food too, I can make more, just tell me,” she said to convince him stay home. Kiara really wanted to stay in with Arthur.
Arthur stretched out, laying his arms over the back of the couch and just smiling easily at his girl. "Anything you want, love," He reassured her with a warm smile. "What's for lunch?" He asked, biting back a yawn. He was always tired for some reason when he got home, but he could stay up for a while longer, just to spend some time with Kiara. "As long as there's enough for two, we should be good," He reassured her.
Kiara kissed his cheek once again, rubbing her nose against his shoulder. “I was almost predicting your coming home, so carbonara. I was feeling fancy,” she was excited to finally have him all to herself. She missed him dearly whenever he was at his job but it was all worth it whenever he came back. “For two there definitely is and an extra portion to you as well, she assured him. And while usually she would get up to get the food ready without her magic, this time she used her wand and cuddled into him. “So tell me, how was your voyage? How are you?”

@Arthurian Taylor
Arthur kept his arm around her, rubbing her back gently. "It was a bit rough, honestly," He admitted. "The seas can be harsh, and cruel when they choose to be. But there's no better captain out there than my uncle, so we made it through in the end," He chuckled. "Though I am taking a little bit of an extended vacation, you've got me for the next two weeks," He teased her, giving her a playful wink. "So, carbonara?"
Kiara listened to him carefully, looking up at him with an absolute love in her eyes. While he was talking, she was playing a little with his fingers, from time to time pressing light kisses on his palms and fingers. Kiara's favorite love language was physical touch if it wasn't clear to anyone from the first sight. "I love you," she quietly whispered in between his talking, almost silent but it was just on her mind. She was listening to him though. "What was your favorite moment in this time?" she asked while stroking his hands a little. "Two weeks? Finally! God, I'm finally gonna have you all to myself," Kia giggled a little with a soft sight. "Carbonara it is! Let's go, let's go! It's a good one!"
Arthur had missed this- the little attentions, her touch. He smiled gently, looking at her with warmth in his eyes. "I love you too," He murmured. He considered her question, letting her pull him up off the couch. "Oh, you know that sunsets and sunrises are always the best out on the boat." He gave her a little smile. "Tell me, love... how would you feel about taking a little sailboat out for a few days? Just the two of us?" He asked as he followed after her, his stomach rumbling.

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