A little backstory...

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Kennedy Pratt

Hogwarts Scotland Divination Professor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Sturdy Wenge Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2013 (34)
Hello guys! :D So here I have my new character Kennedy, who is the new Divination professor at Hogwarts. I would love to RP with her!! ^_^

So here's Kennedy's backstory condensed:
She grew up pretty well off in France, wealthy socialite type of parents, she was super ambitious and a little entitled if I'm being honest, so she never wanted to be a teacher because she considered it a fallback career that she could do better than.
But unfortunately both of her parents died, and now she has custody of her younger siblings. There's a lot of legal work involved with her parents will so their accounts have been frozen for the time being, which is new to her. Being that her whole world was rocked, Kennedy decided to up and quit her job and left France for the new position she saw open in New Zealand.

The only thing is, she left a fiance behind too :r That is where y'all come in :D I have no ideas for who her fiance is, except that there was one! So if you would like to have been her fiance, let me knowwww :D I also had this idea that maybe he was her boss hmmmmm.
Maybe she left because she didn't love him, or they got in a fight, or she was just scared because she wasn't ready to settle down, or scared that her whole life was changing now that she has custody of her younger siblings. Whoooooo knows, I don't lol, I'm just throwing those out there! Whoever would like to have been her fiance in France and I could decide on some story! :D Idk if he would follow her here or if they'll get back together, etc!

In the mean time, I would like for her to try and make friends and date while in New Zealand! So I am definitely up for that! :)
You can read her bio if you would like more info on her but that's about all I have to offer!

Let me know if anyone is interested! :frantics:
Hey Abby. I've been kicking around some ideas for an adult character that could have been Kennedy's fiance. It would be just the excuse I need to actually make him. I've got a good deal of him planned out already. If your up for it let me know and we can talk more details. I'm currently leaning towards Grant Gustin as a pb.
Oooh I love Grant Gustin! :woot: Sounds good to me! Let me know what he's like :shifty: ^_^
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