Open A Lightbulb Moment

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Lumio Skey

passionate | explosive | Eeylop's assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Gay)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Doxy Wing Core
3/2039 (18)
Lumio arrived at the great hall, he had a halo on his head, he was the lumos spell, he'd decided to be his own name. He had used his own and his brother's magic to be able to get this to work. It was clear that he was at least light, dressed as some kind of light, but when he said knox the lights went out and when he said Lumos it would light back up. It was a little difficult as a costume and it had taken some time to do , but he was pretty pleased with how it had turned out. He was walking to the snacks table looking towards the people who were dancing.
"You're very distracting dressed like that, you know," Ryan said, trying not to sound too petulant when he finally approached Lumio. Halloween was one of Ryan's favourite school events for people-watching, either to see what people found scary, or to try and guess who was who in their costumes or what they'd dressed up as each year. It was interesting, but having someone walking around as a literal beacon of light in his peripheral vision had been a pain enough to make Ryan want to come and say something about it, abandoning his spot near by to join Lumio at the snack table.
Lumio laughed heartily at Ryan's statement, and then said simply, "Knox," and the lights all went out. He gave the other boy a little smile, "Is that better?" he asked grinning lightly. This was a fun event and he enjoyed his slightly magical costume. "Was I ruining the halloween vibe for you?"
Ryan blinked a few times to clear the spots from his vision from where he'd been staring too much at Lumio's light up costume, shaking his head as if to dislodge the after image. "Much better," he said, still blinking rapidly. "Are you meant to be a light bulb or something?" Ryan was pretty pleased he remembered the word. Muggle electronics were beyond interesting, and electricity and light bulbs doubly so. It was interesting how many work arounds muggles found for basic things like lighting up a room. "I'm people watching. You were reflecting on my glasses," Ryan said, pointing at his glasses by way of explanation. He wasn't exactly sure what the Halloween vibe was, beyond maybe dark and spooky, but if it weren't for the reflection having someone light up the place to see better honestly might have been more helpful.
Lumio nodded, "Yeah!" he told him brightly, "Or the lumos to magical people," he said, since anyone who had no idea what light bulbs were, were going to know about the magical part. The gryffindor listened as Ryan explained essentially why he had wanted the light off. He thought people watching was a bit odd to do, but he wasn't sure it was the worst thing one could do. "See anything fun yet?" he asked with an interested tone.
Ryan wasn't sure he understood why Lumio was dressing up as a light bulb, or he supposed, maybe he was just doing it as a pun considering his name, but he personally thought he preferred it over some of the other costumes around. He was more mollified when Lumio expressed interest in what he'd been looking at around the hall, nodding and glancing back out at the crowd of students. "Trying to figure out who a few of the masked costumes are. There's a dragon over there with a sort of shy gait that looks kind of familiar. And they're pretty small, so I'm thinking probably a younger student?" He said, pointing out a red dragon costume nearby. "Also the professors all drank aging potions I think, it's kind of weird to look at though. They all look wrong," he added, scrunching up his nose. He didn't like how different and yet familiar the younger versions of the staff all looked, he'd be glad when it wore off.
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