🌹 Rose Giving A Happy Rose

Delilah Thorne

ollivander's asst. | middlest | '58 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 13 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
01/2040 (21)
Delilah hadn't realized how much time had passed as she took a break to eat something until she looked up and realized that a good half of the students had already left. With one last bite and sip of her drink, she scrambled to collect her things and head over to the Gryffindor table. She tried to find Ivy in case she could help Delilah find the next person on her list but she seemed to be out of luck in that regard. "Emma! Emma Van Houten!" she called out, not letting herself think too much about how much attention she just called to herself.

@Emma van Houten
Emma had enjoyed seeing people around her get roses, it was pretty entertaining to sit in the great hall and watch the chaos unfold around her. But when her own name was called, Emma turned all her attention on the person who was looking for her. "Over here!" She called, waving the girl over.
Delilah smiled as the other girl responded and she quickly made her way down the table towards the other girl. "Hi." she said brightly and pulled out one of the yellow roses she had with her and handed it over. "Happy Valentine's day." she said before looking next for the note that went with the flower and handing it over as well.

Thanks for being the best friend ever! It's nice to know someone's got my back <3
love Nicole
Emma grinned at the younger girl, eager to see what she had for her. The girl took out a yellow rose and Emma grabbed it eagerly, opening the note. "Thanks!" She managed absently as she looked at who had sent it. She grinned, Nicole was a good friend. "I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day too!" She added to the girl.

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