Open A Halloween Birthday

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Nolan Burke

irish ☘️ | musical 🎶 | 60' grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Sturdy Hornbeam Wand with Fairy Wing Core
22 (10/2041)
Nolan had always been excited for Halloween though it was always a bit strange to him that his birthday had fallen on the same day as Halloween. The boy had decided to dress up as something music-related, as we all know that the boy had a passion for music. He had found it funny to add a moustache to his costume. The boy quickly made his way down to the great hall, with a guitar in hand. When he finally arrived, he waved to a few people he knew and quickly making his way to the food table, as he was starving. But there was so many food choices to choose from. How could he decide what to pick?
Ivelisse quite enjoyed Halloween and although she hadn't been too serious in preparing a costume she did think she had managed to pull of.. something. She hadn't managed to put something great together, but between her huge pirate hat and the mustache she had stuck to her lip she thought it was pretty funny in the end. In addition to that, the combination of the hat, eyepatch and mustache might make it a bit harder to recognize her. Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, she was excited. The only downside of halloween was that it was always difficult to recognize other people, which meant it would be a challenge to find someone she knew. There were plenty of students lingering around the snack table though, so she figured that would be a good as place as any to start her evening. "Way too much choice, huh?" She grinned when she took a stand next to a boy who looked like he was overthinking which snack to start with, although she wondered if her grin would even be visible underneath the mustache.
Nolan turned to see a girl dressed up as a pirate. "Rrr, that's right me matey," Nolan says, as he badly impersonates a pirate, and curls his index finger as a hook, as well as stroking his moustache, as he then looks back at the platters of food. He then chuckles embarrassingly. "That was bad. Sorry bout that" Nolan says with a small chuckle, as he then rubs the back of his neck with embarrassment. "Yeah, there are heaps of stuff to choose from. It's hard to decide. Do you recommend anything?"
René was pretty psyched about his costume this year. He'd gotten some of the kids in the art club to help with the face paint and there was no way Sully could accuse him of copying him this year. Now he just had to make it through the night without accidentally wiping it off. Or messing up the wig he was wearing either, René thought wearily, barely resisting the urge to scratch at his head for the 40th time as one of the orange strands tickled his neck.

He made it over to the snack table, trying to decide what would be the least difficult to eat without messing up his facepaint when he spotted Nolan. At least he was pretty sure it was Nolan, even with the mustache. "Hey, happy birthday, man," he said to his roommate, raising a cupcake in a mini-toast to his roommate. "I mean, like. It is your birthday, right? I only remember cause it's on a holiday and stuff," he quickly added, not wanting to look weird for remembering, just in case. "Oh, hey. You two match," René said, making a vague motion around his upper lip as he noticed Ivelisse, also sporting a mustache. "Sorta. Aren't those itchy?" René was struggling enough with just facepaint and a wig, he couldn't imagine having hair stuck to his face too.
It took Ivelisse a second look at the boy to realize he was actually one of her classmates, trying her best to match his face to a name which was a little harder considering he was wearing a costume. Not to mention she was terrible at names to start with. "I mean I'm not gonna argue with that." She laughed at his response. It had been pretty bad. Funny, at the same time though. She took a second to act like she was thinking about his question before giving the answer that had immediately sprung to mind. "Everything." She nodded confidently as she reached out to take one of the spider-y looking cupcakes, a little startled when it started to move just as she was about to grab it. "Although the moving snacks look like the most fun, if you're up for that." She grinned when she also noticed the wriggling gummy worms just when she managed to grab the cupcake she was after.

Ive looked up when another one of their classmates joined them, moving her eyepatch up when he mentioned a birthday. "No way your birthday is on halloween?" She asked Nolan as she tried to figure out whether that would be fun or disappointing. It sounded like fun but at the same time it would mean that not all attention would be on him. Which was something she would hate if it were her own birthday. "Happy birthday!" She quickly added as to not be rude by just questioning him about it. "Yeah, well y'know, mustaches are where it's at. All the cool kid wear them." Ive grinned when René pointed out they matched. "Kind of." She shrugged at his question, eyeing her cupcake as she wondered how she was even going to eat it without smearing it all over the mustache. "Can't be as itchy as that wig though. Are you trying to switch houses?"
Nolan laughed at Ivelisse's response. He wasn't that great when it came to impersonations, but he guessed it was worth a try. The Hufflepuff nods when she had recommended everything on the snack table. He looked at the moving gummy worms with disgust. He was used to moving food but that was just going to lose his appetite on that. "I think I'm gonna take a miss on that offer. Food that moves isn't my forte" Nolan joked as he shook his head and decided to pick a pumpkin-shaped biscuit for now.

Nolan smiled when he noticed his roommate, René makes his way towards them. "Hey, thanks dude," Nolan says with a smile, as he returns the gesture of making a mini-toast with his biscuit. He wasn't sure if anyone at school would remember, but he didn't mind. "Don't sweat it. Either way I appreciate it, man" Nolan then chuckles, at René's next comment. The Irish boy then turns towards Ivelisse and chuckles a little. "Yup, It is. And thanks" Nolan says with a small laugh. He wasn't much of a person to celebrate their birthdays but did appreciate the small greetings. Nolan nods in agreement. "Oh definitely. The cool kids wear them. Yeah, It's a bit itchy" Nolan says, as he jokes a little, while then slightly itching his upper lip now thinking how itchy it was. "The face paint is cool though! Did you do it yourself?" Nolan says as he slightly points to René's face. Nolan then gasps dramatically at Ivelisse's comment. "You're gonna ditch us puffs already? That break's my heart man" Nolan says dramatically yet jokingly hitting his chest to show how wounded he was.
René laughed as he caught the tail end of Ivelisse and Nolan’s conversation about the food, nodding in agreement with Nolan. Magical food was pretty cool, but it’d take a lot to make him eat any of the stuff that was wiggling on the snack table. Maybe if Nolan ate some first.

He grinned when Nolan said thanks, relieved he hadn’t gotten it wrong. “Pretty cool to get to dress up for your birthday every year, I bet,” he said casually, picking at the cupcake wrapper, still not quite feeling brave enough to try and eat the one he was holding and laughing at Ivelisse’s joke. “Nah, nah, my family has enough Gryffindors I think. I just thought it was cool, though I guess I should have gotten a mustache too, aye.” Though now that Ivelisse and Nolan had mentioned it, he was dying to scratch at his head under the wig again, barely restraining the urge. “Some of the arts club kids helped me paint it, I thought it was pretty sweet,” he said proudly, laughing along with Nolan when he joked about him ditching Hufflepuff.
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