A Goodbye Giveaway

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Adrian Slick

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
I have to leave, so my characters are getting new owners. First come first serve. Post if you want them. PM me for more information on them. They are only available until the 18th.
Crossed out ones are ones that have already been taken.

Professor Adrian Slick
Astronomy Years 1-3 Professor

James Slick
Second Year Gryffindor

Katy Slick
First Year Hufflepuff

Hezikiah Weatherwax
Third Year Ravenclaw

Paul Gemstone
Second Year Slytherin

Muzy Jefferson
First Year Ravenclaw

Justin Valentine
HNZ Librarian

You have permission to do whatever you wish with them.
Hey1 I can take someone off your hands! Hm, can I have Katy?
Professor Adrian Slick said:
Professor Adrian Slick
Astronomy Years 1-3 Professor
This account will not be a professor any longer (as a warning for anybody who might have though otherwise).
Thanks for telling me that, Nick.

All of you will gain your requested accounts. PM me and I will give you the password, as they all have different passwords.
You only have today and tomorrow to take characters! Get yours now!
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