Closed A Good Book

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (26)
It was the first pretty day that Lily was able to get away and escape outside. She held her battered copy of 'Pride and Prejudice' as she made her way through the grass. There was a particular tree that she'd found was perfect for sitting under. She was feeling more and more at ease while at school. She would miss this part of her life when it was over. The thought was fleeting, though. She was only 12. She still had a few more years to enjoy being here. She sat down in the shade of her tree and opened her book. The castle would be here when she got back. For now, she could visit Longbourn. She settled against the tree and lost herself in the world of the Bennets.
Audra would normally never venture too far outside on a very sunny day. She liked it when the sky was gray and looked as though it could rain any minute. But she was bored inside and wasn't sure where any of the people she might consider friends were hanging out. While walking around the lawn she saw a girl in her year sitting and reading a book. It wasn't like Audra to approach any random person she hadn't really spoken to before so she didn't. Instead she went around watching the girl read, a lot of thoughts went through Audra's head as she watched the girl. Would this be someone she could be friends with?
Lily smiled as she read her book. Elizabeth was so bold and so smart. Lily wondered if she could ever be like that. She sighed softly and shut her book. Her thoughts drifted again to Mihail. He was certainly handsome enough to be Mr. Darcy. No, he was too kind. Maybe Mr. Bingley instead? She thought about that. Could she be Jane? Jane was kind and smart. Lily didn't think she was smart enough for that. Feeling oddly inspired, she set her book aside and reached into her bag. She didn't draw very often, but she enjoyed herself when she did. She pulled out her sketchpad and after a moment of thought set to work. It wouldn't be as pretty as Ren and his charcoal, but she hoped it would turn out alright.
Audra watched as the blonde, who she figured out was a Hufflepuff in her year after thinking more about it, pull out another book after setting the other aside. The girl seemed to start drawing in this new book and she wondered if she was as good as Fleur. Audra was not very artistic but she had posed many times for Fleur, especially with her long hair in many different styles for her older cousin. "What are you doing?" She asked sounding slightly harsh as she got closer to her classmate. Audra wasn't here to make friends, she was here for school but with Gracen having transferred out of the school it left her wishing for someone to be around.
Lily jumped a little at the sudden voice. She looked up, wide-eyed. "Um, I-I'm drawing," She stammered shyly. She recognized the girl from class. She gulped, not wanting to admit to her crush on Mihail yet. She turned the page to a fresh one. "Would, ah, would you like to sit with me?" She offered to the girl, giving her a shy smile. Lily was doing better at talking to people. At least, she hoped she was. She waited for her to respond, a little nervous. Maybe she had done something to upset the girl? No, that couldn't be it. Could it?
Audra pondered what the girl could be drawing in the room. Nothing in here seemed to be interesting enough to draw. Though the girl could be making something up out of imagination as well. That would be pretty cool, she wondered if she'd draw her a butterfly, Audra thought they were pretty neat bugs. Beautiful but fleeting lives they had, she thought it was nice symbolism for life, not that she really knew what the word symbolism meant yet. "Sure," she said taking a seat near the girl glad to be in the shade and out of the sun. "What kind of things do you draw?"
Lily smiled as the girl sat next to her. "Oh," She thought over her question a moment. "Just things that interest me. My friends, things I find pretty." She giggled nervously. "I'm not very good though, it's only a hobby. My brother Ren is much better at it." She fidgeted with the pencil in her hand, smiling shyly at the girl. "My name is Lily."
"Ever draw something hurting? That would be interesting," Audra said looking away imagining what that might be before looking back to the girl. She gave the girl a light grin before leaning back a little. "I don't have any talents like that. My cousin, though I'm supposed to call her sister now draws, she's really good at portraits. But I just do stick figures," she said. She wasn't really certain what she should talk about with this girl. They could talk about classes but that could be boring, after all the classes were all the same day in and day out.
Lily blinked at the other girl's question. "Oh... only wilting things... sometimes, when I'm sad." She flipped through her notebook and took out an old drawing of a butterfly flying with pieces of its wings flaking off. It was pretty rough, but that was beside the point. She offered it to the girl shyly. It wasn't often Lily drew anything like this, and she never really showed people her drawings. They weren't good like Rens. She waited nervously for the girls reaction.

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