Closed A Gift For You

Dominic Owens-Lee

adopted | american | life's cool
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 9 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Dominic's heart sank as he read the note on the classroom door to say that the professor was too unwell to teach class. Break was coming up very soon and he was extremely worried that she wouldn't be able to enjoy it. He knew he had to try and at least put a smile on her face. After seeing the note on the door, he headed out to the grounds to find the perfect flower to pick. Around the lake he noticed some yellow snapdragon growing, and so picked a couple of them to take to her. He wasn't sure if this was too over the top, but it wasn't like he had very much else to do anyway. He was ahead with a lot of his studying, so he didn't mind attempting to make the professor's day better, especially since she had been such a good professor.

As Dominic made his way to her office door, he hesitated a little. Would she think it was odd that he was doing this? He simply wanted to make her feel better and just couldn't think of any other way. If she didn't answer the door, he could simply just walk away and maybe he could gift the snapdragons to someone else, because just leaving them at her door would probably be worse than giving them to her in person, especially without a note. Trying not to think too much about it, he knocked slowly on her door, part of him hoping that she wouldn't answer.
Gabrielle was tired, the holidays couldn't come soon enough. The first year class had been awkward, she didn't blame Miranda for not wanting to participate but she didn't really know how to approach it. She was pretty run down, but she'd been downing ginger and lemon tea like it was manna from heaven in order to not let the third years down like she'd probably let the first and second years down. She was surprised by the knock on the door, quickly shoving a couple of tissues in the bin next to her desk and casting a quick scourgify on the desk. She cleared her throat, sitting up a little straighter. "Come in," she called, putting face mask on so as not to possibly sneeze on whoever was at the door.
As Dominic heard the professor's voice from inside, he beamed, opening the door with a smile upon his face. "Hi professor!" he exclaimed as he saw her sitting at her desk. He stood there a little awkwardly for a moment before taking a step forward. "I hope you're feeling okay... I just wanted to give these to you. Maybe they can cheer you up a little." He held the flowers out to her, a little nervous for her reaction.

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