A flight of fancy.

Laughing at the excitement of the race Patricia looked behind her to see if Ruki was any quicker the second time round. Pleasantly surprised, he was. Turning she faced the final destination once again. There was always something about a return trip, it always seemed shorter. Patricia pulled back on her broom slightly, enough to slow her down but not so much for Ruki to notice - she hoped. She waited for him to pass her. This was one race she didn't mind loosing, no doubt when the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff game came and they were both playing, she would protect him from any bludgers - regardless of any bet - this way Ruki wouldn't get into any trouble from Kat or Andy.
As he powered through the air towards the young girl, Ruki once more felt free. The reason he wanted to play Quidditch had returned. Closing in on the girl, Ruki saw her look back towards him. Gripping his broom tighter, Ruki pushed forward; closing the small gap. Half of the trip was complete. After levelling with the girl, Ruki flattened himself as low as he could; soaring through the other-wise calm skies. Passing her, Ruki continued towards the North hoops.
Patricia gave a sideways smirk as Ruki leveled up with her. It wouldn't be long now until he passed her. Pretending to be extra force on the top of her broom as to gain more speed. Seeing Ruki pass by her she allowed herself to smile brightly, knowing he was going to win now. As the gap between the two lessened Patricia allowed herself to speed up a bit more so it wouldn't be completely obvious that he let her win. She watched Ruki as he appraoched the finish line, herself close on his tail.
Not paying too much attention to the younger girl, Ruki powered on towards his target; the Sienna Storm wrapped beneath his body. With his low level of confidence lifted slightly, Ruki focused harder on reaching the hoops first. Closing the distance between himself and the up-right poles, Ruki thundered through the air; and within seconds, had passed between the hoops.

Pulling his broom to a slower pace, Ruki forced the handle to the left; and kicked his free leg to the right. The young Gryffindor spun flawlessly as if attached to a piece of string. This was a move he was certainly becoming better at. Gleaming at Patricia as she finished her own flight, Ruki drifted towards her. "It would seem my dignity is intact.". Ruki beamed with confidence.
Patricia beamed as she saw Ruki easily take her over and not too long after he crossed the 'finish line'. Speading up just a little bit she joined him at the other side of the pitch as he did his little victory dance. "Boys," she said rolling her eyes with a giggle. "Is that all you care about? Your dignity?" she asked playfully.
Watching the younger girl fly closer to him, Ruki shook his head; smiling at her words. "I believe it was you whom mentioned keeping my dignity.". Floating to a stop, Ruki shifted his weight across his broom. "What would you like to do now?". Ruki felt little need to remain sky bound if the two where to talk more.
Patricia stuck her tongue out playfully, "Fine, you got me." she said laughing. Looking out over the vast space she realised just how big this place was, she was so used to it being crowded at the Quidditch Games. But even though it was only her and Ruki on the pitch the sound of laughter and chatting didn't make her seem so lonely - and she had been lonely for sometime now. Turning her head back to Ruki when he talked again Patricia shrugged lightly, "Maybe we should head back? This broom is getting a tad uncomfortable." she said with an awkward laugh, shifty slightly on her Amethyst Streak.
Watching the young girl, Ruki felt as if he had found some-one to help him with his destiny. Someone to shine a light towards his future; away from his parents and their plans. Listening to her laughter, Ruki knew nothing would lead him to follow his parents. Or at least, he hoped.

Catching her words, Ruki smiled before nodding. "A warm cup of hot chocolate would seem appropriate about now.". Ruki's smile faltered ever so slightly. Un-noticeably. Essie. He would have to re-visit The Gables over the holidays. An apology would certainly not be easy after this length of time.
Patricia couldn't help but beam at the suggestion, it had been so long since she had a decent cup of hot chocolate. It would be the perfect end to a, and she had to admit, pretty perfect day. She had finally gotten out of the castle after her time of solitude, practised her flying a bit and had met a new friend, it all seemed like a perfect day. "Race you." she said with a wink, not giving him time to reply she leaned forward on her broom and headed straight for the ground.
With-out a seconds hesitation, the young girl called out those dreaded words; and shot off towards the ground. Growling, Ruki spun his broom around, and followed suit. It had become apparent to him now that his broom was much slower than hers, and Ruki couldn't help but feel annoyed. Every other Quidditch player was bound to have a faster broom.

Closing on the younger girl as fast as he could, Ruki promised himself he would purchase his own. The gift he was riding meant nothing any more, and wasn't worth keeping.

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