Open A First Time For Everything

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Aciano Fields

Kicked out of Ilvermorny
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Bisexual/Male Lean)
Sexual Orientation
Bisexual/Male Lean
Aciano stole two red roses from the garden, one he had already given to Alistair this morning. The other, he currently held twiddling the long stem side to side. Aciano breathes in the rose scent, not typically drawn to flowers naturally but he could see why roses were normally gifted on Valentine's Day. The smell of the garden is carried in the petals, that relax the teen while he waited for his date in the common room. The red, velvet petals delicately caress his nose. Aciano pulled away to see Alistair descend from the staircase of their dormitory. Aciano, looking like a prince waiting for his prince charming, held out his arm and the rose for Alistair to take. "Ready when you are," Aciano prompt with a grin. With Alistair, Aciano was going to make the most of the night with the prefect. It's not like the Yule Ball last year, this time around he had a date who he was growing fond over by the day.

@Alistair Lancaster
Alistair had not expected to go to the Valentines Dance. He couldn't recall ever attending the event in all seven years of Hogwarts, and that streak was one he had been resigned to keep until that same morning. Now here he was, nerve-wracked and trying on formal robes to wear in the hall, all as plain and black as the next. He'd never needed any versatility in his attire, nor had he intended to invite anyone to be his date to make use of it, or expected the same of someone else. This year had been full of unpredictability, it seemed. The teenager envied his cousins ability to see into the future. It certainly would have helped him navigate his rollercoaster of a life more easily.

Descending the stairs, Alistair caught sight of Aciano, and paused. It was difficult to believe he was actually doing this - attending his first and final dance with his somewhat bad influence of a dorm mate. With a deep breath, he continued down and strode up to Ace, plucking the rose from his fingertips with a slight raise of his brow. "How many of these did you steal?" He asked, setting the rose in his breast-pocket. It was a welcome splash of colour to an otherwise mournful ensemble. "Thank you." He paused again before he took the other boys arm. The whole situation was new, and so far out of his usual comfort zone that he had no idea what to do with himself. They weren't even in the hall yet. Trying to quell his nerves, he returned Aciano's smile. "I'm as ready as I can be."
Aciano shrugs somewhat arrogantly, “Are you going to worry about all these small details? And is the school going to kick me out for plucking roses from the garden? I think not.” Aciano tugs the other teen to get them going to the dance. “Besides, you make that rose look good. You clean up well,” the Slytherin complimented the prefect’s attire this evening. If anyone knew about looking good it was Aciano. His roommate may have gone with an outfit that expressed his current state of mind, it didn’t stop Aciano from admiring the handsome teen. He was a gem in a school full of tedious, boring humans. Alistair may not agree, however, Aciano is willing to do everything in his power to make sure he does. He escorted his date to the dance, making their way to the great hall. It was decked out in Valentine’s theme. Splashes of red, white and pink emphasis all over the massive hall. And there was that smell again, the smell of roses accompanied with chocolate? Aciano looks over towards the table of treats, there were big heart-shaped carve chocolates for anyone to indulge in. He focused his attention back to the roses and his date, leading the teen further into the great hall. “Come on, let’s dance.”
"I'm not certain I'd put it past the Headmistress." Alistair responded, though he highly doubted anyone would get kicked out for something as simple as plucking flowers. He wasn't entirely sure there was even a rule against it, or if the Wild Patch would care now that the rose-giving festivities were over. He admired the flower in his pocket. It did look nice, though he was sure it had more to do with its own scarlet petals than how he looked. He'd fretted about his appearance in the mirror for quite a while, and still left not entirely happy with it. "Thank you. You look really good, too. It's a nice suit." The teen returned the compliment, looking the other boy up and down. Annoyingly, Aciano always had perfect hair, whereas Alistairs was more of a shaggy mess. It had taken ages to comb it to an acceptable level.

The Great Hall was unlike Alistair had ever seen it before. Was it always, during Valentines? "This is..." He began, surveying the room, from its pink fountain of punch to the falling petals. "A lot." He finished after a moment. The whole aesthetic only added to the intensity of the situation. He looked at Aciano, and then towards the open dance floor. It was a rather public space. Stair knew how to dance. He'd had a lot of practice when he was younger, because he'd fallen out of favour with his family. It had been years since he'd last had the opportunity. He just had to hope he could remember his steps. He took a breath, and settled his gaze back on the other boy. "I can do that. Who's leading?" He asked. He'd never danced with another boy before, but tonight was proving to be a first time for many things.​
Aciano casually popped his collar from his fancy dress coat, "What this old thing? It used to be my padre's, the old man never looked this good," he mused and steps forward to take a hold of Alistair. Aciano had to make this evening fun, to make it feel so casual that Alistair would start to feel more comfortable in his skin. If Aciano can't make that happen then he would feel like he failed to show his date how to have a good time. That's what he was aiming for, everything else was irrelevant. "I know, it's like someone murder cupid and stole his wings," Aciano jest with a playful smirk. They went all out for these dances, Aciano would know as he had attended most of them since transferring to Hogwarts. If he wasn't so bored cooked up in his dormitory, he may have not attended them for entertainment. This time around he came for the same and he had a proper date. He squeezed the blonde's hand, setting his other hand down the middle of his back. "I'll lead, we can switch off if you like. The first dance is on me."

A slow steady song played from an unknown source. It was the right kind of song for a slow dance, not exactly what Aciano was hoping for but he kept swaying to the slow rhythm with Alistair. "It's good that you came out, you had to show them what they write about you don't faze you," he spoke gently, close to a whisper so that his date was aware what he was saying and no one else. "It sucks that it took you this long to attend a dance, y'know how much fun we could've had before this year? Lot's of it," Aciano continues, pulling the boy a little closer. Aciano smiles, his heart beats a little faster though he exhibited that no such thing was happening. Cool as a cucumber he swayed with the other teen like they were floating on air.
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