Open A Fancy Halloween

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Professor Samantha Jacobs

arithmancy 5-7 🧩 | ‘55 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Seeing Somebody
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bi) (ren
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
26 (06/2037)
Since it was Samantha's last year at Hogwarts, the Hufflepuff had decided to make the most of it. This had included her dressing up for Halloween one last time. She honestly wasn't sure what she wanted to dress up as but had asked her mother for help before she left for Hogwarts and what they had come up with was something from what looked like the 50s but Sam hadn't minded what she was dressed up as. She had wanted to just attend the event and hopefully enjoy herself. Samantha had quickly looked at the mirror one last time, before quickly heading out the door and towards the Great Hall. There were a few familiar faces that the girl had noticed, but she didn't want to bother them, so she made her way to the food table, looking at the possible snacks she could have.
Simon wasn't sure what had possessed him to try and pull together a costume for the Halloween feast, maybe there was something about this being his last year that was making him sentimental. Granted it wasn't a great costume but at least it was something. He had even had to ask Sully to borrow a quaffle but now he was regretting choosing such a cumbersome prop with him for the whole night. Now that he was here he wasn't sure where to go now. He never had much of a sweet tooth but he found himself gravitating towards the snack table without thinking. He spotted Samantha who looked amazing and while he only knew her by reputation he decided to join her anyways. "Wow you look great." he said earnestly and shuffled the quaffle to hold under his other arm. "Putting the rest of us to shame." he said with a friendly laugh.
Samantha turned when she heard a voice and saw the familiar face. "Well hello to you too. Thanks, I guess. You're not so bad looking yourself... Quidditch player? I'm guessing? Either way, I think your costume is cool" Samantha says with a small chuckle, guessing on Simon's costume, with the quaffle that was being held under his arm. The Hufflepuff wasn't that great at Quidditch herself, but she had known the basics from her brother talking about it non-stop. She personally didn't know the boy that much, but she had guessed that she was happy to have a conversation with him. "Oh gosh, I hope not. There are way better costumes here tonight anyways" Samantha says with a laugh as Simon spoke again, as she then looks back down towards the snack table. "Anything here you think would be tasty to eat?"
Simon grinned as she guessed what his costume was. "You would be correct." he said brightly. "Though, the obvious prop gives it away." he said with a laugh. "I don't think I've ever even played a game." he thought out loud. "That's true. I'm always a little amazed people have the time to come up with this kind of stuff." Simon said thoughtfully and looked around the hall again but his attention returned to Samantha when she asked if there was anything he thought was tasty. "Well tonight I think I'm limited to one handed foods." he joked and held up his only free hand for added effect. Of course he could set the ball down at any time but he was committed at this point and with out it he'd just be some guy.
Ren had never been big on going to events. But he wasn't keen to miss any this year. It was his last year, and he wanted to participate at least this one last time. He was running a little late, but that was alright. He smiled as he noticed his girlfriend among the crowd, talking to some boy that he was pretty sure Rose hated. He snuck up behind Sam, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "You look gorgeous," he breathed, before jumping back in case she decided to swing.
Samantha laughs a little when she had guessed the costume correct. "Nah, I think I'm just that good at guessing" Samantha jokes with a small laugh. The Hufflepuff nods a little when Simon mentions him having not played a game of Quidditch. "Now that you mention that, I don't think I've ever played a game either," Sam says with a small chuckle. She flew around on a broom when she was younger, but her brothers were the ones who had more interest in a game of Quidditch than she did. "Right? The costumes people come up with each year is something else" Samantha says with a small smile as she looked around the great hall. It had always amazed her what people pulled off each year. She loved seeing the enchanted costumes, loving what part of the costume was magical. The Hufflepuff laughed a little when Simon had joked about only having one-handed food. "I'm sure there will be plenty of one-handed food to go round. You think you can do the activities one-handed for the rest of the night?" Samantha says with a small smile. Before she could continue speaking, she suddenly hears someone speaking behind her, making her jump slightly and turn towards the culprit. She squinted for a moment to see who it was before she gently smiled. "Thanks... Ren? Hi. I almost didn't recognise you." Samantha says with a small but guilty smile.
"Right, of course." Simon said with a laugh at her guessing comment. He was starting to regret not talking to her before. "Personally I've never really seen the appeal. I'd rather stay far away from bludgers if I can help it." he said conspiratorially. He knew people at this school felt quite strongly about the sport but he could never make sense of it. "I'll figure something out." he said before grabbing a biscuit off the table and made quite a show of picking it up and taking a bite to prove his point. Simon watched with concern as some boy came up behind Samantha. "Oh thank you." he said sounding flattered. He knew the boy was talking about Samantha but he couldn't pass up the joke.
Ren smiled, sticking his hands in his pockets and looking over to the boy. "Well, Mr. Quidditch Player, we're just going to have to run away if you keep smiling at me like that," he teased, before looking over to Sam and smiling again. "Seriously, though, you look great Sammy," he offered out his hand for her.
Samantha nods in agreement as Simon spoke about Quidditch. "Yeah, I see what you mean. Though there are a lot of people around here that are into the sport. And you're right, avoiding the bludgers sounds like a good plan" Samantha says with a chuckle. Quidditch wasn't really something that Sam was into, though it wasn't something that she hated either. Samantha watched as Simon grabbed a biscuit with his free hand. "Well, look at that, you already got the hang of it" Samantha joked, as she then took a mini cupcake from the table and took a bite. The Hufflepuff laughs a little at Simon's comment when Ren had spoken a compliment. "A dashing Quidditch player who may as well steal the show," Samantha says with a laugh. Samantha liked looking at the costume ideas that people came up with and pulled off. She then looks at Ren. "Thank you. You also look great" Samantha says with a slight blush and a small smile. She people watched for a bit before turning back to both boys. "What are your plans tonight boys? Anything sentimental as it's our last Halloween Feast here?" Sam questioned and joked. She hadn't even really thought about it being her last one here for a bit until now.
Simon gave Ren, or at least that’s what he thought Samantha had called him, a wink but didn’t respond to his comment. Instead he focused on Samantha’s question and he took a moment to consider the possibilities. Did he want to be sentimental? He wasn’t even sure if he had anything to be sentimental about when it came to Halloween. He could try and find Minnie to keep up tradition but he thought better of it. “Well this is the last time we’ll probably get to see this kind of costume creativity, so I'm likely to stay on the sidelines as the say in sports.” he said with a grin and took another bite of the biscuit in his hand. “But feel free to go off if you'd like. I'd hate to feel like I'm interrupting something.” he said warily. Not wanting to get in the middle of anything. He'd done enough meddling in the past and he really didn’t need that kind of headache tonight.
Ren chuckled, shifting to lay his arm over Sam's shoulders if she let him. "People watching sounds great," he told them, chuckling and shaking his head at Simon's comment. "Nah, you aren't disrupting anything." He looked around the room, spotting his sister occupied with things on the other end of the room, and also spotting Emily in her usual haunting attire, accompanied by someone else just as haunting. "Oh, whoa, no way, did Emily really get Sydney down here?" He asked, smiling brightly. "I was surprised when her and Emily started dating, but I didn't think she would get Syd all dressed up like that," He smiled, nodding to the pair. "I gotta admit, though, those costumes are super scary,"
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