Open A Fake Professor

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Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (18)
Emmanuel had really struggled to find a costume this time around, he had thrown something haphazard together for it, but wasn't really sold that it worked. He had come dressed as a professor, not the ones at the school, but like his father, he just wasn't sure if was what he wanted or just like he'd decided to dress formally. Emmanuel had a fake pipe which of course did not work, and was moving around the great hall. He had gotten the biggest history book that he could feasibly carry for hours as he made his way around the great hall. He was wearing fake horn rimmed glasses and just hoped people would think the costume was at least passable. The Halloween stuff was fun, it wasn't something he had done before school, but he got it. He understood why the school leaned into it and did something with it.
Lillian wasn't sure if she wanted to join the Halloween celebrations. She mostly wanted to stay away from events like this and be on her own with a good book. On the other hand she didn't want to shut herself from the world anymore and wanted to meet more people. She was wearing a black gown with dark feathery wings on her back. The wings did move which looked pretty cool, but she had also made sure that they couldn't fully open. She didn't want to poke someones eye out. She walked inside the Great Hall and hoped to see a familiar face. Someone she dared to actually converse with. Soon after she spotted the leader of the unofficially history club she was a part of. Lily smiled and shuffled over making sure to not hit anything with her wings. ''Hello'' she muttered softly when she was Emmanuel. ''Cool costume'' She smiled and looked at the book he was carrying. ''History Professor?'' she asked the boy.
Emmanuel glanced as someone moved next to him with a friendly and soft expression. He liked Lillian, she was quiet, but he appreciated her a lot. She was a good addition to his club. "Of course!" he said with a smile, "Those wings are pretty amazing," the boy said with an easy expression. Since they were cool, especially given that they could move. "Did you make them yourself or buy them?" Emmanuel asked curiously. It wouldn't matter either way because the wings were cool, and he did imagine even if she made them someone else would've spelled them. He was just keen to find out either way.
Lillian smiled when Emmanuel seemed to recognize her. Of course she loved the history club, but Lillian was always blending in the background. So she was glad he knew her. ''You suit the role well, are you related to any History Professors?'' She knew he was into the subject, he was the leader of the history club after all. ''Thanks'' Lillian said when he gave a compliment on her wings. She was pretty proud of the costume she was wearing. ''I bought the feathers and made the wings with those.'' Lily said ''No crows where harmed in making the costume though.'' Talking with Emmanuel was somehow easier than with the rest of the people at Hogwarts.
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