A Day time stroll

She pulled away. "Oh my god." She said. "Was I.. AWWW." Was all she could see. She knew that look; she had seen it before.
She bounced up a little and kissed his cheek. "WAs i your first kiss. Cause you got that first kiss look on your face!" She eclaimed.
she giggled. "You are so funny Kenny!" She liked how clueless he could be. "There's a second kiss face too." She said smiling flirtatiously.
Kenny smiled "Is there really??" He was suddenly thinking. How could he pin himself to one girl. He knew he'd always be flirting with all the girls around everywhere and that Nena would get annoyed with him.
She stopped. "You lean in like this." She said placing her hand on the back of his neck gently. "And then." She leaned forward the rest of the way, kissing him softly, waiting for him to respond.
Kenny didn't know what he was doing. When Nena's hand went round the back of his neck, his heart started beating faster and the rate increased more when her lips touched his. What was hapenning?? "I...umm...I..." Kenny drop to the floor and fainted.
Nena jumped back when he fainted. It took everything she had not to laugh. She may have had effects on other guys, but not this big. She kneeled down and put his head in her lap to make him comfortable for when he woke up.
Kenny's eyes started to open and as they did he saw Nena looking down at him. He went to sit up but his head hurt so he stayed where he was. Rubbing it he said "My head kills."
"Hey babe." She said with a smirk in her tone. She reached over and rubbed his back a bit, in a comforting way. "Want an asprin?"
"It's a pill that'll make the pain go away, i take them a lot for migraines." She said with a smile. She felt smart trying to explain to him what an aspirin was.
"Nah. It's alright. I'm not really much of a pills person. I prefer to let nature take it's course." Kenny grinned an sat up leaning on his hands.
"So you weren't lying when you said i was your first kiss, eh?" She asked in her German accent. "I'm sorry..." She looked down.
"Well next time just let me know when you are ready." She grinned at him, eyes not moving from his at all.

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