A bride with no bridesmaids

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Kira Carter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Chestnut Wand 13" with a core of Essence of Unicorn Hair
So here we have Kira Baxter. A 25 year old Auror and shopkeeper. She is a hardworking woman and is very driven for someone of such a young age. She is very sweet, kind and friendly and a overall nice person ^_^

So she's currently engaged to Andros Carter ( :wub: ) it's a sort of rushed relationship but she's very happy and very much in love ^_^ So they're getting married on New Year's Day 2025 and even though Kira isn't worried about most of the things on her to - do list she has one problem....She has no bridesmaids :erm: So she's looking for one or two women around her age 20-30 or so to become close friends with her and full the position as bridesmaid. Her younger sister Jasmin will already be one but I don't want to be doing a lot of RPing by myself xD

So anyone interested reply here ^_^

- Pat
Melodie could be friends with her :) From what you said it seems like the two would get on well :)

Let me know what you want or anything :p

Brittaneh :D
I offer Martine, because she's also an Auror and doubtless they would have met in the office at some point. :p
She's 26, so they're close in age, too. ^_^
:frantics: Replies, sweet! :D

Martine sounds great ^_^ Do you want to start the RP or will I?

Mel seems a bit too young though :erm: Sorry.
I can offer Effie Snow for this if needed.
She's 27 and it seems like she and Kira would get along fairly well.
Ohh yes Effie would be great :D Thank you ^_^
Oh do you want to set up the RP or me? :D
If you could start it, that would be great. I have to go out soon so I can't reply at the moment but I can get to it later today. xD
No preferences, around Obsidian or Brightstone is fine :)
Antoinette Greenwood said:
If you could start it, that would be great. I have to go out soon so I can't reply at the moment but I can get to it later today. xD
Will do ^_^
I can offer Pamela! :D She's a Shopkeeper so maybe they know each other like that? I'm dyyyying to RP again and poor Pam, I never do anything with her! :(
Pam would be great :D I'd say they should at least know each other and maybe we can just have them become closer now ^_^ If I get time I'll set up the RP and post the link back here.

Thank you for this guys :wub:
I can offer up Noelle. I really want to RP with her. Doesn't matter if she is a bridesmaid or not, friends would be good. They do both work at the ministry of magic, granted in other areas but they could be work friends.
Friends sounds great :D Can never hurt to have a few more of them :lol: I'm mega busy at the moment so if you could set up an RP that would be great, if not I'll get to it a bit later on or tomorrow sometime :)
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