Closed A Blue Badger

Emrys Connelly

Odd Duck- Loner
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
18 (3/12/2045)
Emrys felt sick. He didn't know someone could feel like this. His chest hurt, his stomach was roiling, his eyes always felt like they were burning. He never should've agreed to Marnie's stupid idea to date. He knew her too well. He should have seen this coming, really. Marnie was... impulsive, and her mood shifted with the winds. He should have known he could never be more than just a phase.

Still, it hurt. A lot. And he didn't know who to turn to. Somehow it didn't feel right trying to talk to Yuelia about this, or even letting her know he was upset. But other than her, he didn't have anyone... he'd tried, but it never worked. He was too weird, too creepy, too different to make any friends. He'd thought he was friends with Emmanuel and Penny, but Penny was Marnie's best friend, and Emmanuel was seeing Penny now. Neither of them would ever choose him when it was all said and done. And it was done. Over. Marnie had ended it.

Emrys sat out by the lake, tucked into the big roots of a tree on the shore. He'd pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his head in his arms, just wishing he could make the world go away. Or that the tree would just swallow him up. Then he wouldn't have to deal with this anymore, or face Marnie ever, ever, ever again.
Emmanuel was feeling pretty good about things. It had gone well enough with Penny, he'd asked her out and was enjoying having a girlfriend. It wasn't odd, and he wasn't sure that he really did like her that way, he just liked her, and going out just made sense to do. The ravenclaw was walking on the grounds, hoping to get a bit of fresh air before he settled into studying and working a little more. It was as he went on this walk that he noticed Emrys and frowned. He didn't seem to be happy. "Emrys," he said approaching him with a slightly concerned look. "Are you okay?" he said as he got close, realising that he looked like he very much wasn't.
Emrys flinched when he heard someone call his name and he shrunk back a bit. "Go away," He complained. "You're with Penny- you're automatically on Marnie's side, just leave me alone," He tried to hide a bit, shrinking in on himself. He didn't want to be stuck in this mess anymore. Why did he ever think any of this had been a good idea?
Emmanuel was a little taken aback by the words, but he didn't. he just went to sit next to him. "I am on no one's side," he said. He did like Marnie, and he did technically really like Penny, but he wouldn't forsake Emrys either. "We're friends, I promise," he tried to assure him, with his warmest tone. "Bro code, and all that,"
Emrys let out a frustrated sigh, swiping at his face to try and hide how upset he was. "I should've seen it coming," He grumbled. "Nothing keeps Marnie's attention for long." He leant back, digging the palms of his hands into his eyes. "I don't know why I ever thought I might be different." He mumbled, hating how broken he sounded.
Emmanuel was glad that Emrys opened up to him. It was clear that what had happened had caused him a lot of hurt. Emmanuel thought highly of Marnie, though he was now a little more tentative. Though he couldn't help but think it wasn't wrong of Marnie to end things when she got bored. "It's okay to have thought that," he said, trying to be gentle with his words and tone. "It's okay to be upset about it, you cared about her. There's really nothing wrong with being upset when it doesn't, even if you might've known."
Emrys was shaking, trying to keep it together. He sniffled, scrubbing at his face. "But I thought we were doing good, I thought she cared about me," He whispered, trying to pull himself together and failing. "How could she just- like it was nothing, like I was nothing," His voice broke and a few tears spilled over, and he scrubbed at his face. "How could she treat me like I mattered to her, like I was important, and then just drop me because she was bored,"
Emmanuel moved to put a hand on his shoulder to try and give him a little comfort. "Hey, let it all out," he encouraged, not minding if Emrys was very upset. Emmanuel couldn't really get it why he was upset, not that it actually mattered because the boy was upset and that was what mattered. "I'm sorry that happened, it sucks," he said with a smile. "It's gonna be okay,"
Emrys scoffed, just shaking his head and pulling his knees in against his chest, leaning his head against them. "Just forget it," He muttered, feeling exhausted and absolutely drained. "I was too boring to keep her attention for long. I've never been good at keeping friends. I didn't know why I thought things would be different with Marnie," He missed Yuelia in that moment, but he knew that their friendship was a more casual one, and if he tried to go to her with his hurting heart it would only make things awkward.
Emmanuel tried to put his arm around Emrys to try and provide some comfort but he wasn't very good at this, having never really had problems with making friends, keeping them or with relationships. All of it had come pretty easily to him. "You aren't boring Emrys," he said, though really he didn't know him all that well. "We're friends, and you won't lose me," he assured him warmly.
Emrys sighed, and unthinkingly he leant against Emmanuels' shoulder. "I hate girls," He grumbled, mostly to himself, rubbing his sleeves over his face. "I'm never gunna date anyone ever again," He swore, determined to never let anyone have that sort of power over him ever, ever again.
Emmanuel shrugged a little since he knew that break-ups were hard, but they were just a part of things. Part of growing up, until you found the right person. "Well, don't say that, what if the next person you meet is the one," he replied softly. He didn't think it would be, but he wasn't about to say to him, good, never date again.
Emrys shook his head, sniffling. "Forget it, I don't ever wanna do this again. I'd rather be single forever. I'll just be a crazy old wizard with stacks and stacks of books everywhere and speak only in weird riddles that make no sense and have a beard dragging down between my feet," He nodded, sure of his decision in the moment.
Emmanuel gave a little squeeze of Emrys' shoulder. He didn't think there was anything wrong with being single, and wanting to just be weird or smart about a specific thing. "I'll happy help you write those riddles," he said with a smile, trying to help Emrys feel better.
Emrys just scrubbed at his face and stood up, offering a hand out to Emmanuel. "We should hit the library then. See what we can find, you know, about these sorts of things." He offered, meaning to do research on good riddles and see if he could get any better at twisting words around that way.

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