Open A Bear-y Nice Rose

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (25)
Yellow for @Uno Bear, open after

Even with the lingering summer outside, it was still a bit chilly down in the Dungeons, which after a long day of classes and deliveries, Elliot was rather appreciating. Elliot had been stuck down near the Slytherin common room for awhile, subjecting himself to having to ask if anyone had seen Uno Bear around, which was always his least favourite type of delivery. He knew he'd find her eventually, but it was awkward and tiring and Elliot hoped word would get to her soon that someone was looking for her.
Word had eventually come to Uno that there was someone waiting around for her. She wasn't really in a rush to run to someone's beck and call, but curiosity eventually got the better of her and she made her way out of the Common Room and approached the awkward looking Yellow-Robes. "What's up Pufflepants?"
Elliot jumped a bit when someone addressed him, scrunching his face up a bit at the nickname but deciding it'd be best to ignore it. "Uhm, I'm looking for Uno Bear?" He said hopefully, holding up his rose basket.
Uno grinned at the kid. "You're talking to her Poptart!"
Elliot was definitely caught off guard by Uno's response, deciding to focus on getting her rose so he wouldn't have to try and figure out what she was saying. "Right. Um. Here, this is yours," He said, passing her the yellow rose and note a little hesitantly.

Uno had to keep her laugh to herself, some people just weren't used to her and her ways. "Awh cute." Uno said, taking the rose, smiling when she saw it was from Zennon. "Thank you, Porkchop!"
Elliot couldn't quite shake the distinct impression that Uno was enjoying making him feel uncomfortable, but at least the rose took some of that attention away from him. "Uh.. You're welcome," He said weakly. "Are you.. only using 'P' words on purpose?" He asked her, hoping he wasn't about to regret not just leaving her to it.
Uno feigned a confused face. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Pumpkin."
Elliot blinked a few times, feeling his ears heat up a bit as Uno continued with the weird nicknames. "Oh. Okay. Right. Sorry? I just-" He mumbled, deciding it might be best that he just.. left now. "Well uh. Have a good.. day," He managed to get out, giving Uno an awkward wave before hurrying away from the dungeons.

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