
  1. Marley Owens-Lee

    Closed Girlie Giggles & Chats

    One of Marley's favourite things while being at school was her friends. She absolutely loved spending time with her friends. The Hufflepuff had a few friends, close friends even. And she considered Lucy as one of them. She wanted to catch up with the girl and see how she was doing. Sure she had...
  2. Vanity Mettlestone

    Closed Ugh

    Vanity wasn't sure why she had been chosen today to stay behind and help clean the potions classroom after class, but she guessed it had something to do with her chatting throughout the lesson. But so what? It had been boring and easy, it wasn't like she had missed anything. The other girl...
  3. Miro Morales-Albertson

    Closed Flying Frenzy

    Miro, despite all of the frustration he felt in his gut, had attempted to return to Hogwarts feeling excited for his second semester. He was trying to hold onto the remaining excitement he still had so he wasn't wallowing in his own self pity all day every day, even if it felt like clutching at...
  4. Vanity Mettlestone

    Open Not Worth the Dirt

    Open after Sarah posts with Lucy Vanity had heard about the Hogwarts gardens from a few other students and finally decided to check it out one day. But as she walked over the great lawn to get there, she already started to regret the decision. It wasn't that muddy out, but still enough to be...