sapphire michaels

  1. Noelle Maxwell

    Closed Words Not Fists

    After countless back and forth of texting, Noelle successfully managed to ask @Sapphire Michaels to dinner. He could not blame her suspicion as to how he got her number though. He debated whether to tell her it was Ava or not and finally decided that he could tell her if she agreed to come out...
  2. Odette Madison

    Closed Walking a Different Path

    Odette didn't often head to Obsidian Harbour anymore, mostly because things could get uncomfortable if someone recognized her from playing for one of New Zealand's national teams. But without her Quidditch robes on and with her hair loose instead of in a ponytail, she could often get away with...
  3. Ana Sofia Burleigh

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow To Green

    Ana Sofia had been told that the next person on her delivery list was a Slytherin and so she had made her way down to the dungeons in the hopes of finding the girl she was looking for or at least finding someone who knew where she could find her. With all the deliveries going around the school...
  4. Zennon Baros

    Closed Only but a Dream

    Zennon didn't know what he was doing, honestly he hadn't known what he was doing for months, but mostly just functioning on auto pilot and mostly that was still true. He'd done all he could to try and take his mind off of things but it all just kept flooding back and he didn't have much of a...
  5. Noelle Maxwell

    Closed Treading New Grounds

    Despite the ruckus it stirred, Noelle still pushed with his plan to ask Sapphire on a date. It was not that much given that they were in the school. Debating on the place, he decided on the pitch, for no reason at all. He picked a shady part up at the stands and spread out the picnic blanket he...
  6. Ajaccio Skey

    Open Salad Grind Pink

    Pink rose for @Sapphire Michaels Ajaccio had in his mind saved the best rose for last, the rose giving had started for him with a rose delivery to a friend and it would end with someone he liked. Someone who he'd given a rose to in the previous year and. had turned out to be a chill person...
  7. Ilija Olaf

    One for the Gum Popper

    Ilija didn’t really know who @Sapphire Michaels was, but it wasn’t too surprising as he was still learning the names of students in the older year groups. He thought he recognised her from Wuidditch though and that was definitely something he followed, so heading down to the common room he...
  8. Ajaccio Skey

    Open Red Waves!

    Red Rose for Sapphire Michaels Ajax knew it wasn't the best idea to be skateboarding in the great hall, but there was enough space for him to do so, so he found himself doing that. Going up and down the slytherin table with a red rose in his hand, "Sapphire Michaels?" he was saying as he...
  9. Sam Mackintosh

    Open Nose in the Books

    It was OWL year and despite classes having only just begun, Sam was freaking out on the inside. She didn’t get prefect, which at the beginning had really upset her, but then she realised that she would get more time to study and she would rather impress her father with her stellar grades than...
  10. Alice Briar

    Open Friends in Common

    ((Yellow rose, open after Jessica, @Sapphire Michaels )) Alice was happy to deliver the next rose to the next person, as it was easy enough to find her. Sapphire Michaels was one of Diana's friends, and one of Ava's friends too. Alice had seen her enough over the years to know exactly who she...
  11. Vader Hume

    Open Sly Rose

    Vader was always a little tentative when it came to the roses, he didn't like interrupting people and he didn't particular enjoy having to find people who were not in easily findable areas. He had two slytherins on his list, one he knew from accio and the other whom he didn't know at all. He...
  12. Signy Forstrom

    Open Sapphire Rose

    After the library, Signy had upon the instruction of one of the other students in the library headed into the student lounge, where she'd been told someone else she needed to find was. There were quite a few people in the room, and Signy didn't really know who this girl was, the name seemed...
  13. Willow Cullen

    Snowball fight.

    There was something about the light. willow woke up and looked around the dorm. it was the same as always, but the light, there was something different about it. she got up and went over to the window. where the lawn was usually green everything was white. willow rushed to her wardrobe and...