open for anyone

  1. June Davenport

    Old School Week That's Mine

    June had the Daily Prophet before her as she enjoyed her breakfast. Trying to see what the news was from today. Sometimes she counted the days when her father would get out. Wanting to see any sign of it. She could not wait to look him in the eye and hear his voice. Tell him in person what she...
  2. Giselle Rosenberg

    Open I Have No Idea How I Came Here

    ID #113581 Giselle had an amazing evening. At the medley she had a few drinks, she thought. Or more than an few, but she didn't counted. The more the better it seemed. And every one of them tasted good. It was becoming an facination and sport to try out every drink. She had to do something with...
  3. Max Goose

    Open Time to Pretend Everything's Fine

    Two days into the holiday break, Max found himself sitting alone at the Gryffindor table, building a card house with a set of exploding snap cards. It wasn't going very well, as the cards continued to explode halfway through, but he was determined to get at least one card house standing before...
  4. Blair Bianchi

    Open Nap Time

    It was a new year in Hogwarts again and it was quite exciting for Blair. Her brother was here now, she and her dad were closer now, he even got her a kitten and ever since then, Blair has been even more cheerful about everything. Also, Branson was the first person ever that Blair called to hang...
  5. Gwen Goodwin

    Open Sharing Looks Like Caring

    Gwen had a plan for this year, she wanted to be more popular. She was pretty, sweet, and nice. She should have a lot more friends than she currently did. Gwen knew she was lucky with Molly, who seemed to do everything she asked without question, but it would be nice to have a few more friends in...
  6. Molly Burke

    Open Come on Out Fishies!

    Molly's break had been okay. She was excited to see her parents and her younger siblings. But there wasn't much magic or mythical creatures that she could see at home. Her younger brother had shown her his shells that he had recently collected for his shell collection and her sister was too busy...
  7. Tyler Lee

    Open Swinging Spells

    Tyler knew this was his last year, his last chance to win the duelling tournament and prove he was worth being the SDA leader. He had been frustrated by his losses the past two years, and really needed to pick up the pace. So he had spent some time in the library, making a list for himself of...
  8. Abian Hunter

    Open Brainstorming Ideas

    The new school year had started, and for Abian it would also be the final school year at Hogwarts. It was wild to him, as he felt nowhere near ready for graduation. He sometimes even forgot he was one of the older students at Hogwarts, at least until he noticed that most of the other kids around...
  9. Valencia Addington

    Open Adventure of Some Sort?

    Valencia had decided to do another trip of exploring the magical world. She had decided to go back to the park first to see if there was anything out of the ordinary from a muggle park. She had heard that ghosts flew by around the village, but she hadn't really seen any yet, so she had hoped...
  10. Lucas Fletcher

    Open Curious About the Dark

    Lucas had been excited to return to Hogwarts, and he had definitely missed the school during break. There were a ton of things in the muggle world he had missed while at Hogwarts, but after only a few days he had found himself missing the magic of Hogwarts. And now he was back, excited about his...
  11. Professor Samantha Jacobs

    Open A Mysterious Sound That Needs To Be Found

    It was around the time of the afternoon, and Samantha sat at her house table, eating a small snack. She hadn't eaten that much today, so she was hoping that this small snack would help her fill her up. As she was eating, she suddenly heard some strange tapping. Tap Tap Tap... Tap Tap... Tap tap...
  12. Rioghan Scairbhin

    Open Racing Off

    Rioghan's face stretched as her grin practically split her face. She was racing through the trees, jumping between roots, ducking branches and occasionally tumbling through the grass. By the time she sat down for a bit to rest , her normally put together appearance was windswept and had grass...