
  1. Isadora Novak

    Closed Consequences of Exaggeration

    Isadora was not in a good mood. She hadn't exactly looked forward to the break, but she had at least expected she would get to sleep in. Unfortunately, her mother had different ideas. Ever since Isadora had come home with the story of how she had befriended Axel Zhefarovich the second, her...
  2. Van Voclain

    Open Jinxed

    Van expected to find some strange things in the Hogwarts garden, but she had never seen anything like this. At first she wasn't even sure what she was looking at, but as she tip-toed closer to the bush of interest, she saw that the two blobs sticking out from beneath it were in fact the soles of...
  3. Isadora Novak

    Closed Hit and Miss

    Isadora had found an old, small, green ball outside on the grounds and taken it with her. Apparently, it was called a tennis ball and used for some sort of muggle sport, but to Isadora it seemed perfect for throwing and catching. So that was what she had been doing all afternoon in the common...
  4. Kayleigh Zhefarovich

    Closed Clues

    Kayleigh knew that Finn and Des were going to be out of the house for the day, and she had suggested strictly told Finn to not come home that evening. Of course he had pestered her, and asked why and why and why and eventually Kayleigh let him know what would happen if he did come home. The...
  5. Abian Hunter

    Closed A Shot In The Dark

    Everything was a mess right now. The Amaya situation was not getting any better, and it seemed like she had forgotten about him and had picked her boyfriend instead. On top of that, he and Emily had gotten into a huge fight when he tried to get her advice on that whole situation, and now they...
  6. Zennon Baros

    Closed Lost Boy

    It said a lot about the situation that Zennon was no longer sure entirely where Jake hung out. It had been far to long between chats and he had a ridiculous amount of things to tell his best friend now. Between Jake's Captaincy and Zennon's Prefect duties, last year had just been impossible...
  7. Professor Grace Holland

    Closed Consequences

    After cleaning up the Quidditch pitch, Grace sent the Hufflepuff back to his common room and took Mr. Elric with her to the castle. She picked up the other students from the hospital wing, where a nurse had checked them over, and took them with her as she searched for their heads of house. She...
  8. Josephine Arora

    Closed Crash Landing

    Set after this Josephine levitated the stretcher with the girl into the hospital wing, moving her to one of the beds with ease. "You can take a seat over there, Mr. Kingsley." She said, nodding to the team captain. She honestly would have preferred to take care of her patient alone, but...
  9. Alice Briar

    Open A Rose Instead of a Bat

    ((Yellow rose for Jacob Kingsley, open after Cyndi)) Delivering a rose to someone who was also out delivering roses was always tricky. Initially, Alice had thought to go look for Jacob Kingsley on the Quidditch pitch. As he was one of the Quidditch captains for Gryffindor. But Jacob was...
  10. Emilia Manning

    Closed Spilling Sadness

    Emilia had had a lot of time to reflect after her breakup with Derek. She had been upset, and had at first tried to spend time by herself while she worked through her feelings. She was grateful to Acacia for being there for her and checking in on her, but a little sad that her cousin Athena...
  11. Vader Hume

    Open Way Too Yellow These Roses

    Open After. Yellow Rose for @Jacob Kingsley Vader's final rose was for the gryffindor quidditch captain and after some questions to the other gryffindor's someone had told him that he'd find him at the quidditch pitch, so despite the fact that Vader had lots of other things to do, he'd grabbed...
  12. Abian Hunter

    Closed A Visit in Return

    Abian had been jittery and nervous for the days preceding Jacob's visit to his house. He had been unable to really think about anything but the visit, and had cleaned his room twice in the past two days. He had taken out everything that could be considered uncool, dumping all his stuffed animals...
  13. Signy Forstrom

    Open Yellow Rose for a Red Boy

    After delivering the first rose, Signy headed into the great hall. She knew she'd have the best chance of catching more people and decided that the best method was to ask around until some indicated as to if the person she was looking for was there or not. It was perhaps quite a long process but...
  14. Emilia Manning

    Closed A Lot to Tell You

    Emilia's holidays had been wonderful, but also very strange. She still wasn't quite over the fact that she had been on a date, with Derek. But it was definitely reality, and she needed to talk about it with someone. She had already talked a little with Sapphire and Arvel about the situation, but...
  15. Amy Ward

    Open Competition or Friend?

    Amy had managed not to lose the card for Zuries she had received from a customer a little while ago, and she couldn't help being curious. She had always loved prank stores, which was why she had ended up running one, but ever since taking over Gambol and Jape's she hadn't really visited any...