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  1. P

    Pheobe Newl

    I'm in here. Can anybody see me? </SIZE></SIZE> Full Name: -- Pronunciation: -- Nicknames: -- Name Origins: -- Date of Birth: -- Current Age: Currently --</FONT> Can anybody help? I'm in here. Basic Appearance: -- Personality: -- Family: --</SIZE></SIZE> A prisoner of history, Can...
  2. P

    Rate the Sig

    It is definitely interesting, I don't really like it all that much, but that's just me, I can't fault it on that alone, so 8/10 :D
  3. P

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  4. P

    Hot or Not

    Beater/outoften Maybe we will run into each other sometime?
  5. P

    Beauxbaton Quidditch Try-outs Y16

    It was early morning, well early for Pheebz who usually tried to stay in bed until atleast noon. She had even rearranged her schedule to do so. It was funny really, because now, she was outside on her way to the Quidditch pitch and she doubted if it was even ten o'clock yet. Infact, she was...
  6. P

    For the first time

    Pheebz watched Rayn as he moved. He was so, oh what was the word? Elegent. Elegence radiated from him in waves that almost made pheobe wonder if he could dance. She smiled as she loked at his arms, his legs, other various parts of him and wondered if he had ever had a girlfriend. She had had one...
  7. P

    For the first time

    Pheebz smiled at Rayn and sat on one of the tables nearest to him. She used this room alot for her dancing as it is one of the best and acustics in the walls were rather good. It meant she could really hear what she was dancing too. The other day all the Dance Commanders had been in the room...
  8. P

    For the first time

    Beauxbatons Academy. The place of magical education that was attended by Pheobe for the last five years of her life. Of course shshe liked studying in the decorated french halls, but sometimes she wondered what it would be like to study abroad. She was french after all so it would make sense...
  9. P

    Hot or Not

    Hot/OutOfTen That blonde hair. Oh my gosh!
  10. P

    The Movie Game

    Quarantine Ugly Duckling, The Armageddon Robin Hood The Other Guys Elvis Rango Obssesion Forever Young Spooky Buddies Inception Lady and the Tramp Enchanted Narnia Casper ET T H E S U B S T I T U T E T E A C H E R
  11. P

    The Movie Game

    Quarantine Ugly Duckling, The Armageddon Robin Hood The Other Guys Elvis Rango Obssesion Forever Young Spooky Buddies Inception Lady and the Tramp Enchanted Narnia C E
  12. P

    Lonely Beauxbatons Student

    Great, that would be awesome, I think they would be aawesome together, they could make a great team xD anyway, when you want to get something done just let me know and we can get started.
  13. P

    Lonely Beauxbatons Student

    Hey Lette, So I have Pheebz here for Rayn. She is a fifth year bb girl and she is totally into dance and stuff. She's not really that well developed as only only recently reactivated her and stuff, but yeah. She is going to be a lesbian eventually, and i was thinking that if you are up for it...
  14. P

    Are you Afraid of the Dark?

    Pheobe Newl was definately excited to be back at Beauxbatons after spending the holidays away. She loved her adoptive parents dearly of course, but she sometimes found it really hard to deal with them. she smiled as she walked out of the dorm and headed to the student lounge. It was in the East...
  15. P

    Wai Hallo Thar

    Actually her name is Tenile, with one e, but she justs likes to spell it like that. Im Teigs. 'Tenilee's' sister. Its nice to have you back with us. I have a few characters that are itching to get out if you ever decide to rp. Most of us are really nice here, yes including the mode and admins...
  16. P

    I'm a re-newb :P

    Lol thanks guys, Its definately great to be back. Man I missed this place. Oh and Josh its Re-Newb 1. Lol I was first :D.
  17. P

    Greetings and Pleasantries

    Pheobe was simply enjoying her ice-cream as she watched the sunset, when suddenly she was no longer standing, but rather she was on the ground, with a boy struggling to get up. She giggled slightly as he helped her up and shook the nonexistant dirt from her shirt and jeans. She smiled at the boy...
  18. P

    Greetings and Pleasantries

    Pheobe is a rather excitable girl by nature. She loves looking at everything and can do almost nothing without touching everything. Everytime she goes shopping or to the park she always touches things. She is curious and likes to learn about all she can. Pheobe dosen't really remember her birth...