Greetings and Pleasantries

Pheobe Newl

Well-Known Member
Pheobe is a rather excitable girl by nature. She loves looking at everything and can do almost nothing without touching everything. Everytime she goes shopping or to the park she always touches things. She is curious and likes to learn about all she can. Pheobe dosen't really remember her birth parents very well, they died when she was very young, but she loves her adoptive parents very much. They do everything they can for her. Whether it be she wants lots of chocolate or they get her into the schools she wants.

Right now however Pheobe was enjoying the view that Obsidian Harbour had. She had always liked nice views. One of the reasons she was in love with nature she guessed. The brunette was currently holding a vanilla ice-cream and sitting on a bench outside one of the shops. She really did like ice-cream.
The day was rather eventful for the young lad. Baralyth came slightly crouched, kicking his legs around the corner. His mind was wandering, and he was pretty distracted by it. He just met a nice girl by chance, and though she was relatively shy, he was able to hold a conversation with her. He walked along the shoreline as he thought about everything he had seen that day. It had been the first time he had ever been to a place of magic, and he thoroughly enjoyed himself.

With his right hand in his pocket, he continue on, and the sun began to fall down over the horizon. It caught his attention, and he looked up to watch, his brown eyes glowing from the reflection. Before he realized it, though, a young girl stood a few yards in front of him. He crashed right into her, moving at a rather quick speed. They fell over, and before his whole weight crushed her, he stood up slightly panicked at what happened.

He quickly knelt lower to grab her hand, and used his left elbow, because his lower arm was not attached, and gently yet promptly pulled her up if she so permitted. Fortunately, the ice cream went flying elsewhere instead of on their clothes. "Miss, I'm so sorry, are you alright? I was distracted watching the sun set, and I didn't realize you were there.."
Pheobe was simply enjoying her ice-cream as she watched the sunset, when suddenly she was no longer standing, but rather she was on the ground, with a boy struggling to get up. She giggled slightly as he helped her up and shook the nonexistant dirt from her shirt and jeans. She smiled at the boy in front of her. He looked about her age.

"Oh, its ok, I don't mind, it was only ice-cream, no harm done." She laughed slightly as she held out her hand for the boy to shake. "I'm Pheobe Newl, thats Pheobe spelt P-H-E-O-B-E. My mother missplet it originally, well my birth parents did, my adoptive parents just went with it." She explained as she cringed slightly. "Dude, sorry for the information overload, I think I'll just shut up now."

As Pheobe watched him she noticed that yeah, she talked alot. Poor boy should get out while he can.

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