Are you Afraid of the Dark?

Meredith Belrose

Well-Known Member
Meredith sat quietly on the table of the student common room, where all, well, probably not all, but a good margin of the Beauxbaton students could come and have a huge chat, or party. Mere would have liked to see if all of the who student body could squeeze into this room, it would be hilarious, it could be a gigantic party and everyone would have loads of fun just dancing, though it would be a very tight squeeze, she was sure some people would die from loss of breath, but she didn't really care. It wasn't like she called the whole school to the room, just a few people. She had recently met two really spectacular girls, they were a little on the shy side for her, but she was sure she would bring them out of their shells, everyone liked cookies, and Mere was packing quite a few gigantic choc chip cookies, she baked them herself, she was a very good baker afterall, her parents always said that she would do a man good someday. Pffft. Mere wasn't thinking about settling down with anyone. Maybe when she's older, like, thirty or something. She wasn't going to be like her brother, Parker, she wasn't brave enough to go against her parents like he did and date a half-blood, and make her pregnant none-the-less! Mere was excited to be an aunty, but she didn't like the fact that he had to date a half-blood. Mere wasn't exactly prejudice, but she didn't want her parents to hate her, not ever, she loved them too much. Which was why, whenever she was around her parents, she wore very girly clothes, disowned her party habits and baked cookies, never looking twice at people, unless her parents said it was okay.

She smiled slightly, leaving the depressing thoughts behind and refocusing, she was going to ask her two friends, who were not purebloods, her parents would be so proud. Thank Merlin they didn't have to know, they were in England, she was in France, she sent them racist letters, that's all they needed. Parker didn't even know of her happenings at Beauxbatons, they would all be very shocked. So couldn't wait until Alana and Pheobe got here, she really wanted to create a group with them, since Pretty Little Lairs went down the drain after Kiara left the school, she no longer spoke with the other girls, because they didn't feel like they would have to put up with her racist remarks about them, she didn't really care, they were all brats anyway, she had grown over the holidays, while thye had stayed the smae. Such a sad reality they would live.
Pheobe Newl was definately excited to be back at Beauxbatons after spending the holidays away. She loved her adoptive parents dearly of course, but she sometimes found it really hard to deal with them. she smiled as she walked out of the dorm and headed to the student lounge. It was in the East wing of the school, and some speculated that it could fit the entire student body inside. That was quite a feet indeed. She smiled at the thought and turned the corner past the staffroom. Some of her Professors were in there and she waved to them slightly before continuing down the corridor. She had recently met a nice girl, Meredith Smith, she was a pure-blood but she didn't live by the rules of her parents. She thought it was pretty cool. She really quite liked Meredith. She was an awesome girl and she had invited her to the Student Lounge. She wasn't quitesure why, but she hoped there was a good reason for it. She didn't want to be there if the reason was something totally stupid. She shrugged and continued down the corridor, she turned the corner and stopped when she saw Mere. She was already there and she looked really happy about something. Though, she wasn't sure what. She smiled at the girl and went to sit on the edge of one of the lounges. She kicked her legs slowly out in front of her. "Hey there Mere, what's this about then ey?"
Alana Torelli was not usually a very patient person, but today she was. Her mythology class was the one she hated the most and was angry at herself for having chosen it as an elective, she didn't care about learning about vampires, mythological witches, dragons, which were real anyway. So why they even had this class was completely beyond her comprehension. She couldn't believe the school would be so stupid to want to teach this class. Yet she still picked it. The final pass was her own. It was of her own making that she was in this class. so she had no right to complain. She sighed and looked back at the young Professor that was teaching. He was a veela and so many of the girls in her class would stay behind to talk to him. But not her, she really couldn't care. She snorted at him when he mentioned homework and looked down at the text book in front of her. A five page essay on the Mermaids in the lake? With an illustrated picture of their home? Was he serious? How the hell were they supposed to write a five page essay and illustrate a picture of their home? Lana couldn't even draw a decent shape let alone a picture of someones habitat. This was complete bullsh!t. It was unfair and stupid. Never-the-less she did take the textbook with her from the classroom and proceeded down the stairs and along the hall to the student lounge. They actually had a lounge for each year group, so as not to crowd. She was technically supposed to be heading to the fourth year lounge, but seeing as the fifth year girl Meredith Smith, had invited her to the fifth year lounge, she was allowed to go. Thankfully Mere had given her a note that she could show to the Professors if any asked. They had alot of strict rules at this school, though Lana considered some of them to be null-in-void, considering alot applied to the acceptance of all creatures and the sanctity of magic. In other words stating that no witch or wizard, or other magical creature will cause harm to another of their kind and allow all creatures to live in peace. Then there was the rule about never revealing anothers blood status to the entire student body if the person wishes it to remain undisclosed. Alana shook her head. They were all just these really stupid rules that no-one ever listens to anyway.

Alana cheered up however when she reached the fifth year student lounge and looked meekly at some of its occupants. They were all looking at her confusion on there faces. One of the older boys came over to her and asked her if she was lost. She rolled her eyes and simply held the note out for him to read and them stepped past him to find Mere and another girl over near the comfiest looking lounges she had seen. She smiled at the two and waved. She was quite excited. "Hey Mere, girl i don't know. Why have you called us here?" She asked as she looked around to see if anyone else was here. There were a bunch of people but they didn't all look like they were here for whatever little gathering of random students Meredith had planned. She looked to the other girl and smiled, holding out her hand. "Hey there. I'm Alana Torelli. It's nice to meet you...uh..?" She said as she waited for Meredith to talk and for this girl to introduce herself.
Meredith smiled at one of the many guys in the room, he wasquite cute, but wasn't her type at all. He was a brainless jock. Mere liked to date guys that she could actually hold a conversation with, but they couldn't be too smart, she didn't like being the dumb one of any relationship, besides, if she dated a total nerd, would they be any fun? Or would they burry themselves in books? She didn't want to randomly start a relationship with someone just to test this idea either, she wasn't a flousy, she had morals, when it came to relationships anyway. It was her belief that the guy should get the okay from the parents of the girl, which basically meant that Mere was going to die alone, or in an unhappy relationship, or a totally gross one, she knew very well that her parents would want to choose her husband, she wouldn't put it past them to stick her with a cousin or something, the sickos. There was no way in Hell Mere was going to date anyone that she recognised as family, ever. She clapped happily when she saw Pheobe Newl wall in through the door, lovely girl, she was happy that she decided to come. She offered her a cookie and allowed her to sit down. "Hey Peobz, welcome to the first meeting of..." She stopped herself from finishing when she spotted her little fourth year friend, such a little cutie. She couldn't wait to make a group with these two lovely ladies, there were three main seconds of Beauxbatons, well, in her oppinion, so she needed two other people to join her in her planned craziness before her graduation. After being with the Pretty Little Liars group, she had realised how much fun could be had if you were in a group, but it would be more fun if you actually like. She smiled at the fellow blonde and motioned for her to sit too, then offered her a cookie. "Alana, this is good. Everyone is here, so I'll begin"

"So basically, I was really bored in the holidays and I got brainstorming. Last year had to be the most horrific year ever, I was a total brat, because of the Pretty Little Liars." She explained, knowing that Alana would know hwat she was talking about, considering she had been a victim of the group of girls, she was suprised that Alana had actually forgiven her, it was amazing. "I thought more of a fun group would be great, especially since the Striped Socks all graduated a few years back, anyway ladies, welcome to the first meeting of the Dance Commanders!" She exclaimed happily, recieving a few looks as her cheerful voice echoed. "Anyway, since you two can keep a beat, and I am a dancer, I thought it would be fun to roam the halls every couple of afternoons, and you all know those snore worthy classes we all have? Just put on some really loud music and start dancing. It would be a great why to brighten up the place. Beauxbatons has been going down hill in my oppinion, time for it to be brought back to its former glory." She explained, in a speech she made up on the spot. "So, ladies. How 'bout it?" She asked, offering more cookies. "Oh and Pheobe Newl, meet Alana Torelli, Alana Torelli, meet Pheobe Newl." She added as an after thought.

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