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  1. Phineas Ellis

    Open How It's Done

    No, wait - Finn wasn't ready! He managed to extend his arms, but that was about as far as he got before Uno crashed down on top of him. Something in his back pinged as he bent in a very unnatural way before hitting the ground with a muffled, "OowwIthinkIjustbrokemyspine." So much for impressing...
  2. Phineas Ellis

    Open How It's Done

    Boo, that was no fun. Finn and Uno didn't actually need the professors' help, anyway. They were great dancers. Well, Uno was, and Finn was nothing if not an expert at pretending to be good at things. "Hey, come here, I'll lift you," he said, thinking that if he could throw Uno into the air, she...
  3. Phineas Ellis

    Open How It's Done

    Finn nudged Uno with his elbow and laughed into his hand. This was the excitement they'd been looking for: Professor Kain and Professor North twirling around on the dance floor. It would have been embarrassing, except they did it with such confidence that Finn found himself whooping and...
  4. Phineas Ellis

    Open Burden To Bear

    Finn was happy to be dragged along towards the sounds of fighting - until he realised who was involved. Alice. He didn't care about her - not after the way she'd humiliated him on the train. But she was crying, really crying, and Professor Pendleton was shouting, and all of a sudden this really...
  5. Phineas Ellis

    Closed Not a Great Start

    Finn raised an eyebrow. Someone had got up on the wrong side of bed this morning. Maybe he hadn't even been to bed - maybe that was why he was taking an impromptu nap in the middle of the lawn. "Hey, I'm a fourth year. Didn't anyone ever tell you to respect your elders?" Kids these days. "Are...
  6. Phineas Ellis

    yh wow can't wait

    yh wow can't wait
  7. Phineas Ellis

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  8. Phineas Ellis

    Closed Not a Great Start

    Finn couldn't believe his misfortune. He'd always known, just like his parents, that Tobe-Mae was a witch, but he'd strenuously denied the possibility whenever it was raised. Tobe-Mae was already perfect. She didn't need magic. That was Finn's thing. That was what made Finn special. Now the only...
  9. Phineas Ellis

    oh no gd point who are we going to laugh at now???

    oh no gd point who are we going to laugh at now???
  10. Phineas Ellis


  11. Phineas Ellis

    Closed A Complete Coincidence

    Finn grinned, pleased he'd managed to get Alice to admit to liking him without ever admitting he liked her back. For all she knew, he was just asking her to the Ball because he pitied her. "Sure!" he said. "Wear something pretty! OkayIgottagonowbye." Forgetting about his invitation to sit next...
  12. Phineas Ellis

    Closed A Dreamy Night

    "Yeah!" Finn said happily, spraying bits of biscuit everywhere. "Oops." He wiped his mouth and looked around again, wondering where Uno had got to. He expected Alice to agree more enthusiastically about the girl's dress, and frowned instead at her half-hearted reply. Why was she...? Oh. Right...
  13. Phineas Ellis

    Closed A Dreamy Night

    Finn hurried quickly into the hall, afraid Alice would see his blush. He guessed it was probably polite to tell her she looked nice, too, but he didn't think he was going to be able to without his voice cracking, so that was that. Once inside the hall, which had been transformed into a beautiful...
  14. Phineas Ellis

    Closed A Complete Coincidence

    Why did nobody ever believe Finn?! It wasn't like he ever exaggerated, much. He was about to start complaining when Alice came suddenly to a halt. Finn stopped as well, wondering if he'd accidentally upset her. His mother always told him he was insensitive, but personally he didn't see it...
  15. Phineas Ellis

    Closed A Dreamy Night

    Finn was more excited than he was willing to let on that Alice Holland was his date for the Yule Ball. The Minister's daughter!! He was practically, like, a celebrity already. Uno was going to be super jealous!! Throwing on his suit just a few minutes before he was due to meet Alice, Finn combed...
  16. Phineas Ellis

    Closed A Complete Coincidence

    "Well, I did," Finn said thoughtfully, "but I didn't get told off. My prefect was like, 'Lol, good one.'" He couldn't really remember how accurate that was, but it was certainly how he recalled it. Spotting what looked a little bit like admiration in Alice's eyes, he puffed his chest out...
  17. Phineas Ellis

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  18. Phineas Ellis

    Gg buddy lmaoooo

    Gg buddy lmaoooo
  19. Phineas Ellis

    Closed A Complete Coincidence

    This was awkward. This was definitely awkward. Was it obvious he liked her? She must have thought he was super sad. "Ew, no," he said automatically, before realising he wasn't talking to Uno, and he actually wanted to sit next to Alice. Then again, he didn't want to sound too keen. "But we can...
  20. Phineas Ellis

    Closed A Complete Coincidence

    Finn actually jumped when he saw Alice, as if he hadn't come here expecting to see her. He threw on what he hoped wasn't a creepy smile and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Um, I just took some books back to the library," he said, before realising, with horror, that the library was in the...