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  1. Professor James Cade

    Sixth Years, Lesson Four

    James was glad to be moving from shielding charms onto something truly challenging for his sixth years, nonverbal magic. It was something a lot of student looked forward to learning, not realising how difficult it would be. He watched as his students made their way into the classroom and closed...
  2. Professor James Cade

    Sixth Years, Lesson Three

    James wasn't a huge fan of the sixth year curriculum, they had so far just been learning about the various types of shielding charm and there seemed to be little end in sight. They would be learning yet another variation of the protego charm and he wondered if his students were as bored of it as...
  3. Professor James Cade

    Y48 Elective Fair

    It had just about turned into March and the weather had turned wonderfully mild. Nothing like February back home, James’ winter wardrobe stayed firmly back at the house in Virginia, he had no need of it during the school year. With the valentines dance firmly behind them it was time to turn...
  4. Professor James Cade

    Sixth Years, Lesson Two

    With the introductory lesson behind them the sixth years would be getting stuck into practical spell casting for their first proper lesson of the semester and he hoped they would enjoy that. The desks had been moved to the sides leaving a wide open space in the middle of the classroom that...
  5. Professor James Cade

    Sixth Years, Lesson One

    James was reaching the point where the older students he taught were all familiar having been in his younger classes, he felt much more relaxed teaching students he had already taught and over a couple of years that would become a much more regular occurrence. Hopefully they found him less...
  6. Professor James Cade

    Open Y48 Club Fair

    James hadn't attended a club fair since his days as a student so being one of the people organising it had been a surreal experience. Still, finally, the day had come and he had spent the morning putting the finishing touches to everything. A large banner hung over the entrance to the courtyard...
  7. Professor James Cade

    Professional Quidditch Question

    So this is a small thing that probably bothers no one, but I was wondering if there is a reason Transylvania and Flanders are listed among the professional Quidditch teams when they are considered national teams in canon per Quidditch through the ages.
  8. Professor James Cade

    Closed Blast from the past

    James loved Halloween, his office, classroom and lounge had all been decorated the past week to fit the occasion. Unfortunately, in an effort to be taken serious at the event he had opted not to dress up. Sometimes, being an authority figure really didn’t suit James. It had been Lyra’s idea for...
  9. Professor James Cade


    Ok strap in because I haven't done one of these for a while so its basically gonna include everyone I have active. A little less descriptive on the below but I have some adults and other students I'd like to be a little more active with.
  10. Professor James Cade

    You'll never believe this.

    The first evening back at Hogwarts hadn’t gone to plan for James. First of all, he’d spent a lot more time rounding up students than he was used to which had made even ending his evening more difficult, there had been the awkward moment of Veronica finding out he’d been made head of Gryffindor...
  11. Professor James Cade

    Professor Cade's Office

    A cluttered office greets you as you enter through the door. James never fully moved out the items left behind by the previous occupant so when he put his own touch on the room and moved in his own items it all added to a sense of too many things in a small space. A small desk sits in front of...
  12. Professor James Cade

    Defence Against the Dark Arts: Upper Years Policy

    Rules 1. Respect (your fellow classmates) and Listen (to me. Trust me I know more than you) 2. Participation is the best study aid. You can learn all you want from a book but it won't serve you in the field. Take part in lessons in order to maximise your potential. Lack of participation will...
  13. Professor James Cade

    James Artemis Cade

    James ✻ Artemis ✻ Cade James; ‘Supplanter’ ✻ Artemis; ‘Butcher’ Can you feel it? Now it's coming back we can steal it, If we bridge this gap, I can see you LINKS & AUTHOR NOTE Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships Lyrics from Geronimo by Sheppard Dividers and bio coding by...
  14. Professor James Cade

    Y46 Duelling Match #18

    @Savannah Walters v @Dorian Fitzwilliam With the first round behind them it was time to move to the next and James stood in front two of the lucky winners who now got to take on each other. “You know the drill, take your positions and we’ll have a nice clean duel from both of you,” He waited...
  15. Professor James Cade

    Y46 Duelling Match #15

    @Morrie Ayre v @Aroha Blenheim With the first round behind them it was time to move to the next and James stood in front two of the lucky winners who now got to take on each other. “You know the drill, take your positions and we’ll have a nice clean duel from both of you,” He waited for them...
  16. Professor James Cade

    Y46 Dueling Match #9

    @Yuelia Rossingol v @Emmanuel Okoye It was James' final duel to oversee for the first round of matches. The two students stood in front of him and he gave them the same speech he gave the others before sending them off into their corners. "I want a nice clean duel from both of you, no funny...
  17. Professor James Cade

    Y46 Dueling Match #7

    @Savannah Walters v @Anisha Khatri Another two students stood in front of James ready for their first duel of the tournament. After he gave them the speech he had given all of the others he sent them to their corners to prepare. "I want a nice clean duel from you both, on my mark you'll begin,"...
  18. Professor James Cade

    Y46 Dueling Match #4

    @Audrey Beauchamp v @Teddy Pirrip Another pair of duellists stood before him so James gave them the same speech he had the others and set them off to their corners to begin. "You know the drill, I want a nice clean duel from you both, on my mark you can start," James waited for them to get...
  19. Professor James Cade

    Y46 Dueling Match #2

    @Milo Frogg v @Oskar Strom James always enjoyed the duelling tournaments when he had been a student so he was more than happy to help out now that he was staff. He was still getting used to the students so he wouldn't know all of them that he oversaw. He instructed his first two students to...
  20. Professor James Cade

    James Cade for Minister - Election plots and staff recruitment

    Your next Minister for Magic... James Cade Everyone's favourite James Cade is running to be your next minister for magic. A former Gryffindor prefect, Quidditch captain and brotherhood president James brings a wealth of leadership experience as well as his experience serving the magical...