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  1. Vanity Mettlestone

    Open Like We Were in Paris

    Vanity was getting kind of tired of these Hogwarts events, so she hadn't tried as hard with her costume as she'd done other years. Last year some stupid Ravenclaw girl had won a prize for being a vampire when Vanity had also been a vampire, a better one. So she had decided she didn't care about...
  2. Vanity Mettlestone

    Closed Oh, Here We Go Again

    After the yule ball, Vanity hadn't honestly wanted to go to the Valentine's Dance with Holden, but to her surprise he had seemed to assume they would go together. She hadn't corrected him, mostly because it was better to show up with a crappy date than with no date at all. She did remember how...
  3. Vanity Mettlestone

    Closed Am I Allowed to Cry?

    Vanity stood in the entrance hall, watching happy couples leave and still hearing sounds of the dance in the background. She had left the great hall once Holden had left her. The date had been a disaster. She told herself it didn't matter, she had looked cute on his arm and he had looked...
  4. Vanity Mettlestone

    Open Spin the Bottle y47

    Vanity had been bored lately. Fourth year was dull so far, so she decided to spice it up. She knew from Emery that his boyfriend had organized one of these games a few years ago, though she thought it was kind of gross that her brother had been a part of that. Still, it was a fun idea. Vanity...
  5. Vanity Mettlestone

    Bad Idea Right? (Spin the bottle, fourth and fifth years)

    Me, Kris and Rowan have taken turns organizing a spin the bottle game every few years, and it felt like time for one again the funniest part is that it's always been a slytherin girl or a gryffindor boy which seems fitting I'm thinking of having Vanity do one soon for fourth and fifth years...
  6. Vanity Mettlestone

    Closed A Pink-Tinged Mystery

    It had been months since Vanity had received the mysterious pink rose from 'hm', and it had taken her a while to figure out those letters were probably an initial, because the whole note had lacked any punctuation. It had taken her even longer to make the connection to Holden Marshall. It wasn't...
  7. Vanity Mettlestone

    Open Splattered Schemes

    This thread is open for reactions after Morrie and June both respond and the prank has been pulled off Today was the day. Finally, Vanity was going to get back at June. She had been trying tot hink fo ways to get to the girl for months now, trying to think of a plan together with Morrie...
  8. Vanity Mettlestone

    Open Sinking My Fangs In

    Vanity knew her costume was awesome. She had yellow contacts and dramatic makeup and fangs. She had even done her nails blood-red and sharp to fit with the costume. She walked around confidently, eager to find someone to talk to. She wasn't sure yet if she could eat very well with her fangs, but...
  9. Vanity Mettlestone

    Closed Ugh

    Vanity wasn't sure why she had been chosen today to stay behind and help clean the potions classroom after class, but she guessed it had something to do with her chatting throughout the lesson. But so what? It had been boring and easy, it wasn't like she had missed anything. The other girl...
  10. Vanity Mettlestone

    Closed Good Enough or Not?

    Vanity knew Emery never talked to her about anything important, and she honestly didn't mind that, but it still felt a little strange and hurtful to hear he was dating someone from a random person gossiping instead of Emery himself. Apparently, the person he was dating was pretty cool, which...
  11. Vanity Mettlestone

    Open Artistic Exercise

    Vanity liked drawing but she kind of hated drawing in public. It was becoming a problem at Hogwarts, where pretty much everywhere was public. Even her dorm wasn't completely private, though she thankfully didn't have many roommates. But after drawing and painting for most of the break, it was...
  12. Vanity Mettlestone

    Open Not Worth the Dirt

    Open after Sarah posts with Lucy Vanity had heard about the Hogwarts gardens from a few other students and finally decided to check it out one day. But as she walked over the great lawn to get there, she already started to regret the decision. It wasn't that muddy out, but still enough to be...
  13. Vanity Mettlestone

    Open Someone on My Side

    Open after Emzies posts with Friday Making friends at Hogwarts had been harder than Vanity had anticipated. She had met the girls on the train, but they were both not entirely to be trusted. Besides that, she had mostly met annoying people. Vanity needed someone to hang out with and stat, she...
  14. Vanity Mettlestone

    Vanity Jane Mettlestone

    Name: Vanity Jane Mettlestone Birthdate: 13/9/2047 Blood status: Mixed Blood Zodiac sign: Virgo Sexuality: Unknown Hometown: Brightstone, New Zealand School: Hogwarts NZ House: Slytherin Clubs: Heta Omega Wand: Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core Patronus...
  15. Vanity Mettlestone

    Open On the Warpath

    Vanity had been pretty happy yesterday, being sorted and joining other students at the opening feast had been properly magical. But her happiness had evaporated once she had made it to the dungeons. The dungeons. Where her bed was. She had wondered if it was some elaborate joke, but everyone...