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  1. Anisha Khatri

    Closed A Labyrinth of Books

    Anisha Khatri had loved the Hogwarts library from the moment she had stepped foot in it as a first year. Over the years, she had spent many hours here, browsing for books, doing homework, reading curled up in a chair. She was very familiar with all the different sections and had a few favorite...
  2. Anisha Khatri

    Closed Can You See Right Through Me?

    It was nearing curfew and Anisha was still in the library. She knew she should go soon, but she was having fun reading and taking notes. Sometimes she wondered if she wouldn't have been a better Ravenclaw, but she did enjoy being in Gryffindor a lot. Ravenclaw seemed like it could potentially be...
  3. Anisha Khatri

    Open Post Exam Daze

    While the sixth year exams hadn't been as daunting as the OWLs last year, Anisha still felt a little like she was waking up from a long nightmare after she woke up in the morning and realized she had nothing left to study for. She loved learning, that wasn't the problem, but she wanted to do so...
  4. Anisha Khatri

    Closed The Face in the Mirror Looking Back at You

  5. Anisha Khatri

    Closed Need to Know Everything

    It bugged Anisha that she had to go to the professor's office during office hours to get full context for the lesson, wasn't it his job to teach them everything? But here she was, she just wanted to make sure she understood everything she needed to understand. Anisha had waited until lessons...
  6. Anisha Khatri

    Closed Doing Better This Year

    After losing her first duel last year in the tournament, Anisha was determined to do better this year. She had been a little sad not to be asked to take over for Monday, as Indi had once led SDA and she had hoped to follow in her footsteps. She had decided not to look into who it was and instead...
  7. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving And the Final One for You

    Yellow rose for @Dorian Fitzwilliam Anisha was exhausted, but thankfully she only had one more rose to deliver. Dorian was the one she had saved for last, he'd be easy to find. She headed over to the library, moved over to his usual table and slumped into a seat next to him. "Delivery for a...
  8. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Fifth in the Hospital

    Yellow rose for @Isabella Romanes The next person on Anisha's list was easy to find, as she was one of the school nurses. Anisha hadn't spent much time in the Hospital wing, thankfully, but she had occasionally been here for a pepper-up potion when she really couldn't afford to miss classes...
  9. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Fourth for My Dear Cousin

    Yellow rose for @Dhivya Khatri Anisha had run out of unfamiliar people on her list and was heading to the Gryffindor common room to find some of her housemates. On the way there, she spotted her cousin heading in the direction of the Hufflepuff common room and rushed to catch up with her...
  10. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Third for a Seventh Year

    Yellow rose for @Margo Fox Anisha still wasn't done at the Hufflepuff table, though she knew she had to hurry up before everyone left for their classes. Thankfully, she knew the next Hufflepuff by sight, she was a prefect and ran a club. Anisha headed over to her and tapped her shoulder. "Hey...
  11. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Second of the Day

    Yellow rose for @Marley Owens-Lee After her first rose, Anisha wasn't done yet at the Hufflepuff table. She walked away from Callie and glanced around the table. She thought she maybe knew Marley by sight if she tried, but she wasn't sure. Was she the loud girl a little older than her? No...
  12. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving The First for You

    Yellow rose for @Callie Cardoso Anisha had ended up deciding to sort her roses in two groups, people she knew and people she didn't. She decided that it was smart to start with the unknown group and grab them all at breakfast if she could. That was why she was now at the Hufflepuff table...
  13. Anisha Khatri

    Open Getting an Early Start

    Anisha had already read her fourth-year charms book practically cover to cover. She had marked all the spells she wanted to practice as soon as possible with a little post-it note and had now brought her book with her outside. She knew she would likely learn these spells in class, but Anisha was...
  14. Anisha Khatri

    Closed Angry Victory

    Anisha knew she should be happy. She should be proud she was the duelling champion again, for the second year in a row. But it didn't feel like she had won, probably because she hadn't. The only reason she now had this title was because stupid Terror had decided to give it up willingly. It was...
  15. Anisha Khatri

    Open Icy Adventures

    Anisha always liked the Hogwarts events, especially when she could hang out with her friends. But Dahlia had a date apparently, or at least she was going with a boy, which sounded like a date to Anisha. She expected to meet up with Raafe at least, and maybe she could spot Leah somewhere too. The...
  16. Anisha Khatri

    Closed A String That Pulled Me

    Anisha was eager to get started on everything this semester. She had enjoyed most of her classes this week, especially Defence Against the Dark Arts, which was her favorite. They had gotten an assignment to write an essay about werewolves and Anisha was eager to get it done quickly. She was...
  17. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Oops, Missed One

    Pink Rose for @Charlie Helkovaara Anisha had thought she was done, but then realized she had another rose in her basket when she had almost made it back to the common room. It was a pink rose without a note for a guy named Charlie. Annoyed, Anisha had resorted to just yelling his name as she...
  18. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Final Rose for You

    Yellow Rose for @Emmanuel Okoye Anisha was glad she was at her final rose. She heard the next and final person on her list was also delivering roses, so he could be anywhere. Anisha was tired of ask ing people, so she just started calling his name loudly as she passed through the corridors...
  19. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving How Horrible Can He Be?

    Pink Rose for @Horror Zhefarovich Anisha was absolutely fascinated by the next person on her list. Was there really someone named Horror at school? It was such a weird name, Anisha felt lucky to get to meet him. She wondered what kind of parents wanted to curse themselves with a name like...
  20. Anisha Khatri

    🌹 Rose Giving Pink Petals in the Dark

    Pink Rose for @Astraea Vale Anisha didn't know the first girl on her list, but after some asking around figured out she was in Slytherin. She tapped a girl on the shoulder and asked her to get Astraea Vale, wondering if she pronounced the girl's name correctly. Anisha waited impatiently for...