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  1. Marnie Frogg

    Open CAC Y47 Meeting - Underwater Artistry

    Marnie had figured hosting an Art Club event outside would be a fun change of pace, especially with today's theme in mind it had to be a font of inspiration, but between hefting a bunch of club supplies out to the lakeside and nearly dropping half of them in the water when she over shot it on...
  2. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone to Play Pretend

    Pink Rose for @Friday Weeks Marnie had enough trouble keeping track of all the Weeks girls on a regular day, only really confident she could pick out Monday from the lineup (though maybe that was cheating considering he was the only boy), but with the school under the chaos of roses it was...
  3. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For a Heartbreaker

    Red Rose for @Emmanuel Okoye As one of the organizers, Marnie knew it was fully in her power to delegate her next to rose someone else. Literally anyone else. But once she'd seen it on her list, she couldn't ignore the curiosity of who could possibly be sending Emmanuel a red rose. Sure, he'd...
  4. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Who Deserves Better

    Yellow Rose for @Yuelia Rossingol The ground was still a little marshy from when it'd been raining the other day but Marnie was still happy to be outside for a break from the castle, doing a loop of the grounds to see if she could catch any of her deliveries (or any lost deliverers) before...
  5. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Who Would Prefer Black

    Yellow Rose for @Osiris Vale Marnie had never quite gotten the stereotype that Slytherin's were scary, some of her favourite people were Slytherins, but she had admit from what she'd heard about her next delivery, she was at least a little wary as she asked her way around the house table until...
  6. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving For Someone Owed an Apology

    Pink rose for @Kyon Lockwood The student lounge was one of the better catch-all spots for delivering roses between meal times and Marnie was happy to stop by as she did a long loop from the Hufflepuff Common Room to her next class. She felt like she'd been around half the school already and...
  7. Marnie Frogg

    Y46 Rose Giving Directory

    Hey all! It's the most wonderful time of the year again - It's rose giving time! As always, a directory will be running again so it'll be easier for you to track down the rose(s) your character(s) will receive, as well as read other rose threads! There's lots to look forward to this year so I...
  8. Marnie Frogg

    Y46 S1 CAC Meeting - Trying Something New

    Marnie definitely missed Sky. It was hard enough leading the club on her own, but now Marnie had no one to help her organize ideas and not forget things, something she was now fretting about as she flitted about the Art's Room, remembrall in hand, as the rest of the club arrived. At least today...
  9. Marnie Frogg

    Y46 CAC Member List

    Craft Coordinator Marnie Frogg Seventh Years Rosie Archer Aaliyah Chun Abigail Payne Sixth Years Mischa Falter-Butera Fifth Years Dezi Barret Dahlia Doherty Gregory Friend Ruto Vernier-Raison Fourth Years Oswald Brambleheart Angel Gates Sparrow Lacewing Nevaeh O Ruairc Third Years Callie...
  10. Marnie Frogg

    Closed Happy to Help

    Between spending time with Penny after Quidditch injuries and her own occassional stints to the Hospital Wing (usually for colour changing charm related mishaps), Marnie felt fairly at home already on the third floor. In fact getting to so regularly watch the nurses at work after Quidditch games...
  11. Marnie Frogg

    CAC Y45 Event - A Piece of Home

    Marnie couldn't have been more thrilled to help Sky with the Art's Club. She practically lived and breathed the arts room when she wasn't working on her own things in her dorm, not to mention it helped to have an outlet for the endless ideas for new projects. On top of that, Marnie had been...
  12. Marnie Frogg

    Y45 CAC Member List

    Leaders Seventh years Sixth Years Fifth Years Conglomerated Arts Conductor: Sky Eriksen Craft Coordinator Marnie Frogg Sky Eriksen Gwen Goodwin Renata Stepanova Aaliyah Chun Abigail Payne Anais Chenevert Rosie Archer Blanche Broomhead Mischa Falter-Butera Marnie Frogg Fourth...
  13. Marnie Frogg

    Open Overt Overtures

    Open after Jess posts with Emrys Marnie would be the first to admit she might have gone a little overboard tonight. She'd just never had a proper boyfriend for Valentine's and now she wanted to pull out all the stops. For now it meant she was currently standing in the Great Hall, trying to ogle...
  14. Marnie Frogg

    Open Retracing Your Steps

    Marnie couldn't believe they were only a few weeks into the school year and she'd already managed to lose her rememberall. Admittedly, she'd already lost the last two she had, but at least she'd had the good sense to lose them over the holidays and not actually during the school year when she...
  15. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving Proud Yellows

    Yellow rose for @Gwen Goodwin As tired as Marnie was, she'd agreed to pick up a few extra roses before the day ended since delivering had just been way too fun. Seeing the last name on her list now though, Marnie was starting to reconsider. Gwen Goodwin was intimidating, not in a scary way...
  16. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving Popular Pinks

    Pink rose for @Valerius Bianchi Marnie felt like she was running off pure determination and glee to help her get up and down so many stairs today, relieved when she managed to spot her next deliverer without having to up all those stairs to lurk around Ravenclaw tower. She knew Valerius mostly...
  17. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving Best Bright Red

    Red rose for @Elara Chatelain Marnie was definitely struggling having so many other deliverers on her list. How did anyone find anyone in this castle? But she was extra excited for this next rose. Firstly, it was a red rose, which ohh! Exciting! And secondly, it was for a cool older girl like...
  18. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving Seeing Double

    Yellow Rose for @Rosie Archer Marnie knew the Archer twins by reputation, if not personally, and they seemed pretty cool to her. She had a rose for Aurora, but she wasn't totally certain which twin was which, though it helped she'd heard they were delivering together at least. So really she...
  19. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving Holden Onto Roses

    Yellow rose for @Holden Marshall Marnie was super excited for her next rose, scanning the hallways excitedly and nearly bowling over another first year. She made a grab for the rose hat she'd knitted, aware that she'd had to finish it in a rush and it was more blob shaped than rose shaped, but...
  20. Marnie Frogg

    🌹 Rose Giving Handing Out Happiness

    Yellow rose for @Adam Maxwell-Kramer Marnie was beyond excited to hand out roses this year; she'd even tried to knit a rose shaped hat for the occassion though she hadn't finished it in time so now it was more like a big red lump shaped hat but she was wearing it all the same. She decided to...