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  • Users: Celia Vu
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Celia Vu

    Open When Did I Get So Bitter?

    The lesson on the Patronus Charm might have been over, but Celia was not done practicing. She hadn't had any success with the spell, not even managing to produce a single measly silver wisp. It was a level of academic failure completely foreign to Celia — and not just because she usually...
  2. Celia Vu

    The Sky Is Clear

    Celia didn't believe in counting her chickens before they hatched, but it was May, and unless something went terribly wrong, she would almost assuredly be spending the next four years of her life at Columbia. It was oddly terrifying to be so close to something she'd spent nearly half her life...
  3. Celia Vu

    Closed Reaching for the Glory

    Up until now, Celia thought she'd done a decent job of keeping her personal feelings separate from her Quidditch responsibilities. It had been years since she'd hit anyone out of anger — a feat admittedly made easier by Ares' graduation — and she'd even allowed Ivelisse to play despite wanting...
  4. Celia Vu

    Open Bombastic | Slytherin Victory Party

    For much of Celia's time as captain, there had been very little worth celebrating. The third place finish last year had been an obvious disappointment, and the Hufflepuff forfeit, as helpful (and funny) as it had been, had felt empty. But now — now there was something to celebrate. The cup was...
  5. Celia Vu

    Closed Everything You Lose Is a Step You Take

    Celia wasn't sure how the other prefects were doing with their patrols — terribly, she hoped — but hers were going great. Just as she'd suspected, Louis was equally disinterested in doing any work, and it had taken her no time at all to convince him that they could pretty much ditch their duties...
  6. Celia Vu

    Closed Got Me Spinning Like a Ballerina

    When Celia was much younger, she'd assumed her last big high school dance would be prom, complete with a limo, corsage, afterparty, the works. Well, she would not be getting that, would never get that, but she found she didn't really mind. She had a date with Seamus tonight, and it surprised her...
  7. Celia Vu

    Closed What a Shame My Tongue’s Not Tied

    By now, Celia had a pretty good idea of who called the shots when it came to Hogwarts' curriculum. So she had been surprised to hear that Professor Borisyuk was making changes for the lower years. Was the Ministry finally doing something? Or was Professor Borisyuk going rogue? Had he gotten...
  8. Celia Vu

    Duelling Tournament Y44

    Dueling Tournament Y44 - Round One Duel Number Participants Link Proctor Victor Duel Number #1 Santiago Torres vs June Davenport X Professor Killian Borisyuk Santiago Torres Duel Number #2 Ruby Maeve Louw vs Rion Pendleton X Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe Ruby Maeve Louw Duel Number...
  9. Celia Vu

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y44 S2

    Slytherin,Practice In a rare act of kindness, Celia had scheduled practice for the second day back, at a semi-reasonable time, when the weather wasn't completely terrible. Normally, the end of a break left her in a foul mood, but this semester was different. This semester she could finally see...
  10. Celia Vu

    Open Hurricane

    Now that she'd gotten her early acceptance to college, Celia fully intended to coast for the rest of the school year. Sure, still planned on maintaining her grades and collecting a few more trophies, but she didn't have to. She didn't have to pore over every assignment or worry about sucking up...
  11. Celia Vu

    Y44 Dueling Tournament Sign-Ups

    Hi everyone! It’s that time again! Time for the annual SDA Dueling Tournament. The tournament will start August 13th, so if your character is interested in getting in on the action, please sign up below! Who can sign up? Anyone second year or above is welcome to sign up to participate. Being a...
  12. Celia Vu

    Open Look At Me, I Made It

    Celia couldn't stop smiling. It was a foreign feeling, this happy ache in her cheeks, and she knew she was probably attracting curious glances, but she didn't care. Her life had changed earlier that day when a letter bearing the words "We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted...
  13. Celia Vu

    Y44 SDA Capture the Flag - OOC Chat

    Here's an OOC topic for the Student Defense Association's Capture the Flag game that is running this semester. You're welcome to post questions about the rules here, plot with others, or just talk about the game! Also it's not too late to join SDA and participate in the fun if your character...
  14. Celia Vu

    Open SDA Y44 S1: Capture the Flag

    Event ID : #117279 After months of dueling practices and spell lessons, Celia wanted to do something fun for today's Student Defense Association meeting. Her first idea had been to lock all the members in the chamber and tell them to duel to the death until one was left standing. However, she...
  15. Celia Vu

    Closed The Pressure's on Me and I Don’t Want to Break

    Celia had been restless ever since the match against Hufflepuff. The forfeit had ensured that Hufflepuff's run as Quidditch champions was over and that Slytherin had a place in the championship match, but it had also opened up a new can of worms. First, it meant that she was only guaranteed one...
  16. Celia Vu

    Closed I Hunt the Grounds for Empathy

    Celia was still grumbling as she left the Ancient Runes classroom. Why did they need to go out and find someone to perform a reading for? Couldn't they just do that in class? Or, better yet, why couldn't Professor Josephs just teach them something new? Who cared if it wouldn't be on the NEWT...
  17. Celia Vu

    Closed Am I the Only One Looking For Substance?

    Celia still could not believe that Professor Josephs had basically abdicated her teaching duties for the year. This woman was supposed to be the head of Ravenclaw, a house dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, and she had simply decided she wouldn't be teaching them anything new because it...
  18. Celia Vu

    Wanted: Staff to Help with SDA Events!

    EDIT: Thank you to everyone who volunteered! I'm closing this PD now since I've submitted the apps. Hello, hello, I'm looking for a couple professors/staff who would be willing to help Celia out with some SDA events this year! Dueling Tournament When: Second semester, August 13 as a potential...
  19. Celia Vu

    Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y44 S1

    Slytherin,Practice During her time at Hogwarts, Celia had accomplished a lot — dueling championships, Quidditch championships, leadership positions — but one goal remained elusive: She still hadn't forced a team to forfeit by bludgering them into submission. That, she decided, would be her main...
  20. Celia Vu

    Closed Sweet Like Sugar Venom

    The Student Lounge had always been one of Celia's favorite spots in the castle. As the center of student life, it was the place to both see and be seen. After the events of the last semester, Celia had taken to avoiding the lounge, but right now, she wanted to be seen again. Or, rather, she...