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  1. Elio Boneheart

    Rune Cast for Runes Class

    "So we're doing this on your family," Elio said, his runes sitting in the bag on the ground next to them. He had a little board to put the runes on because he never liked them on the ground. His glass runes were very delicate and this was important. "We're going to use the Thor's Cross cast...
  2. Elio Boneheart

    Closed conversations

    Elio had not brought Mikael along because it was clear to him at least that Mikael couldn't be trusted to not be rude to his family. Honestly he kind of understood what he'd been trying to do but that didn't mean he wasn't annoyed with his boyfriend for saying something like that to the man...
  3. Elio Boneheart

    Closed simple

  4. Elio Boneheart

    Open ruthless

    *open after Marga posts with Mikael It was Saturday now and honestly Elio was getting a little annoyed. The first couple of days he'd assumed that Mikael was studying or involving himself with his prefect duties and so he'd pretty much left him to his devices, but it'd been a week now and he...
  5. Elio Boneheart

    Closed Breaking the Ice

    Elio strolled into the library, his eyes scanning the shelves now with practiced ease. He wasn't in a hurry today - no essays to write, not charms to perfect - but rather, he was looking for a quieter spot to read. That definitely wasn't the Gryffindor common room because he didn't think that...
  6. Elio Boneheart

    Closed At the Feast

    Elio grinned at Mikael, he was so excited that Rhys was here now and they were going to have a great time as Elio would show him around the castle. "Rhys!" He called to his brother, pointing him out at the end of the Ravenclaw table sitting with the other first years. "Rhys, this is so cool...
  7. Elio Boneheart

    Closed thoughtless

    Elio blinked at Mikael... was he actually serious? He couldn't have been. He was somewhat used to the eccentricities that existed in his relationship with Mikael, and for the most part, he accepted and was used to them. What he was not used to, however, was the fact that Mikael seemed to think...
  8. Elio Boneheart

    Alternate RP Too many words

    Set in the Break before Y48 school year Elio knew it was time, especially after he'd had to race around to figure out what he'd been missing when he was working out his schedule, there were too many classes and he didn't want to do them anymore. He had no idea what he wanted to do for a job...
  9. Elio Boneheart

    Closed Of course it's you

    Just practice. That's always what anyone said whenever he expressed his displeasure with not getting something quicker. Keep practicing until you get it. There were never any tips on how to get it, because apparently that wasn't going to help him. This was something he could only do on his own...
  10. Elio Boneheart

    Closed Headache

    He had checked everywhere, but nothing was working. Madam Puddifoots was full of students this weekend from some weird speed dating thing he thinks is really dumb, everyone goes to the three broomsticks and the thought of seeing Mikael in Hogs Head just sent him into a fit go laughter he was...
  11. Elio Boneheart

    Closed A Korean Rose

    Finding Mikael, as it turns out, is not particularly difficult when Elio exits the classroom and sees him standing across the corridor, waiting. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, the flower tucked behind his back carefully so he doesn't accidentally crush it. "You know, you do have classes...
  12. Elio Boneheart

    Closed what you want

    Elio yawned as he sat back in chair looking over his charms notes again. He had a bunch of his old notebooks from last year that he hoped might come in handy for Hinata, since she'd told him she was thinking of becoming an Auror he had put a lot of effort into trying to find time that he could...
  13. Elio Boneheart

    Open Refresher for Devil's Snare

    Professor Castillo had told them to brush up on their Devil's Snare defence spells, essentially and since he was also in SDA and learning his duelling forms he didn't think he was a particularly bad idea actually. He stood in the duelling chamber surrounded by dummies, looking at each of them in...
  14. Elio Boneheart

    Open books and bags

    Elio ducked into the student lounge, his arms full of books and a bag slung over his shoulder for more. He had a bunch of snacks hidden in the pockets of his bag too, for when he inevitably got hungry and needed a break from all the studying. He needed to catch up on a couple of classes he'd...
  15. Elio Boneheart

    Closed insatiable

    The discussion of Horcruxes and other avenues of dark magic had fascinated Elio. More than he cared to admit, if he was honest. For some reason, it generally felt as though he had this massive gap in his knowledge about things, what was really out there in the world, the kinds of things they...
  16. Elio Boneheart

    Closed curious questions

    The first History of Magic class had already proven to be more interesting than he'd thought it would be. Clearly his mother had been skimming some of the material because he'd read ahead in all of his books and he'd heard nothing of horcruxes. So clearly she'd removed them, which... he wasn't...
  17. Elio Boneheart

    Elio Boneheart Relationships

  18. Elio Boneheart

    Closed it all works out

    It was going to be so weird, but he was so ready. He'd never been in a real school before, and there was more than just something new to think about. He could make new friends and all sorts of other things too, and it was really exciting that he would get to know more about how scholl's worked...
  19. Elio Boneheart

    Elio Boneheart

    F I R S T . M I D D L E . L A S T - - w r i t e s o m e t h i n g c u t e h e r e - - T R A I T . T R A I T . T R A I T . T R A I T . T R A I T LYRIC LYRIC LYRIC FULL NAME text DATE OF BIRTH text CURRENT AGE text BLOOD STATUS text NATIONALITY text HOME TOWN text CURRENT RESIDENCE...
  20. Elio Boneheart

    Elio Boneheart

    E L I O ✻ K I E R A N ✻ B O N E H E A R T ELIO; ‘HELIOS, SUN’ ✻ KIERAN; ‘DARK, BLACK’ "i' v e g o t a r e c o r d p l a y e r t h a t w a s m a d e i n 2 0 1 4" House: [Gryffindor] | Wand: [Aspen and Dragon Heart String] | Age: [Seventeen] LINKS & AUTHOR NOTE Theme // Biography // Aesthetic...