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  1. A

    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    "Unless you're trying to get me to revert back to the awkward thirteen year old version of myself." Ashlyn stated with a glare. She finished her food and put her plate to the site, then opened her butterbeer and took a drink. At his words, she looked over, eyes catching the dirty look in his...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Ashlyn rolled her eyes dramatically as he pulled away. Such a boy. Food was never far from their brains, right? But she merely laughed it off and took her plate from him, digging in. She wasn't particularly hungry, but given her state of mental exhaustion from two round the clock shifts at St...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    "There's a couple things you need to understand-" Ashlyn was cut off by an onslaught of kisses, but she, of course, welcomed them. She pressed into him, returning the kiss joyously, willing herself to let go of the worry that had plagued her since her encounter with Demyx. It was easy to let go...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Demyx's concerns were completely justified. What happened with Jerard had been an emotionally traumatizing experience. But it had been nearly four years ago. She had accepted it, even if her sub conscious continued to torture her with the images in her sleep. Given, she hadn't dated very much...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Ashlyn was cautious, preparing to use force if necessary to stop Demyx from acting irrationally. She looked at him defiantly, her blue gaze steady. But then the seriousness had passed and she was tossed back onto the bed. Figures. Sometimes she could swear the guy was bipolar with his sudden...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    It felt like somewhat of a weight was lifted off her shoulders. She hadn't discussed Jerard's death with anyone, but had instead mentally tortured herself with thoughts of him that she kept to herself. As Demyx stated his recognition of Jerard, her expression clouded over with anger. There had...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Maybe Demyx wouldn't think it was such a big deal. Not when he had suffered the loss of his entire family. But with Ashlyn... it explained a lot. Her skepticism about love, her chronic insomnia and the violent nightmares that plagued her sleep when she did manage to get some. He had the right to...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Ashlyn returned the kiss but averted her gaze as he stated that he loved her. Of course she loved him in return, but she wasn't sure he would feel the same once he knew what had happened in his absence. After struggling for a moment, she managed to sit up. "A lot happened while you were gone...
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    Those Forgotten

    I'm sorry that you're going through a rough time, hun. I hope it all gets better soon. I'm pretty sure you know our RP, but JUST in case... "Memories, where'd you go?" is Ashlyn/Demyx. They're discussing when/if he'll tell Cedric about the engagement.
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Ashlyn's smile turned uneasy and sympathetic. The flash was brief, but she had noticed the most subtle change in expression. It had been years since her brother had been in contact with Demyx. It didn't seem right that she was the first one to talk to him again. "He'd like to see you, yknow..."...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Ashlyn looked confused for a moment, then peeked out over the edge of the blanket at the screen. Ahh, so it was. The memory came back to her full force, and she was once against her thirteen year old self. She glanced back to Demyx and hit his stomach. "You guys teased the hell out of me for...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Ashlyn was conflicted. Obviously Demyx had a right to know what was going on in her head. It was what had kept her up all overs of the night the past couple of days, debating whether to tell him or not. To open up those wounds that had only just recently healed. "I.... umm....." She fumbled for...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Ashlyn's blue eyes flicked to the screen, and a smile tugged at her lips. She could remember watching it as a teenager. Why Demyx owned it was beyond her. Then he was in bed next to her, and she leaned against him, basking in his comfort. Maybe she could get used to this whole "engaged" thing...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Ashlyn began to shiver in the cold, though it was probably more from nerves than anything else. She always didn't feel quite comfortable outside in the dark. Too much could happen. Too much was left up to fate. Too much of this exact setting that riddled her with nightmares for the last four...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    Ashlyn felt physically exhausted, though her mind was still alert as always. It seemed as though she never got sleep. Sleeping potions had stopped long ago, and after an incident in which she learned NOT to mix it with alcohol, she was afraid to even keep some on hand. Her eyes flicked back to...
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    Memories, Where'd You Go?

    "Ashlyn, go home." Ashlyn glanced up from the paperwork she was filling out and into the concerned gaze of one of the head healers. She had stayed at the hospital long enough, working two round the clock shifts, and taking a nap in the residency rooms in between them. She knew protesting would...
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    Ashlyn O'Neil

    Character's Name: Ashlyn Melissa O’Neil Character's Birthdate: 13th October 2007 Blood Status: Half-Blood Educated At: HogwartsHouse: Slytherin Position in the Ministry of Magic: Healer at St. Mungo’s Appearance: Ashlyn stands at 5’7” with a curvaceous figured. She has thick black hair that...
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    Fix Me, Or Conflict Me

    Ashlyn still looked stunned as the ring slid into place on her finger. It was a perfect fit, almost as though it was made for her. She stared at it in surprise for a moment longer before looking back at Demyx. The joy on his face broke her, and she almost broke into tears on the spot. "You...
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    Fix Me, Or Conflict Me

    So much was so very wrong with this picture. A sick feeling of apprehension vanquished the satisfied, complete feeling that had previously enveloped her. When she saw the black box, Ashlyn's blue eyes popped open wide and she immediately sat up, pulling away from Demyx. Every part of her...
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    Fix Me, Or Conflict Me

    Two hours later, Ashlyn couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Her body was still trmblign from the onslaught of pleasure, and she was feeling so lazy. She was mroe than happy to stay curled against Demyx, under the safety of the covers. Her heart felt so full it could burst. Ashlyn's eyes were...