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  1. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed to Paris with love

    Visiting with Liesl was always an experience, ever since she'd handed Honey off to him she'd expected him to visit her at least once every six months. Not so much for an update on their child but for... well honestly sometimes Chrys wasn't entirely sure. He'd go and visit her in whatever city...
  2. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed inevitable

    There was a fine line, for Chrys, between neglect and being busy. Sometimes he wondered if he had made the right decision when he'd decided to mostly leave his children in the care of others. With Jett and Diamond it had made sense, because he'd really only done that for his love of his friend...
  3. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Seriously?

    Yep, it was official, everyone hated him. All of his friends had left, all of them. Elsie had died, Elio had f*cked off to somewhere with Rowan, so they’d both left. Sapphire had graduated though he wasn’t sure if she was even considered a friend after everything. Luna had transferred out, the...
  4. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Cat-like Tread

    It was inevitable, really, for Chrys to have a moment where he struggled to hold it together. When news of his friend's death had first reached him, he'd struggled to really pluck the correct emotion into his feelings and subsequently instead spent the time rationalising all of it to himself...
  5. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Little bit o' veela magic

    Being a veela had its perks, part of which was that if anyone decided to dress up as a veela for the funnies, Chrys would have been highly offended, but given that he, himself, was a veela, he saw absolutely no harm in playing it up a little. He could say whatever he wanted about veela and who...
  6. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed Badger got fangs

    Chrys was looking for Jenna, the only place he’d not yet looked was in the dungeons, because of course she’d be the last bloody place he looked. Why couldn’t she have been in the first place he looked? That would have made so much of everything easier. The people he was looking for had a...
  7. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Regrets

    Anyone who knew Chrys, knew he never went to the library. He was not the kind of person who studied (and let's be honest his grades definitely proved it), the only class he'd done well in was Transfiguration and given his father was an animagus, one could have been forgiven for suggesting he'd...
  8. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed Long needed

    There was no real reason why Chrys had chosen the trophy room to meet with Luna, except that he really did not want to be interrupted and people seemed to keep finding him everywhere else he was. This seemed like the only option to him and so he'd made it clear to Luna that he wanted to talk to...
  9. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Elegant

    Chrys hadn't dressed up especially for this. He didn't really see the point. He was already hot, no point causing people any harm by looking at him. So instead he was in a pair of ripped jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket. Okay, so it was a little bit greaser, but he liked the look and it...
  10. Chrysander Kaster

    Closed Toe the line

    Onyx has asked to meet at the Feast, which didn't worry Chrys since it gave him a chance to put some finishing touches on his outfit. Aleks had been distraught since Jackson had graduated and Chrys was kind of sick of being around her so he was glad that he didn't have to wait for Onyx at the...
  11. Chrysander Kaster

    Open Pouty Little Games

    Chrys was on the hunt for Aleks. It had been a week or more since he’d properly had a conversation with her and since they’d mutually decided to stay at school for the Christmas break, a rarity for sure, he thought it was high time he corner her and figure out what she was so damn happy about...