Seventh Years, Lesson Four

"Morning Seventh years, How is everyone?" He asked with his usual smile. "Today, we are focusing on the spell Deprimo, and for this we are heading outside." Misha ushered the class out of the room, and down to the lawn so that they could have some space to preform the spells. Well, that and he had once again gotten permission to corner off a part of the great lawn for the purposes of Charms. There he had set up large blocks of wood, that were a little smaller than him.

The Charms professor did not waste any time as he instructed the students to stand in front of their own block of wood. "Deprimo blasts a hole through the target object. You can use this spell on the floor, the wall- well, on pretty much anything." With that, Misha turned to his own block of wood, and cast the spell quickly, smiling happily as he did so. The spell blasted a hole through the wood. Which he thought was pretty impressive. "Practice as ever is the key to this spell, however once you feel you've got it, then you may leave. I'll be around to observe and answer any questions."

- RP the Lesson, attendance post is fine
Savannah walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room, though she wasn’t sat for very long before the professor had them getting up to leave the room and go outside for the spell. She followed everyone outside and then listened to what the professor was saying. She didn’t take any notes, feeling no need to and then the professor was letting them do the spell. She stood where she was supposed to and then practiced the spell, doing it over and over until it worked properly. THen she was able to practice it until the professor wrapped up the lesson and dismissed them.
Roo was glad that she was halfway through the semester. It was getting a little tiring, and the Ravenclaw just couldn't wait for the classes to be over. Whilst she felt content with all of her classes, she just wanted to be out exploring the castle before her time at Hogwarts inevitably ended, and that time was becoming uncomfortably closer. The prefect packed all of her belongings into her backpack and headed to her classes.

Ruto entered the Charms classroom and took a seat with her classmates. They weren't going to be inside for long however as the professor was quick to usher them all outside so that they could learn the next spell. They were going to be blasting holes through pieces of wood. This spell also seemed quite powerful. When instructed, the Ravenclaw took out her wand and pointed it towards the piece of wood that she stood in front of. "Deprimo." she said, imagining a large hole cut right through the middle of it. It didn't do anything at first, but after a few tries it did. It wasn't as large as the hole that the professor produced during the demonstration, but it was good enough. The teen knew she would have to practice this one again later if she could. She headed straight to her next class once dismissed.
The seventh year prefect was ready to just leave the school by now, but he still had several weeks left. Cassius Styx got ready in his dorm room and had his bag ready for the day. Cass wondered what Aubrie was up to right now, and hoped that she was thinking of him too. It would have been better if he had just gone out to Beauxbatons, but oh well. Cass looked at his schedule to make sure that he was heading to the right class. He did have several after all. Almost all of them. He dropped some over the years, but he lost interest in most of them. Cass still had some interest in the ones he had currently. That is why he grabbed his things and left the dorm to head to class without wasting time.

Cass entered the Charms classroom and settled in quickly. They would be going over the spell Deprimo, which would be going outside too. He got up and followed them outside - though he wondered why not just start the class outside than make students walk all over the damn place. Deprimo would blast a hole through the target. He practiced on the block of wood that they were given. This one did not take as long for Cass to make work for him. He wondered if there was a spell that he would fail at. He doubted it.

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