Closed playing in this fairground

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Hinata Edogawa

gymnast • finding my footing • bashful
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 12 Inch Swishy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hinata hadn't really know what to do. She'd already asked Horror if he wanted to accompany her to the Dance - both of them didn't have anyone to go with anyway, and she didn't think it was weird - not after she'd gone with Terror last year to the Yule Ball. And then she'd found Eli crying with the roses and she definitely did not want to leave him alone as much as possible so she'd practically begged him to go with her to the dance, so now she has two people with her to the dance. One was her little brother and the other her friend, and she hadn't actually told them about each other. There just hasn't been enough time! But hey, this could be a little Duelling Tournament celebration. She had won her Round 1 and Eli won his and Horror... well, the less said about his duel, the better. In any case, it was mostly a happy night and she was hoping that not being cooped up in his dorm or the Common Room would do Eli some good. Besides, Horror can't scold her tonight. She'd won her duel, Santiago didn't get any hits through, and she didn't hold back as he instructed. So, here she was, sitting on one of the small tables with Eli, sharing snacks and sweets between the two of them while she waited for Horror. Yep. Tonight was going to be a nice night.
Eli could not believe his sister. She wasn’t even in his house, and somehow she’d still managed to get him out of his RAVENCLAW common room. His HUFFLEPUFF sister. it was completely ridiculous to think that she was dragging him to the school dance on a day he really didn’t think he wanted to be around any people, regardless of who they were. How she’d even managed this was beyond him. It was one of those things he supposed he would never know the answer too and so he’d just tagged along for something to do even though he’d specifically told her he wasn’t going to go. Ah, sisters. “Hina-Nee, what do you want to do?”
Normally, one would not catch Horror Zhefarovich dead at a Valentine's Dance, but somehow, he ended up arriving at the dance, dressed in all black of course. He approached Hinata, who decided to bring him along tonight, and then saw someone a lot shorter. Wait, if she brought someone, why did he have to be there too? He looked to the two of them, and raised an eyebrow, "Am I really needed here?" Horror sat down at the seat next to his Hufflepuff... Friend? Companion? Date? He didn't know what the hell this was. He thought that the younger boy looked similar to Hinata, and assumed that they were related.
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