Sisterly Love

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon was looking forward to his next delivery. He quite liked June, despite knowing what most of her classmates thought of her. She cared for her sisters (mostly) and was loyal to her family. He had no reason to dislike her. With his basket of roses gripped tightly, Landon spent quite a bit looking for the familiar head of blonde hair. Oddly enough, she was difficult to find that day, and so Landon thought that perhaps she was in the library studying. After all, she was a very hard worker. As he walked along the fourth floor corridor towards the library, he beamed as he managed to spot her walking past. "June! How has your day been?"

@June Davenport
June had been spending some time like every other day in the library. She figured to take an short break and stretch her legs. And made her way out, not paying attention to what was going on around her she tossed her hair back and suddenly heard someone calling her name. When she looked beside her her heart raced as she noticed the person she disliked the most in this whole school. Even more than Vanity and Moaning Morrie. She kept her face in line and had mixed feelings about this.
'' Hello Professor.'' she greeted him with an quick smile. '' Busy, I was just stretching my legs an bit from studying.'' She answered. But had no idea why he was here now. But than she saw an basket of roses, was he delivering one? That was strange.
'' You delivering roses I see?'' June asked him.
Landon nodded as June said she was busy. "Well, I won't keep you for long!" he exclaimed, reaching into his basket for her rose to confirm that he was in fact delivering them. He pulled out a bright yellow rose and held it out to her. It had a note attached to its stem. "This one is for you. Happy Valentine's Day!"

Yellow Rose said:
Dear June,

I'm so glad we are sisters again.. I would love to hang out soon and spend time with Tessaria too. You will like her.. I think,

June was glad Landon didn't seem to want to stay around for long. And took the yellow rose from him. She hated the colour yellow though, but was curious from who this was. '' Thanks Professor.'' The blonde replied. And quickly read the note. How strange this was from Camille and Landon gave it, did he read it or something the blonde questioned. '' It's from Camille, so sweet.'' the blonde said, wanting to see an reaction of him.

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