🌹 Rose Giving perfect recipe for tea

Eoghan Blyth

☽ The Tower isn't always bad ☾ ᴄᴀʀᴛᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇʀ XVIII
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
06/51 (12)
It had been Felix that pointed him in the direction of his next recipient. After spending some time in the Great Hall, he'd been recalling those on his list of people to visit that morning when the Gryffindor had told him he knew one of them. Eoghan wasn't sure why this had to be so awkward to track people down though, honestly it would have helped if people were wearing name badges. "Are you Finley?" he was asking those smaller than him. Then again, the Ravenclaw was tall for his age so half the school was smaller than him.

@Finley Mackintosh Baros
Finley watched as an older student went looking for him and when he approached another of the first years, he laughed and tugged on the guys robes. "Nah, he's not, but I am, you got a rose for me?"
Eoghan frowned when another student tried to pretend to be Finley, but for all the Ravenclaw knew, the second boy was the liar. "Well which one of you is it, because I'm only giving this to the real Baros?" he asked, glancing between the pair. Typical Gryffindors always making things harder than they needed to be. It was obvious he was a relative to Felix, because he too thought it was funny to make things more awkward for people to just get on and live their lives. "Tell me something about Felix to prove it."
Finley couldn't believe the boy didn't believe him. Did people make a habit of just pretending to be other people to get roses? Well if he was really Felix's friend, shouldn't he have known Finley? Hold on... did Felix not talk about Finley? He spoke about Felix all the time! Did Felix have friends that didn't know him just by sight? That was a little hurtful actually. He would have to have words with him. "It's me, why would I pretend to be someone I'm not?" Would this boy know he could talk to snakes? Felix knew he could because everyone knew, shouldn't that be enough to prove it? "Felix is in Gryffindor." He answered instead, because he wasn't sure why he was even explaining himself to this boy.​
"I don't know, but he did," Eoghan retorted, nodding his head at the other student who'd pretended to be him. "I told me to prove it. Anyone would know Felix is in Gryffindor," or at least, anyone from this house probably would. "Try again," he told the boy, hoping that he'd give him something to show that he was who he said he was.
Unbelievable. Finley looked at the other Gryffindor who was now wisely choosing to leave as he glared at him. This older boy was making him play twenty questions for his rose? Clearly Felix needed new friends. "You didn't say it needed to be privileged information!" He argued, folding his arms across his chest in defiance, but still thinking about what exactly he could say that would help this - he thought they were supposed to be smart? - dumb Ravenclaw. "His middle name is Wolf," he said eventually, staring at the older boy as if he dared to ask him yet another question.​
Eoghan sighed, getting tired of this first year. Definitely took after the Layton's. "No, but I said you had to prove it and I'm still waiting," at this rate Finley would be lucky to get his rose at all. Eoghan paused as Finley offered up another piece of information to prove he knew Felix, although unfortunately for the Ravenclaw he had no idea if this was true. Sure he knew Felix, but he wasn't exactly his friend. Was his middle name Wolf? Not wanting to admit his ignorance to Finley, Eoghan simply held the rose out to him, "Fine." Whether or not it was true, at least Finley had tried to give him something that not many people would know, including Eoghan apparently.
Thank you for being my friend! :) Also give Lemon loads of kisses and pets for me! <3
- Nia
Finley took the rose, almost surprised that he didn't ask him for his exact shoe measurement or something. He wouldn't have been surprised at all. Clearly he needed to have a chat to Felix about his friends and Teddy about the kind of people he was letting deliver. He hadn't realised he had to play a quiz to get something that was supposed to be given to him anyway. He took the rose and looked down at the note - Ah Nia. Somehow the fact he'd had to fight for this rose seemed very on brand for her, even if she didn't plan it. "Thanks, for giving me my rose." Finley knew that if he had to deliver a rose to this boy next year - he would not be delivering it.​
What was it with first years and their attitudes? "You're welcome I didn't give it to someone pretending to be you," perhaps today it was just a rose. Tomorrow? Fraud. Before Finley could act as though Eoghan was the problem here and not the Gryffindor that had tried to mess up his deliveries, the second year turned on his heel and headed back the way he came, hoping that Felix wouldn't ask him for what he'd thought of his cousin.

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